If SBR is what you want then the US is much better equipped to handle the task. Use UK support russia while the US depletes German income. Also the US’s economy is pretty secure where the UK’s income tends to go up and down because their terriotry is much harder to defend.
Posts made by Axis4life
RE: Engalnd: 2 bomber buy?
RE: German Builds
I can now see the early ART purchases. You don’t want to over extend yourself too early as Germany and builds of INF and ART assure that doesn’t happen. Once you have the infantry I would recommend tanks for versitility. Their ability to move 2 spaces means you can pretty much bounce them from front to front, wherever the Allies are building up.
RE: Sea zones
It’s hard enough to get the allies to battle when the ships can move 2 spaces. If they could only move one things would never get going.
RE: All tapped out for strategies? Is it Game Over?
Calculations, odds, and percentages of being victorius are great until Lady Luck strikes. I’m sure everyone has played in games where they have seen a mathmatically superior force get crushed. I’ve seen Japan send 1 INF and 5 FIG into India against 1 INF only to lose 4 FIG to AA fire. It’s the little things like that which make the game fun and I agree with Jennifer if it gets boring try something new.
RE: German Builds
Honestly I rarely purchase ART. for some reason I always see land units in terms of ARM for offense and INF for defense. Those purchase look good but I would probably be inclined to buy more tanks.
RE: German strategy for building AC
Thanks for the link I will definately check it out.
RE: Japan counters to a West Russia stack
A well played Germany makes any allied strat difficult to pull off. The allies have to have a solid focused strat in order to have a chance. If the Allies are just trading WE with Germany it is not good but if Germany is focused on keepin gthe US/UK out then Russia has a little more breathing room.
RE: Japan counters to a West Russia stack
I like the idea of a 1,2,3 allied push but a WE invasion forces Germany to fight on 2 fronts. I don’t like the idea of Germany going full force in one direction.
Just an aside for multi-player games (what I usually play) all the allies combining forces on one front is a logistical nightmare. I am sure it is different when you control all the pieces.
RE: All tapped out for strategies? Is it Game Over?
There are always little things you can do that can have a big impact on the outcome of the game. While all the major strats have been dissected over and over, there is always a luck factor that makes me think Game On.
RE: German strategy for building AC
I always assume as Germany that I will lose the baltic fleet at some point. I don’t see how the UK destroying early equals an “instant loss”. I have not read the Caspian papers so if you could enlighten me I would be obliged. It may make me rethink the way I make my purchases as Germany.
RE: R1 - To Defend ARC or LEN or not?
I agree the southern route is the best for Germany. Once Caucasus is firmly held by Germany Moscow doesn’t last long. However the southern route takes you through German territory which you already recieve for. Go North you take Russian money and make a UK northern landing a battle, instead off them just landing troops to reinforce Russia while you put the hurting on Moscow.
RE: Japan counters to a West Russia stack
I don’t think that the Allies going through N. Africa forces Germany to attack Russia quicker, it allows Germany to attack Russia quicker. If the US sends its forces through Africa that means US troops aren’t landing in Western Europe. So Germany should step up the attack on Russia because their income isn’t going to recieve the boost from Africa. So looking at the map the most logical way to increase the German income is to take Russian territory, hard and fast.
RE: Japan counters to a West Russia stack
If the Allies do take the N. Afican route it takes some time. So if I am Germany and I see the allies securing N. Africa I am building more tanks than usual and pound Russia into submission as fast as possible. I would hope that japan could block the Allies 1 turn or 2 in Persia.
RE: Japan counters to a West Russia stack
Also a strong allied presence in Africa early, perhaps both a UK and US landing in Algeria, forces Germany to allocate precious resources if they want to supplement their IPC’s with the UK’s. If both the UK and US drop a R1 load in Algeria you are looking at 3-4 inf 2 ARM and 1 ART ready to go. Not the largest army in the game but enough to make Germany think about not taking Africa.
RE: R1 - To Defend ARC or LEN or not?
Ahh but Jennifer you are not factoring pride. I just played a 5 man game and the Russian player, who is inexperienced, pretty much committed suicide by running their largest army into a stack of 25 german INF and 6 ARM. Why? he just didn’t like the US “babysitter” telling him what moves to make. It was a cheap win for the Axis but with the group I play with pride and ego ruin as many allied strats as bad dice.
RE: German strategy for building AC
I have seen that purchase made and it is effective. I generally go with the AC to save 8 IPC, have a better chance of taking something down with me, and because Germany taking London is tough.
RE: R1 - To Defend ARC or LEN or not?
jennifer you’re right. It is bad mojo to let the russians have Norway. When I write it off it is usually to the UK. The UK is usually so strapped for cash they convince the other allies that they need it most. Most times they are right.r
RE: Japan counters to a West Russia stack
You’re right Jennifer I was discounting the N orth African route because the group of guys I play with don’t typically use it. However I think that one of Japans greatest strengths is that you can see everything coming a couple of turns in advance. I think if I saw a rather large syack of US/UK units in Algeria I would be able to adjust my avenues of approach on moscow to limit that stacks effectiveness. Maybe not who knows thats what makes the game fun.
Even with the UK and US dropping units in Africa Japan can build a force to counter them and still take IPC’s from the UK and RUS. So japan would have more money to allocate to stopping that advance plus the JPN IC’s are closer to the action. The US and UK have to shuttle their troops by TRN. Advantage JPN.
RE: German strategy for building AC
Yeah I would keep it in the baltic. Moving it out of the baltic tends to make your fleet sink faster. Just have it there and make the allies destroy it.
RE: German strategy for building AC
Yes in the baltic. The only time I would build ships in the Med is if my strategy called for me going heavy into Africa but the Baltic fleet is much more effective at stalling the UK and US.