Lewis is my favorite actor ( living), he can do no wrong in any movie. Lincoln gets my vote
If you listen to him in his natural voice, it’s almost impossible that he can be any of the characters he portrays.
See, you guys don’t have a moderator forum to spam posts (Just Kidding! :))
1 TG Moses VI 3685
2 Yanny 1783
3 cystic crypt 1103
4 HortenFlyingWing 970
5 Xi 663
6 F_alk 646
7 yourbuttocks 590
8 Mr Ghoul 583
9 EmuGod 571
10 GeZe 570Just an update on the top ten list.
youl never beat me,(evil laugh) :wink:
waves his hands in 18 strange motions to show that he’ll delete any more “updates”
Here’s an UPDATE for you Yanny!!
Watch it Canuk, I may have to get nasty if you hit 1500 :evil:
Come on! Odds are 2:1 for Horten with the bookies.
Make it 'Who will be the first to reach 1500 between #3 and #4?"
Also, "Who will be the first to reach 1000 out of #s 5-10.
Then ya got a horse race.
Looks like we got trying to fix the race as it is, right, GeeZ?
I calls 'em as I sees 'em.
I broke 600 posts!
Can you subract “penalty postings” for such a thing that YB just did???
THis is my 664th post …. one more than Xi ! Number 5 all alone!! Yay!