Lack of German naval strat: problem or not?

  • I hope I’m the one who’s wrong, but looking at the situation as a realist, the Axis earn too much money with NOs that starting rounds 3-4, they’re already outpacing what the Allies are making.  This completely throws off the balance of the game.

    Yes, the IPC situation is tough for the Allies in the beginning, but once they strike at Italy it will change quickly. An Italy with both NOs is around 20-22 IPCs, and once that is erased the Axis is in a tough spot. In earlier editions, the weakest power was always the Soviet Union but that unenviable position has now been taken by Italy, and since eliminating a capital is so powerful I think Italy’s weakness outweighs the NO boost that the Axis gets in the early stages of the game.

    But the purpose of this thread was to see if people are lacking a German naval option or not. I think AA50 is a great game and certainly will be playing it no matter what, I’m just annoyed that the sub war wasn’t portrayed better, especially when they put so much thought into redesigning the sub unit.

  • Why does everyone think it impossible to keep a sub presence in the atlantic?  Of course, it takes a bit of work but it’s doable.  Firstly, build at least a bmb on G1, if not a sub/bmb, sub/ftr or 2 sub.  Secondly, make sure you clear the Atlantic as much as you can.  Can’t leave the bb sz 2, dd sz 6 or the ca/dd sz 12.  Those are all targets that are nice to destroy anyhow.  ftr nwe, ftr ger, sub sz 7 -> sz 12.  bmb ger, ftr nwy, sub sz 7 -> sz 2.  ss/ca sz 5 -> sz 6.  If you’ve done well, you have a ftr alg (reinforced by trn or by lib if desired), ftr fra, ftr bmb nwy, the ftr pol can go to nwy or fra after fighting in most any battle, and sub sz 6.  Now, if you built bmb on G1… you’ve got great coverage all the way to sz 2 and sz 8.

    The key here is, make sure you don’t get your subs trapped in sz 5.  Your target SZ should be sz 8.  From there you control every allied sz in the atl.  Since that’s as unrealistic as just about anything in A&A, your next two “control” zones should be sz 3 and sz 6… they can reach every GBR sz.  bmb operate ideally out of fra, their coverage there is nearly everything, they can even cover northern russian territories from there.  And just remember to keep building subs, they’re the infantry of naval combat.  You’re sending subs in to take hits, and ftr and bmb to kill.  Keep control of your vital SZ!  Anything that enters sz 3 or 7 SHOULD be killed if you’re building submarines, that’s the point.

  • Of course you should use your at-start subs aggressively like you describe. The problem is any sub you build will either be blocked in North Sea (sz6) or if you get it out to English Channel or Norwegian Sea (sz7 or sz3) it’s very easy for the UK player to send either one DD forward or move his entire fleet forward and destroy your sub while defending with their measly ‘1’ in defence. If you have enough air power you might force the UK player to send in only their DD with the RAF so as to not expose their fleet, but if I was UK I’ll trade one DD for one sub anyday since it comes out of Germany’s hard-pressed IPC pocket!

    The only way for BUILT subs to be effective for Germany is to get them to attack the main UK/US fleet in sz3 or sz7 in conjunction with air units and the mistaken DD block rule negates that possibility.

  • @Subotai:

    AA50, (and also Classic & AAR) is not about VCs. It’s about production, attrition and money.

    Says you.  My gaming circle plays way too aggressively to get bogged down like that.  The game is usually over by the 3rd turn.

    Also, I see no reason for Germany not to build Subs, seeing as they can easily shove Russia over to the point where Germany makes 50 and Russia makes 30, and then they can simply harass and trade till Godzilla crushes everything.  Why should Germany make a risky push into Moscow when they can win just by surviving?

    Also, you could declare that naval units can’t go to and from the Baltic Sea Zone unless Northwest Europe is controlled by friendlies.  Axis subs are thus invincible unless Northwest Europe is taken.

  • @wodan46:

    My gaming circle plays way too aggressively to get bogged down like that.  The game is usually over by the 3rd turn.

    Which side wins most often, which scenario, and do you play with NOs?

  • @Lynxes:

    Of course you should use your at-start subs aggressively like you describe. The problem is any sub you build will either be blocked in North Sea (sz6) or if you get it out to English Channel or Norwegian Sea (sz7 or sz3) it’s very easy for the UK player to send either one DD forward or move his entire fleet forward and destroy your sub while defending with their measly ‘1’ in defence. If you have enough air power you might force the UK player to send in only their DD with the RAF so as to not expose their fleet, but if I was UK I’ll trade one DD for one sub anyday since it comes out of Germany’s hard-pressed IPC pocket!

    The only way for BUILT subs to be effective for Germany is to get them to attack the main UK/US fleet in sz3 or sz7 in conjunction with air units and the mistaken DD block rule negates that possibility.

    Again I’ll say, if you build subs you’re telling your opponent “I will not let you go into sz 7 or sz 3.”  If you plan to be effective with them.  A sub on G1 will not be blocked into sz 5 unless the GB1 build is directly into sz 6.  Your goals are:  clear sz 2, clear sz 6.  You want ss sz 6 and, pie in the sky all 4 of your ftr survive, they’re in nwy x2, fra, and alg.  This will nearly force the GB player to spend either nothing on a navy or all 43.

    My general objective is to get a few subs on the board, spread them out, and use them as the infantry of the sea as Germany.  This strategy generally involves the aggressive pursuit of Kar, as an air-base established their allows ftrs to defend sz 3.

    If 2 subs then sz 5 sz 6
    “” 3 “” sz 3
    “” 4 “” sz 4

    As you space your subs, you need to be able to think “well if a dd sinks this sub it’s not a big deal because I will sink a dd and I will net 2 IPC, BUT if he goes full force at one of my subs I should be able to destroy whatever’s in that sea zone, or at least come out +IPCs”  If you’re spending money on this and you can’t tell yourself that, you’re just wasting the cash.

  • Moderator

    I think subs can provide a pretty good annoyance factor.

    Even if you are placing subs in Sz 5 and they get blocked by a UK DD in sz 6, Germany comes out ahead by 2 ipc.  If you have multiple subs and UK/US moves their fleet to sz 6 to block, you may be able to get off a strafing run with 4-5 subs and 5-6 planes.  In this case the subs make great fodder.  Maybe you lose 1 plane as well but you’ll still inflict about 5 hits which likely means the Allies losing DDs or possibly CAs compared to the majority of your losses being subs.  And you can always play the OOL game too and lose an extra ftr or 2 and try for a second rd of combat with 1-2 subs and try to sink an AC or another Capital ship.  Obviously this scenerio would depend on the overall fleet size but I can see its uses in certain circumstances.

  • As I said UK will gladly spend 8 IPCs to block several subs from being used against the invading fleet. If you only build one sub, then maybe UK will stack up its main fleet with that DD instead. No way the Allies are going to move a major fleet into North Sea if you have several subs in the Baltic Sea! They don’t need to, no land territory borders the North Sea that can’t be invaded from other sea zones. And if they want to get into the Baltic, they just put up a DD as a block in the North Sea the first turn and then move in their fleet from English channel or Norwegian Sea.

    The only way to use subs is, as I detailed some time ago in posts on the strategy boards, is to use ITALIAN air to attack the DD block. And that will only work until US sends in a DD. In the '42 scenario, JAPANESE air can be used to attack the US DD block. All this is too gamey tactics and hardly something you can base a sound strategy on.  :|  Subs were not intended to be built by Germany for this game, and that fact will remain until subs are boosted in some way.

  • Moderator


    As I said UK will gladly spend 8 IPCs to block several subs from being used against the invading fleet.

    One DD can only block 1 one sub.

    Ger attacks with 1 sub and air (66% shot UK dd misses), then Ger Non-Coms remaining subs to other szs and replaces new sub in Sz 5.

    Now the Allies need a DD to take out the sub (if survived) in Sz 6 as well as the other subs that could have moved to Sz 3 or sz 7.

    Just like the Allies aren’t going to move a fleet to Sz 6 if Ger can attack heavy, Germany isn’t going to move a bunch of subs so 1 DD and tons of Allied air can sink them.  It is a bit of a cat and mouse game, but 1 Ger sub can force the UK to use at least TWO DDs (one to block sz 6, which gets killed, and the one needed to sink the Ger sub in Sz 6 if suvived the attack on the DD).  The Allies then need additional dds to sink any remaining subs that scatter.

    At somepoint the Allies need to go to Sz 6 fairly heavy, just to stop the negative trade of 1-2 dds for 1 sub.  Thats a worst case +2 for Ger and potentially a best case +10 ipc for Ger for one turn.  (depends on how long or how many rounds the constant trade of sub for dd lasts).

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