@PrivateerPuffin Supply tokens are not units, but they can be loaded during the Reinforce, Repair, and Deploy step. Your example is legal.
Reinforcments or Not?
Are there any reinforcements in this game?
Do the sides bring on any reinforcements accoring to a schedule or can you build your own reinforcements to add to your side?
Is there any historical limit to the mix of forces?
Can the Japanese have 8 BB’s for example?
Are there any reinforcements in this game?
Yes. The player decides what types of reinforecements he will ‘order.’
Do the sides bring on any reinforcements accoring to a schedule or can you build your own reinforcements to add to your side?
The reinforcements are not handled by charts like BOTB and D-Day.
Is there any historical limit to the mix of forces?
Can the Japanese have 8 BB’s for example?
No limits on the number of any one unit you may have as long as you have the points to get them. Reinforcement points do not carryover they must be all used or they are lost each turn.
See Krieg’s links for more details.
I was expecting that the reinforcments arrive like the D-Day reinforcements.