What about the following idea:
Additionally to ICs which still cost 15$ any Nation may build barracks.
here my rules:
- barracks cost 6 IPC
- barracks may be build according to the same rules as ICs
- barracks allow to build as many units as the IPC value of the country (same rule as ICs) but only infantry
- If a country has an IC, no barracks can be build there
- If barracks are captured, they can be used the next turn, exactly as ICs
- barracks can be SBR’d but get only 1/2 damage, rounded. A dice roll of 4 will cause 2 damage markers, a roll of 3 just 1 damage marker.
- tanks blitzing into a country with barracks must stop
My Idea: make the game more interesting, have more places where units are build and create much more battle areas, especially in the Aisia/Pacific theatre
Only Russia may not use barracks, but all other nation may prefer barracks instead of ICs.
reasonable countries for barracks:
Germany: Poland, France, Hungary, Romania, maybe Egypt
UK: India,South Africa, Egypt, Burma, Norway, Finland, East Indies and/or Borneo, maybe Australia
US: Philippines, Norway, Finland, maybe Brazil
Japan: FIC, Burma, Manchuria, Kiangsu, East Indies and/or Borneo
Italy: Egypt
At a first glance barracks seem to make ICs obsolete, but remember, only infantry be be build there.
So what do you think ?