@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
Player Aids
These are the player aids I currently use. Some have been posted previously in earlier versions in another thread, but I want to gather everything under the ‘1936’ subforum.
Expansions used:
Winter War
Turkey at War
I have switched to a magnetic board for some of the ‘add-on’ content.
Tech Tracker
Turn Tracker
These are also meant to be used on a magnetic board
IPP Tracker
Poster with all units and Victory Points as well as Turkey Influence Tracker
Politics. Neutrals. Hard for new players, especially if coming from A&A.
Everything on one page.- Who is covered by the Monroe Doctrine
- PAN American
- How many IPP are they worth
- Who can attack
- Which Major nation get Bonus Points
- Which are included in Victory Points
- What happens when they are attacked
- When/if do they align