Anyone who watched both Battle of Britain and Dunkirk understands which of the two is a better war movie
Top Ten Posters
See, you guys don’t have a moderator forum to spam posts (Just Kidding! :))
1 TG Moses VI 3685
2 Yanny 1783
3 cystic crypt 1103
4 HortenFlyingWing 970
5 Xi 663
6 F_alk 646
7 yourbuttocks 590
8 Mr Ghoul 583
9 EmuGod 571
10 GeZe 570Just an update on the top ten list.
youl never beat me,(evil laugh) :wink:
10.Emugod-578 -
waves his hands in 18 strange motions to show that he’ll delete any more “updates”
Here’s an UPDATE for you Yanny!!
Watch it Canuk, I may have to get nasty if you hit 1500 :evil:
Come on! Odds are 2:1 for Horten with the bookies.
Make it 'Who will be the first to reach 1500 between #3 and #4?"
Also, "Who will be the first to reach 1000 out of #s 5-10.
Then ya got a horse race.Looks like we got trying to fix the race as it is, right, GeeZ?
I calls 'em as I sees 'em.
I broke 600 posts!
Can you subract “penalty postings” for such a thing that YB just did???
THis is my 664th post …. one more than Xi ! Number 5 all alone!! Yay!