@Krieghund Thank you!
Thoughts on A-Bomb
The reason that I would have it that expensive is to really replicate how much manpower and money went into actually making it all happen. It is a luxury that only should be available to a country that really would have the money and time to actually pull it off. I think a three turn process to get it and of course to start it off you would need to winning dice roll. I think you could have it this way so the game wouldn’t become an A-bomb-a-thon, more like a faster way to finish a game off, to capture a heavily fortified capital for instance. Again I say this purely for historical purposes.
I get the massive investment in the programs, definitely, and the 3 turn thing isn’t too off from other discussions of Abombs, but in AAP, only the US really has the kind of money you are thinking (25-50 IPCs) to spend as luxury, and historically, Japan had two Abomb programs to the US’ one. This might work better in the new AAP40, which won’t have the VPs that often end the game one way or another in about 6-7 turns.
Also, if Japan does a good job and is able to capture the ANZAC for instance, it would then have plenty of money to apply to a bomb program against the US. I feel that it should only be used as it was in real life, to put an end to an pretty much won war with less loss of life (for the winning team) and hassle. Yeah I admit the VP thing does cramp the time table, but AAP40 should have no problem.