Thanks for the info about e-readers. Are you planning on replacing your Nook, or perhaps trying the Kindle? (I heard that their price just dropped.)
About Stephen King, I really am not a fan of horror at all, although his “Dark Tower” series is not really horror. I read the first 2 books of the series a loooong time ago (probably about '95 or so), and while the story seemed pretty engaging at first, two things happened that caused me to give up on the series. 1. The story just got “wierd”, “strange”, and just too dark for me. I mean, this small group of misfits are trudging through post-apocatyptic world of some sort (I never could really figure it out.) and there is just nothing positive in the world at all. I’m one of those readers who wants the characters to struggle through difficulties but ultimately emerge victorious. 2. In one of the books (book 2 I believe), it has a pretty dark risque scene with an evil demon of some sort, and it just turned me off. I just don’t go for that at all. So, I’ve never even had the desire to try to pick it back up and finish the story.
Side note: If you’ve never read Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time”, then you absolutely must read it. You can even find some of the books in brand new hardback or paperback copies for under $5 at Bargain Bookstores if you have one in the area. I was in one just 2 days ago, and saw 2 of them in hardback for about $5 each and 2 in paperback for $3-4.