Next British & Italian Empires versus German Empire.
Round One: GE. builds fighter, 2 transports, sub., &, C. This will be a naval war with landings(if possible). Moves fleet from Home Waters to British Home Waters off London, subs. in Sea Zone 5 also. Battle off London, BB & 2 C and 2 subs., versus, Brit. BB & 2 C and transport, all lost. While subs. in Sea Zone 7 go to off Canada, &, fighter goes from Berlin to Kiel. Battle off Canada 2 subs., versus, C & transport. Losses all.
Perhaps all subs. off London, would have left survivors to control Brit. Home Waters, at least for now no reinforcements from Canada.
In Africa undefended Brit. Nigeria & Goldcoast taken over by troopers from Togoland & Kamerun. The colonies fall!
British Empire builds fighter, 2 subs., &, BB. Moves guns & troops on Home Island to cover the coastline from any sea invasion. Moves Cruisers from Egypt & India to Home waters, while BB & transport(with trooper & gun) from India heads for East Africa. Trooper from Sudan & Egypt head for British East Africa.
BB & transport(trooper & gun) from India heads for E. Africa.
Italy builds BB, &, C goes to join Brits. home fleet(BB & transport with trooper & gun heads for W. Africa).
Round Two: GE. builds fighter, C, &, 2 BBs. Also fighter moves to Kiel. In Africa troopers in captured Brit. colonies hunker down in Togoland.
Great Britain builds fighter, C & BB. Moves reinforcements into coastlines of Home Islands, &, C arrives off London(another C from India outside of Spanish coastline). Egyptian transport(trooper & gun) arrives off Atlantic side of Spain.
Two troopers from Brit. East Africa invade GE. East Africa(defended by a trooper). Losses trooper each side, colony falls! Trooper from Rhodesia goes to S. Africa, while from India a BB & transport(trooper & gun) arrives off it.
Italy builds BB. Moves C to off London, &, BB leaves Rome for coast off London. BB & transport arrives off Togoland, lands trooper & gun versus the defending GE. 2 troopers. Losses Allies trooper & Axis all(one trooper taken out by BB’s shelling).
Round Three: GE. builds fighter, 2 BBs, &, transport. Moves a fighter from Berlin to Kiel.
British Empire builds 2 fighters, submarine, &, BB. Moves C to Home Waters & transport leaves trooper & gun in Wales. Trooper goes from Sudan to Brit. East Africa, and, another trooper goes from GE. East Africa to Rhodesia.
From South Africa 2 troopers & gun enter GE. SW. Africa, versus, defending GE. trooper & gun. Losses Allies a trooper & Axis all. A BB & transport drops off, in undefended Kamerun, a trooper & gun. Both colonies fall!
Italy builds sub. & C, moves BB to off Wales. From Togoland Italian trooper liberates undefended Gold Coast. Also BB off Gold Coast heads for British Home Waters.
Round Four: GE. builds 2 BBs, fighter, &, tank. Needs to move fleet to Brit. Home Waters, control it, and, take over/contest part of the islands, and, keep it for negotiations at the peace table(mine losses are one damaged BB). Air Battle 2 fighters versus Brit. 4 fighters, losses for air duel Axis a fighter, &, Allies all. Meanwhile at sea 2 fighters, 4 BB(one damaged), 2C & 2subs. & 2transports(each a trooper & gun), versus, Italian C & British 3C & 3subs. & 3BB. Losses only GE. damaged BB & 2 transports remain that land forces in London.
Battle for London 2 troopers & 2 guns, versus, British 4 troopers(one lost to shelling) & 2 guns(no hits defending guns). Losses Axis gun & trooper & Allies 3 troopers(one due to BB shelling) & gun. London is contested only!
B.E. goes and builds fighter, 2 subs., &, BB. Moves shuttling 2 troopers & gun to Yorkshire, &, from latter trooper & gun into London. Also from Wales 2 troopers & gun into London. Battle 4 troopers & 3 guns, versus, GE. trooper & gun. Losses Allies trooper & Axis all, London is uncontested!
Off Wales transport goes to Canada, BB & transport(trooper & gun) leaves S. Africa & heads for Great Britain. Trooper & gun liberate Nigeria entering from Kamerun. Also trooper arrives in GE. East Africa from Brits. East Africa.
Italy builds C & submarine. A transport leaves Gold Coast with trooper bound for Wales. BB arrives off Wales & another BB arrives off London. Combat BB vs. damaged GE. BB & 2 transports. Losses all Allies & Axis 2 transports.
Tit for Tat, the Allies will find it hard to ever invade GE. by sea, &, the latter has invaded the Brits. Island but failed to stay the complete round. Of course naval dominance for the N. Sea flip flops from one side to another. GE. agreed to never land in London again(or any part of Brit. islands), &, keep its fleet only in the North Atlantic area(as long as she gets Kamerun back). Of course the Allies can refuse and spend forever to try to get a decent landing in Germany. Italy & Brit. keep a GE. colony each, and, split one between themselves.
Naval forces left Axis 3 BB(one damaged) & Allies Italy sub. & C & BB & transport, and, Brits. 2 subs, 2 BB & 2 transports.
IPCs lost units, Infantry Allies & Axis seven each, guns 4 & 1, fighters 3 & 4, transports two each, subs. 5 & 3, C 4 & 7, &, BB 4 & 5.