Try playing a game with the AA Revised Enhanced Rules. With Combined Arms your BB get AA hits, and the German 88’s NA give your artillery a great punch.
New player with a strange start up
Hello everybody. I bought my first A&A’s games last year, the Revised Edition. I never heard of a second edition of the “revised edition” but in MY A&A’s Revised Edition, the start up is a little bit different from the photo on the box, and from all descriptions of start up I have heard.
Let my be little more clear :
I have always read that germany has a mediterrean fleet in SZ 14 and GB has a Battleship in SZ 13 and a destroyer in SZ 15.
But in MY “revised edition”, germany has only a submarine in SZ 13 and GB has a Battleship and a transport in SZ 14.Which is the right start up in mediterrean sea between this 2 ?
Another example :
In the pacific, in MY “revised edition”, I see a british fleet in SZ 31 (1 AC carrying 1 fig, 1 destroyer, 1 transport) and a transport+submarine in SZ 41.
But on the box picture, I see a british fleet in SZ 35 ( 1 AC carrying 1 fig, 1 destroyer, 1 Battleship) and a transport+submarine in SZ 40.
Again, which start up is the good one ?
Last example (There are other differances if you want them all):
On the box photo, in the Atlantic ocean, GB has 1 transport in SZ 1, and another one coupled with a Battleship in SZ 2. Germany has a Battleship, 1 destroyer and something i don’t recognize.
But in MY “revised edition”, GB has only one transport in SZ 2, but a battleship SZ 19. Germany has all his kriegmarine in SZ 5 (1 Battleship, 1 destroyer, 2 transport, 2 submarines) except one submarine in SZ 13.Please somebody can help me to answer this mystery ? There is a second “revised edition” ? or it is a BIG print mistake ?
Don’t you have cards for each nation that list the starting units in each location or is that what seems inaccurate? At least in my revised edition, the board situation on the box seemed ridiculous with a US Battleship rounding Brazil, a Russian bomber, a German carrier in the med, unlike the starting setup so I ignored the picture.
If you can’t make sense of where things go, use Triple A for a reference. You can download Triple A here.
Triple A has A&A Revised, Classic, 50th Anniversary, and other games. The ships are a little difficult to make out at first as the aesthetics are poor compared to the board game itself. -
Yes indeed. I have cards for each nation that list the starting units. On the british card i have a Battleship near Cuba and a destroyer on the coast of Chili ^^. But it seems, after i begin to play online, that the start up on the box picture is right one. But why such conception mistakes can be forget ?
I never read some topic about this kind of error. -
Is this an English language edition? I have heard of some quality problems with games printed in other languages.
the one on the box is correct by my AAR game cards
Some of the stuff on the box is right. The Brits don’t have a Battleship in the Indian Ocean, The Germans don’t have a Battleship in the Baltic. There might be a web page that has the setup listed. Triple A and Game Table Online both have versions of the game that can be played online so you can copy their starting setups.
How long has that thing been sitting on the Shelf at the store?
My copy of revised, that I bought when it FIRST came out, had different prices for different countries, but I never noticed any starting placement errors…
Perhaps you’re not reading the Sea-Zone’s right on the map? Or they aren’t typed on correctly?
I have correctly read the sea zone, several times actualy ^^
My game is a french version.
I’m just beginning to play online on GTO facebook application, so i’m writing down on a piece of paper the right start up ^^.
My game is a french version.
Yes, this is one of the versions that has errors.
You can also get the setup information here:
and (if you’ve got really good eyes) you may be able to make out the correct sea zone numbers on this map:
I’m glad to hear that is an “official mistake” ^^
Thaks for your help, all of you :lol:
So I had another question. Where are the White Surrender pieces for the French in this game? Is my set incomplete?
So I had another question. Where are the White Surrender pieces for the French in this game? Is my set incomplete?
France is not a playable nation on Revised and there are no White Surrender pieces.
Are you talking about the Annivrsry Game as I think the French surrender in that version, not the revised 2nd. You can post under that forum. Although I do not know much about the foreign language editions, perhaps they have different rules and pieces?
Happy Gaming!
D2 -
So I had another question. Where are the White Surrender pieces for the French in this game? Is my set incomplete?
France is not a playable nation on Revised and there are no White Surrender pieces.
Thank you so much for the clarification. Although this is quite disappointing as I really want to re-enact the French Surrender as many time as possible. Maybe I will try the Anniversary Edition or the old Xeno board.
I see your point, I too have wanted to re-enact the surrender as well. I think it was an important part of the historical play. There should be a point when what ever country frees the French from German Occupation, the white surrender pieces are replaced by whichever country saves them. ( ei, green if its US, Tan if its UK, Red and White if its Switzerland, Orange if its just one guy named Ron, et… )
Let me know if you find an expanded edition with revised rules to allow.
I have a expansion set in my closet that I bought in probably '94-'96 that starts around '40 and has rules for how and when Russia and US enter the war. When Germany takes France, you roll a die to determine whether French territories + troops are either Vichy or Free French, and whether the French Navy is Vichy, Free or scuttled. ( I think the Free French are played by the UK). Haven’t played it in years. I think it was by Xeno Games and called “The World at War”. Also had destroyers and some other cool changes.