@hengst yea i read through them again. Some cool ideas. The End Points are interesting. Kind of a Railroad type thing. For Land anyway.
Got a couple other things going, but yea, gonna check it out some more :)
What about the following idea:
Additionally to ICs which still cost 15$ any Nation may build barracks.
here my rules:
My Idea: make the game more interesting, have more places where units are build and create much more battle areas, especially in the Aisia/Pacific theatre
Only Russia may not use barracks, but all other nation may prefer barracks instead of ICs.
reasonable countries for barracks:
Germany: Poland, France, Hungary, Romania, maybe Egypt
UK: India,South Africa, Egypt, Burma, Norway, Finland, East Indies and/or Borneo, maybe Australia
US: Philippines, Norway, Finland, maybe Brazil
Japan: FIC, Burma, Manchuria, Kiangsu, East Indies and/or Borneo
Italy: Egypt
At a first glance barracks seem to make ICs obsolete, but remember, only infantry be be build there.
So what do you think ?
I think it’s a very interesting idea - perhaps something like this could make it into a future version.
They’re probably a bit strong - perhaps $8 and can produce infantry equal to the value of the territory minus one (otherwise you risk sidelining transports). But i like the concept - it might heat up the action in different areas (india, africa in particular).
This is a great idea! I will be using Infrantry Barracks in my house rules however, I agree that they should be $8. Bravo.
Hi, I’ve been reading post for a long time. Today seemed like a good day to pop my cherry so I registered. I like the inf barracks, thought about using it myself. Cost @ 7 ipc, but can upgrade to full IC for 10 ipc. Another way to get inf in to the game is to allow 1 inf to be mobilized at any VC @ say 4 ipc, maybe 2 inf at Paris (worth more).
I think they should be called “Hospitals” instead of “Barracks” (just a thought).
If you call them hospitals then maybe this: after a battle, if you lose inf, then maybe roll a die and on x or less (i am not sure if on 2 or 1) the inf is send to the hospital. After some turns, representing his recovery, the inf can be used. What do you say?
you can use Monopoly house pieces to represent your barracks