@Avner Feel free! I did just to speed up the game. Sorry because I forget to write!

Best posts made by Caesar1
RE: Total World War 3.0 7 players
RE: Total World War 3.0 7 players
TripleA Turn Summary: Finland round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 3 Reconnaissance Missions - Finland Finland collect 0 PUs; end with 7 PUs Reinforcing - DanubeAxis DanubeAxis collect 0 PUs; end with 12 PUs Counter Intelligence Operations - VichyFrance VichyFrance collect 0 PUs; end with 15 PUs Research Technology - Germany Germany rolls : 0/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Combat Move - Germany Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Some non-combat units are destroyed: Trigger germanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger germanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank Trigger germanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanTank 1 germanFighter moved from Finland to 29 Sea Zone 1 germanFighter moved from Eastern Finland to 29 Sea Zone 1 germanNavalFighter moved from Eastern Finland to 29 Sea Zone 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Lativa Estonia to 29 Sea Zone 1 germanFighter and 2 germanStrategicBombers moved from Lativa Estonia to 29 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from Kharkov to Voronezh 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Kharkov to Stalingrad Combat - Germany Strategic bombing raid in Stalingrad Bombing raid in Stalingrad rolls: 1 and causes: 1 damage to unit: Rail Bombing raid in Stalingrad causes 1 damage total. Battle in 29 Sea Zone Germany attack with 3 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber Russia defend with 1 russianCruiser, 1 russianSubmarine and 1 russianTransport Germany roll DepthChargeAttack dice in 29 Sea Zone : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Germany roll dice for 3 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 2 germanStrategicBombers and 1 germanTacticalBomber in 29 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.83 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 russianCruiser and 1 russianTransport in 29 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.58 expected hits 1 germanStrategicBomber owned by the Germany lost in 29 Sea Zone 1 russianTransport owned by the Russia and 1 russianSubmarine owned by the Russia lost in 29 Sea Zone Germany roll dice for 3 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber in 29 Sea Zone, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 russianCruiser in 29 Sea Zone, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 germanFighter owned by the Germany lost in 29 Sea Zone 1 russianCruiser owned by the Russia lost in 29 Sea Zone Germany win with 2 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Germany: 1 germanFighter and 1 germanStrategicBomber Casualties for Russia: 1 russianCruiser, 1 russianSubmarine and 1 russianTransport Battle in Voronezh Germany attack with 1 germanInfantry Russia defend with 1 Flagpole, 1 russianAirfield and 1 russianInfantry Germany roll dice for 1 germanInfantry in Voronezh, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Russia roll dice for 1 russianInfantry in Voronezh, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.25 expected hits 1 russianInfantry owned by the Russia lost in Voronezh Some non-combat units are destroyed: Germany win, taking Voronezh from Russia with 1 germanInfantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Russia: 1 russianInfantry Non Combat Move - Germany Trigger germanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger IncomeRegulationVichy1: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachmentYesVichy attached to VichyFrance Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Germany for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger germanProd: Germany has 1 Material placed in Berlin 2 germanFighters, 1 germanNavalFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from 29 Sea Zone to Lativa Estonia 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 7 germanInfantrys moved from Lithuania to Lativa Estonia 1 germanAntiAirGun, 2 germanArtillerys, 5 germanInfantrys and 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Belorussia to Lativa Estonia 2 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Germany to 27 Sea Zone 2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanTransport moved from 27 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone 2 germanInfantrys moved from 29 Sea Zone to Lativa Estonia 1 Train and 2 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Germany to Poland 1 Material and 1 Train moved from Poland to Western Ukraine 1 germanAirTransport, 2 germanAntiTankGuns, 2 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 6 germanInfantrys, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanTank moved from Kharkov to Eastern Ukraine 2 germanInfantrys moved from Western Ukraine to Kharkov 1 germanAntiTankGun moved from Orel Kursk to Kharkov 1 germanArtillery moved from Orel Kursk to Kharkov 1 germanInfantry moved from Poland to Lithuania 1 germanTank moved from Hungary Slovakia to Lithuania 1 Truck moved from Western Ukraine to Hungary Slovakia 1 Train moved from Western Ukraine to Hungary Slovakia 1 germanInfantry moved from Romania to Hungary Slovakia 1 Truck moved from Bessarabia to Eastern Poland 1 germanParatrooper moved from Orel Kursk to Kharkov 1 germanParatrooper moved from Northern Norway to Northern Finland 1 Material, 1 Truck, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanInfantry moved from Eastern Finland to Northern Finland 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 2 germanInfantrys moved from Central Norway to Northern Norway 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Finland to Northern Finland 1 germanBattleship-damaged moved from 15 Sea Zone to 14 Sea Zone 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanArtillery and 6 germanInfantrys moved from Northern Germany to Western Germany 1 Train moved from Northern Germany to Western Germany 1 Train and 2 germanInfantrys moved from Western Germany to Poland 1 Material moved from Vichy France to 47 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from Northern Italy to 47 Sea Zone 1 Material, 1 germanDestroyer, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanTransport moved from 47 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone 1 Material moved from 48 Sea Zone to Tripolitania 1 germanInfantry moved from 48 Sea Zone to Tripolitania 2 germanInfantrys moved from Tunisia to Tripolitania 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanInfantry moved from Cyrenaica to Tobruk 1 Truck, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanFighter, 3 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks moved from Tobruk to Western Egypt 1 germanCombatEngineer and 2 germanInfantrys moved from West Africa to French West Africa 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Stalingrad to Eastern Ukraine Purchase Units - Germany Germany buy 1 Material, 1 germanFactory, 10 germanInfantrys and 5 germanTanks; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 3 techTokens; Place Units - Germany 4 germanInfantrys placed in Eastern Germany 4 germanInfantrys placed in Berlin 4 germanTanks placed in Western Germany 2 germanInfantrys placed in Northern Germany Turn Complete - Germany Germany collect 67 PUs; end with 69 PUs Units generate 3 techTokens; Germany end with 6 techTokens Units Change Ownership Some Units in French West Africa change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer Some Units in Hungary Slovakia change ownership: 1 Material and 1 germanCombatEngineer Some Units in Northern Finland change ownership: 1 Material and 1 germanCombatEngineer Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 2 Materials Purchase Units - VichyFrance Trigger VichyMaterial: 1 Material gained by PlayerId named:VichyFrance VichyFrance buy nothing; Remaining resources: 15 PUs; Place Units - VichyFrance 3 germanInfantrys placed in Vichy France Turn Complete - VichyFrance VichyFrance collect 19 PUs; end with 34 PUs Objective Algeria: VichyFrance met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 32 PUs Objective Morrocco: VichyFrance met a national objective for an additional -2 PUs; end with 30 PUs Units Change Ownership Some Units in French West Africa change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 2 Materials and 3 germanInfantrys Purchase Units - DanubeAxis DanubeAxis buy nothing; Remaining resources: 12 PUs; Place Units - DanubeAxis 1 germanMech.Infantry placed in Hungary Slovakia Turn Complete - DanubeAxis DanubeAxis collect 12 PUs; end with 24 PUs Some Units in Hungary Slovakia change ownership: 1 Material, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanMech.Infantry Purchase Units - Finland Finland buy 2 germanInfantrys; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Place Units - Finland 2 germanInfantrys placed in Finland Turn Complete - Finland Finland collect 7 PUs; end with 8 PUs Units Change Ownership Some Units in Finland change ownership: 2 germanInfantrys Some Units in Northern Finland change ownership: 1 Material and 1 germanCombatEngineer
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany regular : 1.33 Germany DepthChargeAttack : -0.17 Germany rolls : 0.00 Russia regular : 0.67
Territory Summary for DanubeAxis, Finland, Germany and VichyFrance :
13 Sea Zone : 1 flag 14 Sea Zone : 1 germanBattleship-damaged 15 Sea Zone : 1 flag 27 Sea Zone : 1 germanHull 29 Sea Zone : 1 germanTransport 44 Sea Zone : 1 vichyBattleship, 1 vichyCruiser, 2 vichyDestroyers, 2 vichySubmarines and 1 vichyTransport 48 Sea Zone : 1 germanDestroyer and 1 germanTransport 64 Sea Zone : 2 germanSubmarines, 1 germanTransport, 1 vichyBattleship and 1 vichyDestroyer Al Kufrah : 1 germanAntiAirGun Algeria : 1 Flagpole, 1 Protectorate, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAirfield Austria : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanBarracks Belorussia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAirfield Berlin : 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 2 Rails, 1 ResearchCenter, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanBarracks and 4 germanInfantrys Bessarabia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanArtillery Bohemia Moravia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAirfield Bulgaria : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail Central Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAntiAirGun Copenhagen : 1 Flagpole and 1 germanAirfield Corsica : 1 Flagpole Crete : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanParatrooper Crimea : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanTank Denmark : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanEntrenchment and 1 germanInfantry Eastern Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 2 germanAntiAirGuns, 1 germanEntrenchment and 2 germanFortifications Eastern France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 Truck, 1 germanAntiTankGun and 1 germanInfantry Eastern French Africa : 1 Flagpole Eastern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 4 germanInfantrys Eastern Poland : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Truck and 1 germanAirfield Eastern Ukraine : 1 germanAirTransport, 2 germanAntiTankGuns, 2 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 6 germanInfantrys, 1 germanMech.Infantry, 1 germanTacticalBomber and 1 germanTank Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 2 germanInfantrys French Central Africa : 1 Flagpole French Guyana : 1 Flagpole French Indochina : 1 Flagpole French West Africa : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 2 germanInfantrys Hungary Slovakia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 2 Rails, 1 Train, 1 Truck, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 1 germanFactory, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanMech.Infantry Kharkov : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanArtillery, 2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanParatrooper Lativa Estonia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Truck, 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 6 germanArtillerys, 2 germanCombatEngineers, 2 germanFighters, 18 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 1 germanParatrooper, 1 germanStrategicBomber, 1 germanTacticalBomber and 5 germanTanks Lithuania : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanTank Low Countries : 1 Flagpole, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanEntrenchment Madagascar : 1 Flagpole, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanInfantry Morrocco : 1 Flagpole, 1 Protectorate, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanEntrenchment Northern Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 Truck, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 2 germanEntrenchments, 1 germanInfantry, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanParatrooper Northern France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment Northern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 2 germanAirfields, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFortification and 2 germanInfantrys Northern Italy : 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanInfantry Northern Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Truck, 1 germanAirfield, 2 germanAlpineInfantrys, 2 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 2 germanInfantrys Northern Yugoslavia : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment Orel Kursk : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanAntiAirGun Paris : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 1 germanFighter, 3 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMarines, 1 germanMech.Infantry, 1 germanNavalFighter and 1 germanTank Pinsk Marshes : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole Poland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield and 4 germanInfantrys Romania : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks and 1 germanDocks Southern Algeria : 1 Flagpole Southern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment Southern Ukraine : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail Southwestern Algeria : 1 Flagpole Tobruk : 1 Material, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanInfantry Tripolitania : 1 Material and 3 germanInfantrys Tunisia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAntiAirGun Vichy France : 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory, 3 germanInfantrys and 1 germanMech.Infantry Voronezh : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry West Africa : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAirfield Western Egypt : 1 Truck, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanFighter, 3 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks Western France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanDocks and 1 germanEntrenchment Western Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 2 germanAirfields, 2 germanAntiAirGuns, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanEntrenchment, 1 germanFactory, 6 germanInfantrys and 4 germanTanks Western Ukraine : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 1 Rail and 1 germanAntiTankGun
Production/PUs Summary :
Germany : 67 / 69 VichyFrance : 19 / 30 DanubeAxis : 12 / 24 Finland : 7 / 8 Russia : 63 / 68 Brazil : 7 / 0 Japan : 73 / 73 Manchuria : 10 / 10 Thailand : 7 / 7 China : 16 / 16 Spain : 8 / 0 Britain : 38 / 44 Canada : 15 / 15 ExiledAllies : 23 / 13 Egypt : 8 / 9 SouthAfrica : 7 / 8 India : 13 / 13 Australia : 17 / 25 Sweden : 7 / 0 Italy : 30 / 34 Usa : 68 / 68 Turkey : 7 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 16 times 2 was rolled 21 times 3 was rolled 12 times 4 was rolled 20 times 5 was rolled 21 times 6 was rolled 23 times 7 was rolled 23 times 8 was rolled 22 times 9 was rolled 22 times 10 was rolled 12 times 11 was rolled 27 times 12 was rolled 20 times Average roll : 6.732 Median : 7.000 Variance : 0.928 Standard Deviation : 0.963 Total rolls : 239 Null / Other 1 was rolled 4 times 2 was rolled 5 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 3 times 5 was rolled 5 times 6 was rolled 3 times 7 was rolled 6 times 8 was rolled 4 times 9 was rolled 2 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 3 times 12 was rolled 4 times Average roll : 6.220 Median : 6.000 Variance : 0.673 Standard Deviation : 0.820 Total rolls : 41 Manchuria Combat 1 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 1.000 Median : 1.000 Variance : ∞ Standard Deviation : ∞ Total rolls : 1 Neutral Combat 7 was rolled 3 times 8 was rolled 1 times 9 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 8.167 Median : 7.500 Variance : 1.800 Standard Deviation : 1.342 Total rolls : 6 Usa Combat 2 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 1 times 8 was rolled 2 times 9 was rolled 2 times 10 was rolled 3 times 11 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 6.714 Median : 8.000 Variance : 1.513 Standard Deviation : 1.230 Total rolls : 14 ExiledAllies Combat 3 was rolled 1 times 7 was rolled 1 times 10 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 6.667 Median : 7.000 Variance : 1.125 Standard Deviation : 1.061 Total rolls : 3 Japan Combat 1 was rolled 1 times 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 3 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 9 times 7 was rolled 2 times 8 was rolled 3 times 9 was rolled 5 times 10 was rolled 3 times 11 was rolled 5 times 12 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 7.079 Median : 6.500 Variance : 1.559 Standard Deviation : 1.248 Total rolls : 38 Egypt Combat 8 was rolled 1 times 9 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 8.500 Median : 8.500 Variance : 1.667 Standard Deviation : 1.291 Total rolls : 2 Britain Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 3 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 3 times 8 was rolled 1 times 9 was rolled 5 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 5 times 12 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 6.967 Median : 7.000 Variance : 0.931 Standard Deviation : 0.965 Total rolls : 30 Russia Combat 1 was rolled 2 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 5 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 2 times 7 was rolled 3 times 8 was rolled 5 times 9 was rolled 2 times 11 was rolled 5 times 12 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 6.528 Median : 6.500 Variance : 1.086 Standard Deviation : 1.042 Total rolls : 36 China Combat 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 1 times 7 was rolled 1 times 8 was rolled 1 times 9 was rolled 2 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 2 times 12 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 7.529 Median : 8.000 Variance : 0.432 Standard Deviation : 0.657 Total rolls : 17 Finland Combat 7 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 9.000 Median : 9.000 Variance : 1.667 Standard Deviation : 1.291 Total rolls : 2 Italy Combat 1 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 1 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 1 times 12 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 7.375 Median : 8.000 Variance : 0.667 Standard Deviation : 0.816 Total rolls : 8 Germany Combat 1 was rolled 4 times 2 was rolled 5 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 3 times 5 was rolled 5 times 6 was rolled 3 times 7 was rolled 6 times 8 was rolled 4 times 9 was rolled 2 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 3 times 12 was rolled 4 times Average roll : 6.220 Median : 6.000 Variance : 0.673 Standard Deviation : 0.820 Total rolls : 41
RE: Post League Game Results Here
OOB Ceasar1 L+34 over cwglee X due to inactivity
RE: Total World War 3.0 7 players
TripleA Turn Summary: Finland round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 5 Reconnaissance Missions - Finland Finland collect 0 PUs; end with 9 PUs Reinforcing - DanubeAxis DanubeAxis collect 0 PUs; end with 13 PUs Counter Intelligence Operations - VichyFrance VichyFrance collect 0 PUs; end with 11 PUs Research Technology - Germany Trigger germanaTIM: Germany gains access to ImprovedMechanization Trigger germanaTISW: Germany gains access to ImprovedSpecialWarfare Germany spend 0 on tech rolls Germany rolls : 1/1 hits, 0.00 expected hits Germany removing all Technology Tokens after successful research. Germany discover Logistics Combat Move - Germany Trigger germanSW5: Setting combatOffenseEffect to 2:germanCombatEngineer for territoryEffectAttachment attached to Urban Trigger germanSW6: Setting combatOffenseEffect to 2:germanAlpineInfantry for territoryEffectAttachment attached to Mountain Trigger germanSW4: Setting combatOffenseEffect to 2:germanAlpineInfantry for territoryEffectAttachment attached to Hills Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger germanMecht4: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger germanHvyTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank Trigger germanTank2: Setting isLandTransportable to true for unitAttachment attached to germanTank 1 germanTransport moved from 51 Sea Zone to 53 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from Crete to 53 Sea Zone 1 germanParatrooper moved from Crete to 53 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from 53 Sea Zone to Trans Jordan 1 germanParatrooper moved from 53 Sea Zone to Trans Jordan 1 germanInfantry moved from Murmansk to Western Karelia Finland take Western Karelia from Russia Combat - Germany Battle in Trans Jordan Non Combat Move - Germany Trigger germanMecht1: Setting isLandTransport to true for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger IncomeRegulationVichy1: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachmentYesVichy attached to VichyFrance Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting isInfrastructure to true for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting attack to 0 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra2: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy to FROM:Germany for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanMecht2: Setting isLandTransport to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry Trigger germanProd: Germany has 1 Material placed in Berlin 1 Truck moved from Lativa Estonia to Lithuania 1 germanCombatEngineer moved from Eastern Poland to Western Ukraine 1 germanCombatEngineer moved from Pskov to Belorussia 1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Western Ukraine to Belorussia 1 Train moved from Western Ukraine to Western Germany 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 6 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 17 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanParatrooper and 6 germanTanks moved from Pskov to Lativa Estonia 1 germanInfantry moved from Orel Kursk to Pskov 1 germanTank moved from Orel Kursk to Lativa Estonia 1 Truck, 2 germanFighters, 4 germanInfantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Lithuania to Lativa Estonia 1 germanInfantry moved from Belorussia to Lativa Estonia 1 germanArtillery moved from Orel Kursk to Belorussia 1 germanAntiTankGun moved from Orel Kursk to Belorussia 4 germanInfantrys moved from Poland to Lithuania 2 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Germany to 27 Sea Zone 2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanTransport moved from 27 Sea Zone to 29 Sea Zone 2 germanInfantrys moved from 29 Sea Zone to Lativa Estonia 2 germanTanks moved from Hungary Slovakia to Lithuania 4 germanTanks moved from Bohemia Moravia to Lithuania 3 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Poland to Belorussia 1 Train moved from Eastern Poland to Berlin 2 Materials and 1 Train moved from Berlin to Poland 3 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern Germany to Poland 4 germanTanks moved from Western Germany to Eastern Germany 1 Material and 1 Truck moved from Eastern France to Eastern Germany 1 germanFighter moved from Eastern Germany to Lativa Estonia 1 germanNavalFighter moved from Eastern Germany to Northern Finland 2 germanInfantrys moved from Northern Finland to Murmansk 2 Trucks, 2 germanAlpineInfantrys, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanParatrooper moved from Northern Norway to Northern Finland 1 germanInfantry moved from Finland to Eastern Finland 1 germanArtillery moved from Finland to Eastern Finland 1 germanTank moved from Kharkov to Belorussia 1 germanFighter moved from Hungary Slovakia to Lativa Estonia 1 germanStrategicBomber moved from Southern Germany to Lativa Estonia 1 germanTank moved from Paris to Southern Germany 4 germanInfantrys moved from Vichy France to Eastern France 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Vichy France to 44 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from Vichy France to 44 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanTransport moved from 44 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone 2 germanDestroyers and 1 germanSubmarine moved from 44 Sea Zone to 48 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from 48 Sea Zone to Cyrenaica 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from 48 Sea Zone to Cyrenaica 1 Truck moved from Cyrenaica to Western Egypt 1 germanInfantry moved from Cyrenaica to Al Kufrah 1 germanCombatEngineer moved from Cyrenaica to Al Kufrah 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Kharkov 1 germanArtillery moved from Bessarabia to Southern Ukraine 1 germanCombatEngineer and 2 germanInfantrys moved from Eastern French Africa to French Central Africa Purchase Units - Germany Germany buy 1 Rail, 1 germanAirTransport, 1 germanFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber, 1 germanTacticalBomber and 4 germanTanks; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; 0 techTokens; Place Units - Germany Units in Belorussia being upgraded or consumed: 1 Material 1 Rail placed in Belorussia 4 germanTanks placed in Eastern Germany 1 Material and 3 germanTanks placed in Western Germany 1 germanAirTransport, 1 germanFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber and 1 germanTacticalBomber placed in Southern Germany Activate Technology - Germany Germany activating Logistics Trigger germanL1: Setting isAirBase to true for unitAttachment attached to germanCarrier Trigger germanL1: Setting maxScrambleCount to 2 for unitAttachment attached to germanCarrier Turn Complete - Germany Germany collect 70 PUs; end with 72 PUs Objective VichyFrance2: Germany met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 75 PUs Units generate 3 techTokens; Germany end with 3 techTokens Units Change Ownership Some Units in French Central Africa change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer Some Units in Northern Finland change ownership: 2 germanCombatEngineers Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 2 Materials Purchase Units - VichyFrance VichyFrance buy 1 germanArtillery and 1 germanTank; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Place Units - VichyFrance 1 germanFighter and 2 germanTanks placed in Vichy France Turn Complete - VichyFrance VichyFrance collect 11 PUs; end with 12 PUs Units Change Ownership Some Units in French Central Africa change ownership: 1 germanCombatEngineer Some Units in Vichy France change ownership: 2 Materials, 1 germanFighter and 2 germanTanks Purchase Units - DanubeAxis DanubeAxis buy 2 germanTanks; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Place Units - DanubeAxis 2 germanTanks placed in Hungary Slovakia Turn Complete - DanubeAxis DanubeAxis collect 12 PUs; end with 13 PUs Some Units in Hungary Slovakia change ownership: 2 germanTanks Purchase Units - Finland Finland buy 3 germanInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Place Units - Finland 3 germanInfantrys placed in Finland Turn Complete - Finland Finland collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs Units Change Ownership Some Units in Finland change ownership: 3 germanInfantrys Some Units in Northern Finland change ownership: 2 germanCombatEngineers
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germany rolls : 1.00
Territory Summary for DanubeAxis, Finland, Germany and VichyFrance :
13 Sea Zone : 1 flag 15 Sea Zone : 1 flag 27 Sea Zone : 1 germanHull 29 Sea Zone : 1 germanTransport 48 Sea Zone : 2 germanDestroyers, 1 germanSubmarine and 1 germanTransport 51 Sea Zone : 1 germanDestroyer 53 Sea Zone : 1 germanTransport 69 Sea Zone : 2 germanSubmarines and 1 germanTransport Al Kufrah : 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 1 germanInfantry Austria : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanBarracks Belorussia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Truck, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 3 germanInfantrys and 1 germanTank Berlin : 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 2 Rails, 1 ResearchCenter, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanBarracks Bessarabia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanAntiAirGun Bohemia Moravia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAirfield Bulgaria : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail Central Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 2 germanArtillerys, 2 germanInfantrys and 1 germanMech.Infantry Copenhagen : 1 Flagpole and 1 germanAirfield Corsica : 1 Flagpole Crete : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanArtillery Crimea : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole Cyrenaica : 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanMech.Infantry Denmark : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanEntrenchment and 1 germanInfantry Eastern Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 2 germanAntiAirGuns, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanEntrenchment, 2 germanFortifications and 1 germanInfantry Eastern France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAntiTankGun and 5 germanInfantrys Eastern French Africa : 1 Flagpole Eastern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 2 Rails, 1 Truck, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 8 germanTanks Eastern Poland : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAirfield Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory and 3 germanInfantrys French Central Africa : 1 Flagpole, 1 germanCombatEngineer and 2 germanInfantrys French Guyana : 1 Flagpole French Indochina : 1 Flagpole French West Africa : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail Hungary Slovakia : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanFactory and 2 germanTanks Kharkov : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Truck, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanParatrooper Lativa Estonia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Truck, 1 germanAlpineInfantry, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanAntiTankGun, 6 germanArtillerys, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 4 germanFighters, 24 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys, 1 germanNavalFighter, 1 germanParatrooper, 2 germanStrategicBombers, 1 germanTacticalBomber and 7 germanTanks Lithuania : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 4 germanInfantrys and 6 germanTanks Low Countries : 1 Flagpole, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanEntrenchment Madagascar : 1 Flagpole, 1 germanAirfield and 1 germanInfantry Murmansk : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 2 germanInfantrys Northern Finland : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 2 Trucks, 2 germanAlpineInfantrys, 2 germanCombatEngineers, 2 germanEntrenchments, 1 germanNavalFighter and 1 germanParatrooper Northern France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment Northern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 2 germanAirfields, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFortification and 2 germanInfantrys Northern Italy : 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanInfantry Northern Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanAirfield Northern Yugoslavia : 1 Flagpole and 1 Rail Norway : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun and 1 germanEntrenchment Orel Kursk : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry Paris : 1 Flagpole, 2 Rails, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanCombatEngineer, 3 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMarines and 1 germanMech.Infantry Pinsk Marshes : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole Poland : 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield and 3 germanInfantrys Pskov : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry Romania : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks and 1 germanDocks Southern Algeria : 1 Flagpole Southern Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirTransport, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanAntiAirGun, 1 germanEntrenchment, 1 germanFighter, 1 germanStrategicBomber, 1 germanTacticalBomber and 1 germanTank Southern Ukraine : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail and 1 germanArtillery Tobruk : 1 Material Trans Jordan : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 germanInfantry and 1 germanParatrooper Tripolitania : 1 Material Tunisia : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAntiAirGun Vichy France : 1 Flagpole, 2 Materials, 1 Occupation, 1 Rail, 1 germanAircraftPlant, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanBarracks, 1 germanDocks, 1 germanFactory, 1 germanFighter, 1 germanInfantry and 2 germanTanks West Africa : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies and 1 germanAirfield Western Egypt : 1 Truck, 2 germanArtillerys, 1 germanFighter, 6 germanInfantrys, 2 germanMech.Infantrys and 2 germanTanks Western France : 1 Flagpole, 1 Rail, 1 UnitsForExiledAllies, 1 germanAirfield, 1 germanDocks and 1 germanEntrenchment Western Germany : 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 Train, 2 germanAirfields, 2 germanAntiAirGuns, 1 germanArtillery, 1 germanEntrenchment, 1 germanFactory, 6 germanInfantrys and 3 germanTanks Western Karelia : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole and 1 germanInfantry Western Ukraine : 1 flag, 1 Flagpole, 1 Material, 1 Rail, 1 germanAirTransport and 1 germanCombatEngineer
Production/PUs Summary :
Germany : 70 / 75 VichyFrance : 11 / 12 DanubeAxis : 12 / 13 Finland : 9 / 9 Russia : 61 / 62 Brazil : 7 / 0 Japan : 81 / 83 Manchuria : 10 / 11 Thailand : 9 / 9 China : 14 / 14 Spain : 8 / 0 Britain : 36 / 43 Canada : 15 / 15 ExiledAllies : 24 / 16 Egypt : 8 / 10 SouthAfrica : 7 / 7 India : 13 / 13 Australia : 17 / 31 Sweden : 7 / 0 Italy : 28 / 31 Usa : 70 / 70 Turkey : 7 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 31 times 2 was rolled 30 times 3 was rolled 26 times 4 was rolled 30 times 5 was rolled 29 times 6 was rolled 28 times 7 was rolled 34 times 8 was rolled 33 times 9 was rolled 37 times 10 was rolled 28 times 11 was rolled 38 times 12 was rolled 23 times Average roll : 6.569 Median : 7.000 Variance : 0.571 Standard Deviation : 0.756 Total rolls : 367 Null / Other 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 5 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 6 times 6 was rolled 3 times 7 was rolled 8 times 8 was rolled 4 times 9 was rolled 4 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 3 times 12 was rolled 4 times Average roll : 6.020 Median : 6.000 Variance : 0.810 Standard Deviation : 0.900 Total rolls : 50 Manchuria Combat 1 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 1.000 Median : 1.000 Variance : ∞ Standard Deviation : ∞ Total rolls : 1 Neutral Combat 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 1 times 7 was rolled 3 times 8 was rolled 1 times 9 was rolled 2 times 11 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 6.800 Median : 7.000 Variance : 1.296 Standard Deviation : 1.139 Total rolls : 10 Usa Combat 1 was rolled 1 times 2 was rolled 6 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times 8 was rolled 2 times 9 was rolled 2 times 10 was rolled 4 times 11 was rolled 4 times Average roll : 6.458 Median : 7.000 Variance : 1.565 Standard Deviation : 1.251 Total rolls : 24 ExiledAllies Combat 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 1 times 7 was rolled 1 times 10 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 5.200 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.729 Standard Deviation : 0.854 Total rolls : 5 VichyFrance Combat 10 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 10.000 Median : 10.000 Variance : ∞ Standard Deviation : ∞ Total rolls : 1 Japan Combat 1 was rolled 5 times 2 was rolled 7 times 3 was rolled 7 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 6 times 6 was rolled 10 times 7 was rolled 5 times 8 was rolled 9 times 9 was rolled 8 times 10 was rolled 9 times 11 was rolled 8 times 12 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 6.654 Median : 7.000 Variance : 0.653 Standard Deviation : 0.808 Total rolls : 81 Egypt Combat 8 was rolled 1 times 9 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 8.500 Median : 8.500 Variance : 1.667 Standard Deviation : 1.291 Total rolls : 2 Britain Combat 1 was rolled 4 times 2 was rolled 3 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 3 times 8 was rolled 2 times 9 was rolled 6 times 10 was rolled 4 times 11 was rolled 7 times 12 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 7.024 Median : 8.000 Variance : 0.923 Standard Deviation : 0.961 Total rolls : 41 Russia Combat 1 was rolled 4 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 7 times 4 was rolled 7 times 5 was rolled 4 times 6 was rolled 4 times 7 was rolled 4 times 8 was rolled 6 times 9 was rolled 5 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 6 times 12 was rolled 4 times Average roll : 6.491 Median : 6.000 Variance : 0.825 Standard Deviation : 0.908 Total rolls : 53 China Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 1 times 7 was rolled 4 times 8 was rolled 2 times 9 was rolled 4 times 10 was rolled 5 times 11 was rolled 4 times 12 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 7.424 Median : 8.000 Variance : 0.633 Standard Deviation : 0.795 Total rolls : 33 Finland Combat 7 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 1 times Average roll : 9.000 Median : 9.000 Variance : 1.667 Standard Deviation : 1.291 Total rolls : 2 Italy Combat 1 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 2 times 8 was rolled 2 times 9 was rolled 1 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 1 times 12 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 7.000 Median : 7.000 Variance : 0.744 Standard Deviation : 0.862 Total rolls : 14 Germany Combat 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 5 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 6 times 6 was rolled 3 times 7 was rolled 8 times 8 was rolled 4 times 9 was rolled 4 times 10 was rolled 1 times 11 was rolled 3 times 12 was rolled 4 times Average roll : 6.020 Median : 6.000 Variance : 0.810 Standard Deviation : 0.900 Total rolls : 50
Latest posts made by Caesar1
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 11
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 11 Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 2 armour, 10 infantry and 1 mech_infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Russians 2 infantry moved from Vologda to Archangel 1 fighter moved from Russia to Archangel 1 tactical_bomber moved from Russia to Archangel 2 infantry moved from Russia to Smolensk 1 fighter moved from Russia to Smolensk 1 infantry moved from Rostov to Ukraine Russians take Ukraine from Germans 1 infantry moved from Northwest Persia to Persia 2 mech_infantrys moved from Northwest Persia to Persia 1 armour moved from Northwest Persia to Persia 10 artilleries and 29 infantry moved from Northwest Persia to Iraq Combat - Russians Battle in Persia Russians attack with 1 armour, 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys Germans defend with 1 factory_minor and 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 1 armour, 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys in Persia, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Persia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 armour, 1 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys in Persia, round 3 : 1/4 hits, 1.00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Persia, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Persia 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Persia Russians win, taking Persia from Germans with 1 armour and 2 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Battle in Archangel Russians attack with 1 fighter, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Germans defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 1 fighter, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Archangel, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Archangel, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Archangel 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Archangel Russians win, taking Archangel from Germans with 1 fighter, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Battle in Iraq Russians attack with 10 artilleries and 29 infantry Germans defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 10 artilleries and 29 infantry in Iraq, round 2 : 12/39 hits, 9.83 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Iraq, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Iraq 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Iraq Russians win, taking Iraq from Germans with 10 artilleries and 28 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Battle in Smolensk Russians attack with 1 fighter and 2 infantry Germans defend with 1 infantry Russians roll dice for 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Smolensk, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0.83 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Smolensk, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Russians lost in Smolensk Russians roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Smolensk, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 infantry in Smolensk, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Smolensk Russians win, taking Smolensk from Germans with 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Non Combat Move - Russians 4 artilleries moved from Russia to Bryansk 2 infantry moved from Russia to Vologda 1 tactical_bomber moved from Archangel to Russia 1 fighter moved from Archangel to Russia 1 fighter moved from Smolensk to Russia 1 artillery and 5 infantry moved from Rostov to Bryansk 1 infantry moved from Volgograd to Kazakhstan 2 infantry moved from Volgograd to Rostov 4 mech_infantrys moved from Bryansk to Rostov 2 armour moved from Bryansk to Rostov 2 aaGuns moved from Northwest Persia to Iraq Place Units - Russians 10 infantry placed in Russia 2 armour and 1 mech_infantry placed in Volgograd Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 36 PUs; end with 36 PUs Trigger Russians 1 Lend Lease: Russians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 41 PUs Objective Russians 2 Spread Of Communism: Russians met a national objective for an additional 12 PUs; end with 53 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans regular : 2.00 Russians regular : 0.17
Territory Summary for Russians :
Kazakhstan : 1 infantry Buryatia : 1 aaGun and 2 infantry Libya : 1 flag Italian Somaliland : 1 flag Ethiopia : 1 flag Bryansk : 1 aaGun, 20 artilleries, 56 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys Rostov : 2 aaGuns, 2 armour, 4 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys Archangel : 1 infantry Russia : 1 airfield, 1 factory_major, 2 fighters, 10 infantry, 2 mech_infantrys and 1 tactical_bomber Ukraine : 1 factory_minor and 1 infantry Vologda : 2 infantry Volgograd : 2 armour, 1 factory_minor and 1 mech_infantry Smolensk : 1 infantry 113 Sea Zone : 1 submarine 93 Sea Zone : 1 submarine Iraq : 1 flag, 2 aaGuns, 10 artilleries and 28 infantry 114 Sea Zone : 1 cruiser Northwest Persia : 1 flag Persia : 1 flag, 1 armour, 1 factory_minor and 2 mech_infantrys
Production/PUs Summary :
Germans : 41 / 59 Russians : 36 / 53 Japanese : 56 / 60 Americans : 63 / 86 Chinese : 4 / 6 British : 24 / 30 UK_Pacific : 6 / 3 Italians : 18 / 11 ANZAC : 10 / 15 French : 7 / 0 Dutch : 0 / 0 Mongolians : 0 / 0 Neutral_Axis : 0 / 0 Neutral_Allies : 0 / 0 Neutral_True : 18 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 241 times 2 was rolled 241 times 3 was rolled 238 times 4 was rolled 214 times 5 was rolled 218 times 6 was rolled 245 times Average roll : 3.474 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.632 Standard Deviation : 0.795 Total rolls : 1397 Germans Combat 1 was rolled 64 times 2 was rolled 60 times 3 was rolled 58 times 4 was rolled 54 times 5 was rolled 63 times 6 was rolled 76 times Average roll : 3.587 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.758 Standard Deviation : 0.871 Total rolls : 375 British Combat 1 was rolled 23 times 2 was rolled 22 times 3 was rolled 26 times 4 was rolled 19 times 5 was rolled 18 times 6 was rolled 13 times Average roll : 3.215 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.857 Standard Deviation : 0.926 Total rolls : 121 Italians Combat 1 was rolled 17 times 2 was rolled 16 times 3 was rolled 10 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 15 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.114 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.932 Standard Deviation : 1.390 Total rolls : 70 French Combat 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 4 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.571 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.613 Standard Deviation : 0.783 Total rolls : 35 Americans Combat 1 was rolled 14 times 2 was rolled 13 times 3 was rolled 22 times 4 was rolled 12 times 5 was rolled 13 times 6 was rolled 14 times Average roll : 3.443 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.774 Standard Deviation : 0.880 Total rolls : 88 ANZAC Combat 1 was rolled 5 times 2 was rolled 3 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 3.150 Median : 3.500 Variance : 0.807 Standard Deviation : 0.898 Total rolls : 20 Neutral_Allies Combat 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 5 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.200 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.704 Standard Deviation : 1.305 Total rolls : 10 Chinese Combat 1 was rolled 22 times 2 was rolled 29 times 3 was rolled 23 times 4 was rolled 24 times 5 was rolled 20 times 6 was rolled 23 times Average roll : 3.426 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.325 Standard Deviation : 0.570 Total rolls : 141 UK_Pacific Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 3.250 Median : 2.500 Variance : 1.333 Standard Deviation : 1.155 Total rolls : 8 Neutral_Axis Combat 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.000 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.800 Standard Deviation : 0.894 Total rolls : 6 Russians Combat 1 was rolled 28 times 2 was rolled 47 times 3 was rolled 38 times 4 was rolled 41 times 5 was rolled 36 times 6 was rolled 41 times Average roll : 3.576 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.876 Standard Deviation : 0.936 Total rolls : 231 Japanese Combat 1 was rolled 59 times 2 was rolled 43 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.455 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.678 Standard Deviation : 0.823 Total rolls : 292
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
TripleA Turn Summary: French round 10
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 10 Purchase Units - ANZAC ANZAC buy 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - ANZAC Non Combat Move - ANZAC 1 infantry moved from New South Wales to South Australia 1 artillery moved from Queensland to South Australia 1 infantry moved from New South Wales to Queensland Place Units - ANZAC 3 infantry placed in New South Wales Turn Complete - ANZAC ANZAC collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs Objective ANZAC 2 Control Strategic Islands: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 15 PUs Combat Move - French Non Combat Move - French 1 fighter moved from Alexandria to Northwest Persia 3 infantry moved from Alexandria to Tobruk 2 infantry moved from 110 Sea Zone to Normandy Bordeaux Turn Complete - French
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Territory Summary for ANZAC and French :
Queensland : 3 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 1 armour, 3 fighters, 1 harbour and 4 infantry New Zealand : 1 airfield and 1 harbour New South Wales : 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 3 infantry South Australia : 1 artillery and 3 infantry New Guinea : 1 infantry Dutch New Guinea : 1 flag 47 Sea Zone : 2 fighters Normandy Bordeaux : 2 infantry Tobruk : 3 infantry 92 Sea Zone : 1 cruiser Northwest Persia : 1 fighter
Production/PUs Summary :
Germans : 43 / 55 Russians : 30 / 46 Japanese : 56 / 60 Americans : 63 / 86 Chinese : 4 / 6 British : 28 / 30 UK_Pacific : 6 / 3 Italians : 18 / 11 ANZAC : 10 / 15 French : 7 / 0 Dutch : 0 / 0 Mongolians : 0 / 0 Neutral_Axis : 0 / 0 Neutral_Allies : 0 / 0 Neutral_True : 18 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 222 times 2 was rolled 224 times 3 was rolled 221 times 4 was rolled 198 times 5 was rolled 209 times 6 was rolled 223 times Average roll : 3.476 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.422 Standard Deviation : 0.650 Total rolls : 1297 Germans Combat 1 was rolled 55 times 2 was rolled 54 times 3 was rolled 50 times 4 was rolled 48 times 5 was rolled 59 times 6 was rolled 69 times Average roll : 3.624 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.847 Standard Deviation : 0.920 Total rolls : 335 British Combat 1 was rolled 23 times 2 was rolled 22 times 3 was rolled 26 times 4 was rolled 19 times 5 was rolled 17 times 6 was rolled 12 times Average roll : 3.176 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.041 Standard Deviation : 1.020 Total rolls : 119 Italians Combat 1 was rolled 17 times 2 was rolled 16 times 3 was rolled 10 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 15 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.114 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.932 Standard Deviation : 1.390 Total rolls : 70 French Combat 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 4 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.571 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.613 Standard Deviation : 0.783 Total rolls : 35 Americans Combat 1 was rolled 14 times 2 was rolled 13 times 3 was rolled 22 times 4 was rolled 12 times 5 was rolled 13 times 6 was rolled 14 times Average roll : 3.443 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.774 Standard Deviation : 0.880 Total rolls : 88 ANZAC Combat 1 was rolled 5 times 2 was rolled 3 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 3.150 Median : 3.500 Variance : 0.807 Standard Deviation : 0.898 Total rolls : 20 Neutral_Allies Combat 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 5 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.200 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.704 Standard Deviation : 1.305 Total rolls : 10 Chinese Combat 1 was rolled 22 times 2 was rolled 29 times 3 was rolled 23 times 4 was rolled 24 times 5 was rolled 20 times 6 was rolled 23 times Average roll : 3.426 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.325 Standard Deviation : 0.570 Total rolls : 141 UK_Pacific Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 3.250 Median : 2.500 Variance : 1.333 Standard Deviation : 1.155 Total rolls : 8 Neutral_Axis Combat 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.000 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.800 Standard Deviation : 0.894 Total rolls : 6 Russians Combat 1 was rolled 18 times 2 was rolled 36 times 3 was rolled 29 times 4 was rolled 31 times 5 was rolled 32 times 6 was rolled 27 times Average roll : 3.601 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.086 Standard Deviation : 1.042 Total rolls : 173 Japanese Combat 1 was rolled 59 times 2 was rolled 43 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.455 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.678 Standard Deviation : 0.823 Total rolls : 292
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
TripleA Turn Summary: ANZAC round 10
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 10 Purchase Units - ANZAC ANZAC buy 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - ANZAC Non Combat Move - ANZAC 1 infantry moved from New South Wales to South Australia 1 artillery moved from Queensland to South Australia 1 infantry moved from New South Wales to Queensland Place Units - ANZAC 3 infantry placed in New South Wales Turn Complete - ANZAC ANZAC collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs Objective ANZAC 2 Control Strategic Islands: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 15 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Territory Summary for ANZAC :
Queensland : 3 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 1 armour, 3 fighters, 1 harbour and 4 infantry New Zealand : 1 airfield and 1 harbour New South Wales : 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 3 infantry South Australia : 1 artillery and 3 infantry New Guinea : 1 infantry Dutch New Guinea : 1 flag 47 Sea Zone : 2 fighters
Production/PUs Summary :
Germans : 43 / 55 Russians : 30 / 46 Japanese : 56 / 60 Americans : 63 / 86 Chinese : 4 / 6 British : 28 / 30 UK_Pacific : 6 / 3 Italians : 18 / 11 ANZAC : 10 / 15 French : 7 / 0 Dutch : 0 / 0 Mongolians : 0 / 0 Neutral_Axis : 0 / 0 Neutral_Allies : 0 / 0 Neutral_True : 18 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 222 times 2 was rolled 224 times 3 was rolled 221 times 4 was rolled 198 times 5 was rolled 209 times 6 was rolled 223 times Average roll : 3.476 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.422 Standard Deviation : 0.650 Total rolls : 1297 Germans Combat 1 was rolled 55 times 2 was rolled 54 times 3 was rolled 50 times 4 was rolled 48 times 5 was rolled 59 times 6 was rolled 69 times Average roll : 3.624 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.847 Standard Deviation : 0.920 Total rolls : 335 British Combat 1 was rolled 23 times 2 was rolled 22 times 3 was rolled 26 times 4 was rolled 19 times 5 was rolled 17 times 6 was rolled 12 times Average roll : 3.176 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.041 Standard Deviation : 1.020 Total rolls : 119 Italians Combat 1 was rolled 17 times 2 was rolled 16 times 3 was rolled 10 times 4 was rolled 4 times 5 was rolled 15 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.114 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.932 Standard Deviation : 1.390 Total rolls : 70 French Combat 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 4 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.571 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.613 Standard Deviation : 0.783 Total rolls : 35 Americans Combat 1 was rolled 14 times 2 was rolled 13 times 3 was rolled 22 times 4 was rolled 12 times 5 was rolled 13 times 6 was rolled 14 times Average roll : 3.443 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.774 Standard Deviation : 0.880 Total rolls : 88 ANZAC Combat 1 was rolled 5 times 2 was rolled 3 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 3.150 Median : 3.500 Variance : 0.807 Standard Deviation : 0.898 Total rolls : 20 Neutral_Allies Combat 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 5 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.200 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.704 Standard Deviation : 1.305 Total rolls : 10 Chinese Combat 1 was rolled 22 times 2 was rolled 29 times 3 was rolled 23 times 4 was rolled 24 times 5 was rolled 20 times 6 was rolled 23 times Average roll : 3.426 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.325 Standard Deviation : 0.570 Total rolls : 141 UK_Pacific Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 3.250 Median : 2.500 Variance : 1.333 Standard Deviation : 1.155 Total rolls : 8 Neutral_Axis Combat 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.000 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.800 Standard Deviation : 0.894 Total rolls : 6 Russians Combat 1 was rolled 18 times 2 was rolled 36 times 3 was rolled 29 times 4 was rolled 31 times 5 was rolled 32 times 6 was rolled 27 times Average roll : 3.601 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.086 Standard Deviation : 1.042 Total rolls : 173 Japanese Combat 1 was rolled 59 times 2 was rolled 43 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.455 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.678 Standard Deviation : 0.823 Total rolls : 292
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
@GovZ the EDIT is already there. What about if we can speed up a bit this game? Maybe try to move every 3-4 days?
RE: Out of the Box 2nd Edition League Discussion
@gamerman01 Thanks a lot! However, the pink box doesen’t work on chrome… Or maybe I miss something…?
RE: Out of the Box 2nd Edition League Discussion
Anyone knows where to find the 2024 results?
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
I suppose you don’t mind about a little EDIT on NCM move I forgot. Thanks
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
TripleA Turn Summary: UK_Pacific round 10
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 10 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters, 4 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Americans 1 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Southern France Americans take Southern France from Italians 1 bomber moved from Finland to Novgorod 1 destroyer moved from 63 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 2 tactical_bombers moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 5 bombers moved from Queensland to Shan State 1 bomber moved from India to Shan State 1 mech_infantry moved from New Zealand to 63 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry and 1 transport moved from 63 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java 1 infantry moved from Hawaiian Islands to 26 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 26 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 47 Sea Zone to New Britain 1 fighter moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone Combat - Americans Strategic bombing raid in Novgorod Germans roll AA dice in Novgorod : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Bombing raid in Novgorod rolls: 8 and causes: 6 damage to unit: factory_minor Bombing raid in Novgorod causes 6 damage total. Battle in Java Battle in New Britain Battle in 61 Sea Zone Americans attack with 1 destroyer, 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers Japanese defend with 1 submarine Americans roll dice for 1 destroyer, 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 61 Sea Zone, round 2 : 5/7 hits, 3.83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 61 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 submarine owned by the Japanese lost in 61 Sea Zone Americans win, taking Java from Japanese, taking New Britain from Japanese with 1 destroyer, 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Japanese: 1 submarine Battle in Shan State Americans attack with 6 bombers Japanese defend with 2 infantry Americans roll dice for 6 bombers in Shan State, round 2 : 3/6 hits, 4.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 2 infantry in Shan State, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Shan State Americans win with 6 bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Japanese: 2 infantry Non Combat Move - Americans 1 bomber moved from Shan State to Queensland 5 bombers moved from Shan State to India 2 destroyers moved from 54 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 2 carriers and 2 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 61 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 2 fighters and 1 submarine moved from 26 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 3 submarines moved from 6 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry, 4 submarines and 1 transport moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 26 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands 1 mech_infantry moved from 26 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western United States to Hawaiian Islands 1 fighter moved from Western United States to Hawaiian Islands 1 mech_infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 transport moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 1 aaGun moved from Eastern United States to Central United States 2 infantry moved from Brazil to Suriname 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 91 Sea Zone to Morocco 1 bomber moved from Finland to Norway 1 bomber moved from Finland to United Kingdom 1 bomber moved from Novgorod to Norway 1 submarine moved from 54 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 54 Sea Zone to 57 Sea Zone Place Units - Americans 2 fighters and 1 infantry placed in Norway 2 infantry placed in Normandy Bordeaux 1 destroyer and 1 transport placed in 10 Sea Zone 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 1 infantry placed in Western United States Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 66 PUs; end with 66 PUs Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 76 PUs Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 81 PUs Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 86 PUs Purchase Units - Chinese Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed Chinese buy 4 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; Combat Move - Chinese Non Combat Move - Chinese 1 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Kansu Place Units - Chinese 4 infantry placed in Kansu Turn Complete - Chinese Chinese collect 4 PUs; end with 6 PUs Purchase Units - British British buy 1 destroyer, 1 fighter and 6 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Purchase Units - UK_Pacific UK_Pacific buy 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - British 2 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium 1 tactical_bomber moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium 3 fighters moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium Combat - British Battle in Holland Belgium British attack with 3 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Italians defend with 2 infantry British roll dice for 3 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Holland Belgium, round 2 : 4/6 hits, 2.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 infantry in Holland Belgium, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Holland Belgium 2 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Holland Belgium British win, taking Holland Belgium from Germans with 3 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for British: 1 infantry Casualties for Italians: 2 infantry Non Combat Move - British 1 fighter moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Gibraltar 1 destroyer moved from 110 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 2 aaGuns moved from Finland to Norway 1 tactical_bomber moved from Holland Belgium to Norway 3 fighters moved from Holland Belgium to Norway 2 aaGuns moved from United Kingdom to 110 Sea Zone 4 infantry moved from United Kingdom to 110 Sea Zone 2 aaGuns and 4 infantry moved from 110 Sea Zone to Normandy Bordeaux 1 mech_infantry moved from Tanganyika Territory to Anglo Egyptian Sudan 1 transport moved from 72 Sea Zone to 71 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to 71 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 71 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 72 Sea Zone to Kenya 1 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to Rhodesia 1 carrier, 1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from 81 Sea Zone to 71 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from New Zealand to Brazil Place Units - British 1 destroyer placed in 71 Sea Zone 2 infantry placed in Union of South Africa 1 fighter and 4 infantry placed in United Kingdom Turn Complete - British British collect 30 PUs; end with 30 PUs Place Units - UK_Pacific 2 infantry placed in India Turn Complete - UK_Pacific Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 3 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 39 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,1 UK_Pacific collect 3 PUs (3 lost to blockades); end with 3 PUs Some Units in India change ownership: 2 infantry Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Removing units owned by British from 92 Sea Zone: 1 submarine EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 submarine EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Americans regular : 0.17 Japanese regular : -0.83 Germans AA : -0.17 Germans regular : 0.33 British regular : 1.50
Territory Summary for Americans, British, Chinese and UK_Pacific :
Kansu : 1 fighter and 9 infantry India : 4 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 5 artilleries, 5 bombers, 1 factory_major, 2 fighters, 1 harbour, 23 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 2 tactical_bombers Queensland : 1 bomber New Britain : 1 infantry Guam : 1 airfield Western United States : 2 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 1 bomber, 1 factory_major, 2 fighters, 1 harbour and 1 infantry Hawaiian Islands : 1 airfield, 1 fighter, 1 harbour, 2 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Midway : 1 airfield Java : 1 flag, 1 mech_infantry 42 Sea Zone : 1 transport 41 Sea Zone : 1 submarine 47 Sea Zone : 2 carriers, 2 destroyers, 2 fighters and 1 transport 26 Sea Zone : 1 flag, 1 destroyer, 4 submarines and 1 transport 25 Sea Zone : 3 submarines 10 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer and 1 transport 6 Sea Zone : 1 flag 57 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer 54 Sea Zone : 4 carriers, 2 destroyers, 5 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers 61 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer Central United States : 1 aaGun and 1 factory_major Eastern United States : 1 airfield, 1 factory_major and 1 harbour Iceland : 1 airfield Quebec : 1 factory_minor Gibraltar : 1 airfield, 1 fighter and 1 harbour New Brunswick Nova Scotia : 1 harbour Egypt : 1 airfield and 1 harbour Union of South Africa : 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 2 infantry Scotland : 1 airfield Kenya : 2 infantry Malta : 1 aaGun and 1 infantry United Kingdom : 1 airfield, 1 bomber, 1 factory_major, 1 fighter, 1 harbour and 4 infantry Anglo Egyptian Sudan : 1 mech_infantry Rhodesia : 1 infantry Morocco : 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Normandy Bordeaux : 1 flag, 3 aaGuns, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour, 7 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Southern France : 1 flag, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 1 infantry Norway : 1 flag, 2 aaGuns, 2 bombers, 1 factory_minor, 5 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Holland Belgium : 1 flag, 1 infantry Tobruk : 1 flag 125 Sea Zone : 1 flag 89 Sea Zone : 1 flag 93 Sea Zone : 1 flag, 1 submarine Eire : 1 flag 109 Sea Zone : 1 flag 97 Sea Zone : 6 submarines Eastern Persia : 1 flag 72 Sea Zone : 1 transport 71 Sea Zone : 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 transport Brazil : 1 flag, 1 fighter 98 Sea Zone : 1 flag, 1 submarine 91 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer and 1 transport Finland : 1 flag, 1 aaGun, 2 armour, 3 artilleries, 11 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys Suriname : 2 infantry 110 Sea Zone : 1 battleship, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 tactical_bomber and 6 transports
Production/PUs Summary :
Germans : 43 / 55 Russians : 32 / 46 Japanese : 56 / 60 Americans : 66 / 86 Chinese : 4 / 6 British : 30 / 30 UK_Pacific : 6 / 3 Italians : 11 / 11 ANZAC : 10 / 9 French : 7 / 0 Dutch : 0 / 0 Mongolians : 0 / 0 Neutral_Axis : 0 / 0 Neutral_Allies : 0 / 0 Neutral_True : 18 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 278 times 2 was rolled 264 times 3 was rolled 267 times 4 was rolled 237 times 5 was rolled 249 times 6 was rolled 276 times Average roll : 3.473 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.812 Standard Deviation : 0.901 Total rolls : 1571 Null / Other 1 was rolled 60 times 2 was rolled 44 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.442 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.710 Standard Deviation : 0.843 Total rolls : 294 Germans Combat 1 was rolled 55 times 2 was rolled 54 times 3 was rolled 50 times 4 was rolled 48 times 5 was rolled 59 times 6 was rolled 69 times Average roll : 3.624 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.847 Standard Deviation : 0.920 Total rolls : 335 British Combat 1 was rolled 23 times 2 was rolled 22 times 3 was rolled 26 times 4 was rolled 17 times 5 was rolled 17 times 6 was rolled 11 times Average roll : 3.138 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.264 Standard Deviation : 1.124 Total rolls : 116 Italians Combat 1 was rolled 12 times 2 was rolled 13 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 2 times 5 was rolled 9 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.135 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.477 Standard Deviation : 1.215 Total rolls : 52 Americans Combat 1 was rolled 14 times 2 was rolled 12 times 3 was rolled 22 times 4 was rolled 12 times 5 was rolled 13 times 6 was rolled 15 times Average roll : 3.489 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.820 Standard Deviation : 0.905 Total rolls : 88 Neutral_Axis Combat 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.000 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.800 Standard Deviation : 0.894 Total rolls : 6 Japanese Combat 1 was rolled 60 times 2 was rolled 44 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.442 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.710 Standard Deviation : 0.843 Total rolls : 294 French Combat 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 4 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.571 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.613 Standard Deviation : 0.783 Total rolls : 35 ANZAC Combat 1 was rolled 5 times 2 was rolled 3 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 3.150 Median : 3.500 Variance : 0.807 Standard Deviation : 0.898 Total rolls : 20 Neutral_Allies Combat 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 5 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.200 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.704 Standard Deviation : 1.305 Total rolls : 10 Chinese Combat 1 was rolled 22 times 2 was rolled 29 times 3 was rolled 23 times 4 was rolled 24 times 5 was rolled 20 times 6 was rolled 23 times Average roll : 3.426 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.325 Standard Deviation : 0.570 Total rolls : 141 UK_Pacific Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 3.250 Median : 2.500 Variance : 1.333 Standard Deviation : 1.155 Total rolls : 8 Russians Combat 1 was rolled 18 times 2 was rolled 35 times 3 was rolled 29 times 4 was rolled 31 times 5 was rolled 32 times 6 was rolled 27 times Average roll : 3.610 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.014 Standard Deviation : 1.007 Total rolls : 172
RE: OOB: GovZ (X) vs Caesar1 (L+21)
TripleA Turn Summary: UK_Pacific round 10
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition
Game History
Round: 10 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters, 4 infantry and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Americans 1 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Southern France Americans take Southern France from Italians 1 bomber moved from Finland to Novgorod 1 destroyer moved from 63 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 2 tactical_bombers moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 5 bombers moved from Queensland to Shan State 1 bomber moved from India to Shan State 1 mech_infantry moved from New Zealand to 63 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry and 1 transport moved from 63 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java 1 infantry moved from Hawaiian Islands to 26 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 26 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 47 Sea Zone to New Britain 1 fighter moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from 54 Sea Zone to 61 Sea Zone Combat - Americans Strategic bombing raid in Novgorod Germans roll AA dice in Novgorod : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Bombing raid in Novgorod rolls: 8 and causes: 6 damage to unit: factory_minor Bombing raid in Novgorod causes 6 damage total. Battle in Java Battle in New Britain Battle in 61 Sea Zone Americans attack with 1 destroyer, 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers Japanese defend with 1 submarine Americans roll dice for 1 destroyer, 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers in 61 Sea Zone, round 2 : 5/7 hits, 3.83 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 61 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits 1 submarine owned by the Japanese lost in 61 Sea Zone Americans win, taking Java from Japanese, taking New Britain from Japanese with 1 destroyer, 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Japanese: 1 submarine Battle in Shan State Americans attack with 6 bombers Japanese defend with 2 infantry Americans roll dice for 6 bombers in Shan State, round 2 : 3/6 hits, 4.00 expected hits Japanese roll dice for 2 infantry in Shan State, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Shan State Americans win with 6 bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Japanese: 2 infantry Non Combat Move - Americans 1 bomber moved from Shan State to Queensland 5 bombers moved from Shan State to India 2 destroyers moved from 54 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 2 carriers and 2 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 47 Sea Zone 3 fighters and 3 tactical_bombers moved from 61 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 2 fighters and 1 submarine moved from 26 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 3 submarines moved from 6 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 1 mech_infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry, 4 submarines and 1 transport moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 26 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands 1 mech_infantry moved from 26 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western United States to Hawaiian Islands 1 fighter moved from Western United States to Hawaiian Islands 1 mech_infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 transport moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 1 aaGun moved from Eastern United States to Central United States 2 infantry moved from Brazil to Suriname 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from 91 Sea Zone to Morocco 1 bomber moved from Finland to Norway 1 bomber moved from Finland to United Kingdom 1 bomber moved from Novgorod to Norway 1 submarine moved from 54 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 54 Sea Zone to 57 Sea Zone Place Units - Americans 2 fighters and 1 infantry placed in Norway 2 infantry placed in Normandy Bordeaux 1 destroyer and 1 transport placed in 10 Sea Zone 1 bomber, 2 fighters and 1 infantry placed in Western United States Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 66 PUs; end with 66 PUs Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 76 PUs Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 81 PUs Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 86 PUs Purchase Units - Chinese Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed Chinese buy 4 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; Combat Move - Chinese Non Combat Move - Chinese 1 infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Kansu Place Units - Chinese 4 infantry placed in Kansu Turn Complete - Chinese Chinese collect 4 PUs; end with 6 PUs Purchase Units - British British buy 1 destroyer, 1 fighter and 6 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Purchase Units - UK_Pacific UK_Pacific buy 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - British 2 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium 1 tactical_bomber moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium 3 fighters moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium Combat - British Battle in Holland Belgium British attack with 3 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Italians defend with 2 infantry British roll dice for 3 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Holland Belgium, round 2 : 4/6 hits, 2.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 infantry in Holland Belgium, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Holland Belgium 2 infantry owned by the Italians lost in Holland Belgium British win, taking Holland Belgium from Germans with 3 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for British: 1 infantry Casualties for Italians: 2 infantry Non Combat Move - British 1 fighter moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Gibraltar 1 destroyer moved from 110 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone 2 aaGuns moved from Finland to Norway 1 tactical_bomber moved from Holland Belgium to Norway 3 fighters moved from Holland Belgium to Norway 2 aaGuns moved from United Kingdom to 110 Sea Zone 4 infantry moved from United Kingdom to 110 Sea Zone 2 aaGuns and 4 infantry moved from 110 Sea Zone to Normandy Bordeaux 1 mech_infantry moved from Tanganyika Territory to Anglo Egyptian Sudan 1 transport moved from 72 Sea Zone to 71 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to 71 Sea Zone 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 71 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone 2 infantry moved from 72 Sea Zone to Kenya 1 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to Rhodesia 1 carrier, 1 cruiser and 1 transport moved from 81 Sea Zone to 71 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from New Zealand to Brazil Place Units - British 1 destroyer placed in 71 Sea Zone 2 infantry placed in Union of South Africa 1 fighter and 4 infantry placed in United Kingdom Turn Complete - British British collect 30 PUs; end with 30 PUs Place Units - UK_Pacific 2 infantry placed in India Turn Complete - UK_Pacific Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 3 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 39 Sea Zone. Rolls: 2,1 UK_Pacific collect 3 PUs (3 lost to blockades); end with 3 PUs Some Units in India change ownership: 2 infantry
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Americans regular : 0.17 Japanese regular : -0.83 Germans AA : -0.17 Germans regular : 0.33 British regular : 1.50
Territory Summary for Americans, British, Chinese and UK_Pacific :
Kansu : 1 fighter and 9 infantry India : 4 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 5 artilleries, 5 bombers, 1 factory_major, 2 fighters, 1 harbour, 23 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 2 tactical_bombers Queensland : 1 bomber New Britain : 1 infantry Guam : 1 airfield Western United States : 2 aaGuns, 1 airfield, 1 bomber, 1 factory_major, 2 fighters, 1 harbour and 1 infantry Hawaiian Islands : 1 airfield, 1 fighter, 1 harbour, 2 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Midway : 1 airfield Java : 1 flag, 1 mech_infantry 42 Sea Zone : 1 transport 41 Sea Zone : 1 submarine 47 Sea Zone : 2 carriers, 2 destroyers, 2 fighters and 1 transport 26 Sea Zone : 1 flag, 1 destroyer, 4 submarines and 1 transport 25 Sea Zone : 3 submarines 10 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer and 1 transport 6 Sea Zone : 1 flag 57 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer 54 Sea Zone : 4 carriers, 2 destroyers, 5 fighters, 1 submarine and 3 tactical_bombers 61 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer Central United States : 1 aaGun and 1 factory_major Eastern United States : 1 airfield, 1 factory_major and 1 harbour Iceland : 1 airfield Quebec : 1 factory_minor Gibraltar : 1 airfield, 1 fighter and 1 harbour New Brunswick Nova Scotia : 1 harbour Egypt : 1 airfield and 1 harbour Union of South Africa : 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 2 infantry Scotland : 1 airfield Kenya : 2 infantry Malta : 1 aaGun and 1 infantry United Kingdom : 1 airfield, 1 bomber, 1 factory_major, 1 fighter, 1 harbour and 4 infantry Anglo Egyptian Sudan : 1 mech_infantry Rhodesia : 1 infantry Morocco : 1 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Normandy Bordeaux : 1 flag, 3 aaGuns, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour, 7 infantry and 1 mech_infantry Southern France : 1 flag, 1 factory_minor, 1 harbour and 1 infantry Norway : 1 flag, 2 aaGuns, 2 bombers, 1 factory_minor, 5 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Holland Belgium : 1 flag, 1 infantry Tobruk : 1 flag 125 Sea Zone : 1 flag 89 Sea Zone : 1 flag 93 Sea Zone : 1 flag, 1 submarine Eire : 1 flag 109 Sea Zone : 1 flag 97 Sea Zone : 6 submarines 92 Sea Zone : 1 submarine Eastern Persia : 1 flag 72 Sea Zone : 1 transport 71 Sea Zone : 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 transport Brazil : 1 flag, 1 fighter 98 Sea Zone : 1 flag 91 Sea Zone : 1 destroyer and 1 transport Finland : 1 flag, 1 aaGun, 2 armour, 3 artilleries, 11 infantry and 2 mech_infantrys Suriname : 2 infantry 110 Sea Zone : 1 battleship, 2 carriers, 2 cruisers, 2 destroyers, 1 tactical_bomber and 6 transports
Production/PUs Summary :
Germans : 43 / 55 Russians : 32 / 46 Japanese : 56 / 60 Americans : 66 / 86 Chinese : 4 / 6 British : 30 / 30 UK_Pacific : 6 / 3 Italians : 11 / 11 ANZAC : 10 / 9 French : 7 / 0 Dutch : 0 / 0 Mongolians : 0 / 0 Neutral_Axis : 0 / 0 Neutral_Allies : 0 / 0 Neutral_True : 18 / 0
Dice Statistics:
Total 1 was rolled 278 times 2 was rolled 264 times 3 was rolled 267 times 4 was rolled 237 times 5 was rolled 249 times 6 was rolled 276 times Average roll : 3.473 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.812 Standard Deviation : 0.901 Total rolls : 1571 Null / Other 1 was rolled 60 times 2 was rolled 44 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.442 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.710 Standard Deviation : 0.843 Total rolls : 294 Germans Combat 1 was rolled 55 times 2 was rolled 54 times 3 was rolled 50 times 4 was rolled 48 times 5 was rolled 59 times 6 was rolled 69 times Average roll : 3.624 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.847 Standard Deviation : 0.920 Total rolls : 335 British Combat 1 was rolled 23 times 2 was rolled 22 times 3 was rolled 26 times 4 was rolled 17 times 5 was rolled 17 times 6 was rolled 11 times Average roll : 3.138 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.264 Standard Deviation : 1.124 Total rolls : 116 Italians Combat 1 was rolled 12 times 2 was rolled 13 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 2 times 5 was rolled 9 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.135 Median : 3.000 Variance : 1.477 Standard Deviation : 1.215 Total rolls : 52 Americans Combat 1 was rolled 14 times 2 was rolled 12 times 3 was rolled 22 times 4 was rolled 12 times 5 was rolled 13 times 6 was rolled 15 times Average roll : 3.489 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.820 Standard Deviation : 0.905 Total rolls : 88 Neutral_Axis Combat 2 was rolled 2 times 3 was rolled 1 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.000 Median : 4.000 Variance : 0.800 Standard Deviation : 0.894 Total rolls : 6 Japanese Combat 1 was rolled 60 times 2 was rolled 44 times 3 was rolled 48 times 4 was rolled 43 times 5 was rolled 46 times 6 was rolled 53 times Average roll : 3.442 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.710 Standard Deviation : 0.843 Total rolls : 294 French Combat 1 was rolled 6 times 2 was rolled 4 times 3 was rolled 8 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 3 times 6 was rolled 8 times Average roll : 3.571 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.613 Standard Deviation : 0.783 Total rolls : 35 ANZAC Combat 1 was rolled 5 times 2 was rolled 3 times 3 was rolled 2 times 4 was rolled 6 times 5 was rolled 2 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 3.150 Median : 3.500 Variance : 0.807 Standard Deviation : 0.898 Total rolls : 20 Neutral_Allies Combat 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 4 was rolled 5 times 5 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 2 times Average roll : 4.200 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.704 Standard Deviation : 1.305 Total rolls : 10 Chinese Combat 1 was rolled 22 times 2 was rolled 29 times 3 was rolled 23 times 4 was rolled 24 times 5 was rolled 20 times 6 was rolled 23 times Average roll : 3.426 Median : 3.000 Variance : 0.325 Standard Deviation : 0.570 Total rolls : 141 UK_Pacific Combat 1 was rolled 3 times 2 was rolled 1 times 3 was rolled 1 times 6 was rolled 3 times Average roll : 3.250 Median : 2.500 Variance : 1.333 Standard Deviation : 1.155 Total rolls : 8 Russians Combat 1 was rolled 18 times 2 was rolled 35 times 3 was rolled 29 times 4 was rolled 31 times 5 was rolled 32 times 6 was rolled 27 times Average roll : 3.610 Median : 4.000 Variance : 1.014 Standard Deviation : 1.007 Total rolls : 172