Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Forum

  • I guess you still haven’t read Gathering Storm yet? Great book!

  • @Brain:

    I guess you still haven’t read Gathering Storm yet? Great book!

    Yeah, I’m still holding off for a little while, because first I’m planning on re-reaing the entire series from “The Eye of the World”, so that will take me a while.  I may even try to plan it so that I will finish “The Gathering Storm” right as “The Towers of Midnight” comes out.  That would be great.

    So for now, I’m just reading a little of this and a little of that.

    I’ve just finished reading, “The Redemption of Althalus” by David Eddings.  While I really enjoyed his Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium, and Tamuli book series, this stand alone novel was not up to his usual standards.

    After I read a couple of the Percy Jackson books, I’m planning on reading David Eddings, “The Dreamers” 4-book series, and I hope that it is as good as the others that I mentioned.

  • @Bardoly:


    I guess you still haven’t read Gathering Storm yet? Great book!

    Yeah, I’m still holding off for a little while, because first I’m planning on re-reaing the entire series from “The Eye of the World”, so that will take me a while.  I may even try to plan it so that I will finish “The Gathering Storm” right as “The Towers of Midnight” comes out.  That would be great.

    So for now, I’m just reading a little of this and a little of that.

    I’ve just finished reading, “The Redemption of Althalus” by David Eddings.  While I really enjoyed his Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium, and Tamuli book series, this stand alone novel was not up to his usual standards.

    After I read a couple of the Percy Jackson books, I’m planning on reading David Eddings, “The Dreamers” 4-book series, and I hope that it is as good as the others that I mentioned.

    Have you read any Raymond Feist?

  • Those are great authors. Finish the PErcy Jackson series first its a quick read ( a day or so)

  • @Brain:



    I guess you still haven’t read Gathering Storm yet? Great book!

    Yeah, I’m still holding off for a little while, because first I’m planning on re-reaing the entire series from “The Eye of the World”, so that will take me a while.  I may even try to plan it so that I will finish “The Gathering Storm” right as “The Towers of Midnight” comes out.  That would be great.

    So for now, I’m just reading a little of this and a little of that.

    I’ve just finished reading, “The Redemption of Althalus” by David Eddings.  While I really enjoyed his Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium, and Tamuli book series, this stand alone novel was not up to his usual standards.

    After I read a couple of the Percy Jackson books, I’m planning on reading David Eddings, “The Dreamers” 4-book series, and I hope that it is as good as the others that I mentioned.

    Have you read any Raymond Feist?

    Absolutely!  I think that I own (and have read, of course) every one of his books except for the newest, “Rides a Dread Legion” which I will buy whenever I get the chance, or I may just wait until the entire series is out, and then purchase it all at once.

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    Those are great authors. Finish the Percy Jackson series first its a quick read ( a day or so)

    Yeah, it’s a good story.  Even though its target audience is more young adult, I enjoyed the first 3 books.  Now I just have to get books 4 and 5.

  • Aww it gets even better with each passing book! Most authors hit their peak at book 2-3. This guy was good the whole series.

  • Well, I’ve been reading just some assorted stuff lately.  I haven’t been able to get my hands on books 4 and 5 of the Percy Jackson series yet, but I hope to sometime later this year.

    What have y’all been reading lately?

  • Well, I just recently started Jack Campbell’s, “Lost Fleet” sci-fi series, and I’ve already devoured the first three books in as many days.

    The books read very easy, and although they haven’t really brought anything new to the table of science fiction, they’re not too bad either.

  • Well, I just finished reading the first 5 books of Jack Campbell’s “The Lost Fleet” series, and I can’t wait till I can read more.

    Now I’m reading John Flanagan’s, “Ranger’s Apprentice” series, and they’re quite good!

  • I read the first 5 books of John Flanagan’s, “Ranger’s Apprentice”, and they were very good.  I hope to be able to read the next 4 in the series that are out soon.

  • I used to read quite a bit of fiction about 15+ years ago and just recently started reading fiction again. I bought a Nook from Barnes and Noble 3 weeks ago and read Clan of the Cave Bear and about to finish the 2nd book The Valley of Horses. A couple of days ago I went to the used book store and picked up 2001: A Space Odyssey since it is not an ebook yet, and I picked up a used copy of Dune because the ebook is $14 and I did not want to spend that much in case I didn’t like the book. I am looking forward to reading them. If I like them I do plan on getting all of the books in the series and since the Dune books are all ebooks it will be real convenient to load them to the Nook without having to go to the bookstore. I have read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books and some Star Wars books and enjoyed them. Recently I picked up the first book in a trilogy called Winterbirth by Brian Ruckley. The trilogy is called the Godless World Series. Has anyone read any those? Any suggestions on any other fantasy/sci-fi books that are not listed in this forum? I saw the Wheel of Time series listed here and added the first book to my e-wish list on my Nook. Does anyone else use ereaders like Kindle or Nook?

  • skinny1,

    Welcome back to the world of fiction!  One of these days when I get some time, I’m going to edit the first post and add a lot more good fantasy/science fiction to it.

    I’ve thought about getting a Kindle, but I’ve got a couple thousand books, and I don’t want to purchase all of them in digital format, as that will be pretty expensive.

    For good books, I’ve already recommended these, but a few that stick out would be David Eddings’ Belariad series

    and David Weber’s, “Empire From the Ashes” trilogy is really good too.

  • @Bardoly:


    Welcome back to the world of fiction!  One of these days when I get some time, I’m going to edit the first post and add a lot more good fantasy/science fiction to it.

    I’ve thought about getting a Kindle, but I’ve got a couple thousand books, and I don’t want to purchase all of them in digital format, as that will be pretty expensive.

    For good books, I’ve already recommended these, but a few that stick out would be David Eddings’ Belariad series

    and David Weber’s, “Empire From the Ashes” trilogy is really good too.

    Thanks Bardoly. I ended up taking my Nook back because I was having issues with it freezing on me. I am in part 2 of the Dune novel and bought the rest of the series. It is a great read and found out that George Lucas took some ideas from it and The Lord of the Rings series and used the ideas for Star Wars. I also found out that Frank Herbert used the Middle East as a reference for Dune. The story is great and can’t wait to read the other books by him and the books that his son and Kevin J Anderson released. We have a store in town called Half Price Books which is where I buy most of my books from. Not a bad deal to pay half price and a little for tax as it works out to about the same as getting a book for a penny plus shipping from Amazon. The store has a whole aisle of two shelfs of sci-fi/fantasy books to choose from. I did see that they have most if not all of the Wheel of Time series up to book 12 so far. I use the notepad feature on my phone to write down authors/book titles so while I am browsing I have books that I can look for.

    As far as getting a Kindle and replacing your existing library that is big decision. It could get expensive but a lot of the books are fairly inexpensive but if you have a store that will buy your existing books that could off set the cost a little of buying them in digital format.

    Have you read the fantasy series from Stephen King called The Dark Tower? It looks like it might be pretty good.

  • Thanks for the info about e-readers.  Are you planning on replacing your Nook, or perhaps trying the Kindle?  (I heard that their price just dropped.)

    About Stephen King, I really am not a fan of horror at all, although his “Dark Tower” series is not really horror.  I read the first 2 books of the series a loooong time ago (probably about '95 or so), and while the story seemed pretty engaging at first, two things happened that caused me to give up on the series. 1.  The story just got “wierd”, “strange”, and just too dark for me.  I mean, this small group of misfits are trudging through post-apocatyptic world of some sort (I never could really figure it out.) and there is just nothing positive in the world at all.  I’m one of those readers who wants the characters to struggle through difficulties but ultimately emerge victorious.  2.  In one of the books (book 2 I believe), it has a pretty dark risque scene with an evil demon of some sort, and it just turned me off.  I just don’t go for that at all.  So, I’ve never even had the desire to try to pick it back up and finish the story.

    Side note:  If you’ve never read Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time”, then you absolutely must read it.  You can even find some of the books in brand new hardback or paperback copies for under $5 at Bargain Bookstores if you have one in the area.  I was in one just 2 days ago, and saw 2 of them in hardback for about $5 each and 2 in paperback for $3-4.

  • I chose the Nook over the Kindle because of in-store support at a local store if I needed it whereas the Kindle would have to be shipped back to Amazon if there was a problem with the device. Since I did not purchase too many books with the Nook maybe some day I will try the Kindle. The other advantage that I liked about the Nook is that there is an expandable memory slot that will hold up to a 16 gig Micro SD card. The Kindle has a built in 4 gigs and no expansion slot. The Nook has a user replaceable battery that costs about $30. The Kindle has to be sent back to Amazon and can cost between $80 and $100 to fix although I did see somewhere on the net that it is possible to replace the battery on the Kindle by yourself. I do plan on getting the Wheel of Time series since I do like long stories. The series is on my list of must reads. If I need a break from Dune maybe I will pick up the first book in the Wheel of Time and give it a read. If I like the first one I will pick up the rest of them.

  • Thanks for the info.

    I just got and read in 2 days, The Accidental Time Machine" by Joe Haldeman.  A decent read.

  • What’s the name of the essay where a space nation lost a war because they focused on developing their technology so much that they were not able to win the numbers game.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    What’s the name of the essay where a space nation lost a war because they focused on developing their technology so much that they were not able to win the numbers game.

    Star Wars IV and VI.

  • I started the Star Wars Darth Bane series. I really like it.

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