@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Protecting fuel and ammo dumps
1) Can an ammo dump gain from being in cover? Or is it strictly that if an enemy just gets an opportunity to shoot, there is a 33% chance of getting it. I’d like think that a successful cover roll would mean that the damage roll is not even an option.
2) Playing large scale games demands ammo creativity. I was playing a 600+ point game on the weekend. I therefore spent 60 points on ammo dumps (10 points per 100). It was decoded that an ammo dump should influence to a range of six hexes. Therefore my dumps needed to be spread evenly through my area or even mounted on a truck. Then they would be subject to capture.
Any ideas?
They are Soldier types so yes they can get cover rolls when appropriate.
So I place my ammo dump in a forest or even better in a bunker. You attack, I roll for cover and get it. Just the fact that you attacked still makes me roll a single die with a 33% chance of exploding. How does the cover help me?
That’s where the “when appropriate” part comes in :-D
Ammo dumps are fragile, and if a battle takes place so close to the supply line then there is a good chance the ammo-dump is going to be threatened.
As a side note, without a house-rule, Ammo-dumps cannot be transported. But I think you knew that.
Okay, thanks, I’m getting this now. You get a shot on my ammo dump and I roll for an immediate 33% chance that it blows up. This is regardless of the cover I have placed the unit in.
This roll misses so you carry on with the actual attack hoping to score two hits against my 3/3 defence. My rolling cover may limit your attack to disruption like any other soldier. Since the Ammo dump is a “Soldier” I can put it in a bunker to gain a 3, 4, 5 or 6 on the cover roll.
When disrupted I lose my ability to distribute ammo and my defence is reduced to 2/2.
If your soldiers get close enough, I get a short range attack of 5 against your soldiers and 2 against your vehicles.
How am I doing?
The ammo dump should still work while disrupted…only “Command Abilities” stop working while disrupted.