Tucson, Arizona, anyone interested in playing axis and allies. I haven’t played in years, but would love to get together and play.
Syracuse, NY players wanted for F-T-F game
hey guys, gals looking for players and place to meet in the Syracuse, NY area.
I see there are a lot of players within an hour drive of there.
I have copies of most of the versions of the game.
PM me if your interested. Busy at work so it may be a few days before I get back to you.
I live in a suburb of Rochester called Fairport. Its on the east side of the town. It seems like that we are having the same trouble trying to find people in the area. But I might be willing to travel. What part of Syracuse you live in? Look forward to your response.Rich.
I live in Watertown, about an hour north of Syracuse. :oops:
I’m in Syracuse it’s self and found a group in Morrisvillie if your still looking let me know.
I’m still here and we play every weekend