• But would the judge buy such an argument from the Positive side in Yanny’s case? The insurance industry lobbyist is going to stick to his guns. After all, he likes getting that new company car every two years, to treat as his own, not to mention the stock options, etc. Oh, and he has the best health insurance money can buy, too – but it’s not his money that’s paying for it!

    By rules of the debate, I can assume that Congress will pass my plan, so the negative cannot argue “this will never be passed”.

    Putting the burden on schools is exactly the wrong decision. Remember, treatment for Autism is one on one contact with a specialized psychologist. This means every single school is going to have to hire a special psychologist to treat the Autistic kids. Thats going to cost a lot of money, much more than would have to be payed for by the Insurance companies.

    You argue that the insurance companies will have to spread their resources thinner just to cover the new Autism patients. However, we’re not talking about a large increase in spending. Only 280,000 kids with Autism are covered with Medical insurance. It will cost 150,000 dollars over 3 years to treat them. That is about 4.2 billion dollars over 3 years. This number may seem huge, but it is not much money. My partner (wish I had his notes) calculated that insurance companies would only have to raise their rates 7% to cover the cost. Now, this is assuming every single child with Autism is treated, at the same time, at 54000 dollars a year. The number in reality is probably closer to 3.5%.

  • OK, color me mystified… if we assume that Congress will pass a law forcing insurance cos to deliver the services and permitting them to raise their rates in order to increase the proportion of coverage to 85% - - - then what is left to argue??

    If you are going to say that the point left to argue is that it is unfair for the 196 million Americans with medical insurance to have to pay $65 more per year, I don’t see where these citizens are going to have much choice! When Congress passes a law, they generally create an appropriations (that is, spending) bill to go with the law – some tax dollars may be directed toward reimbursing part of the service cost, and some pressure applied upon the insurance cos. through the usual channels to make them come up with another part of the cost, and finally the govt will approve some rate increases to make up the rest. That’s the way it will go, it seems to me.

    What assumptions are left for making a negative argument?

  • Hey man: showtime!
    Have a blast. Get an A. Have a transcendent experience!

  • How did it go, Yanny? What did they run against you? Did you get many topicalities?

  • My partner wimped out and couldn’t go :( But I watched other debaters, I’m telling you, we would of wasted them!

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