Yes Tall Paul; I agree. Except when that Yankee Brad Putt blows it up!
I will be sad.
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
F6FHellcat, you are correct. Though America consists of 50+1 voting states, only 11 states are required for victory in a presidential race. That’s a little more than 10%. Of course, any candidate who follows this strategy is in for a risky proposition as the two largest states - California and Texas - are nominally split between Democratic and Republican. More important are the larger swing states, states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida with no clear cut favorite. And true this, the vast majority of a candidates’ time and money goes into these states.
Question #2 - SportsOf the five major sports leagues in America, which league(s) use the term “referee” when describing a person who has the authority to make decisions regarding rules of conduct during play?
The Five Major Sports Leagues may be defined as:
Football - NFL
Baseball - MLB
Basketball - NBA
Ice Hockey - NHL
Soccer - MLS -
i do not know for sure, i would guess, ice hockey, soccer, football
Hey i thought of a question.
While Mt. Everst is the largest mountain in the world. Before it was even known what was the largest MT. and why?
clone, quit trying to hijack the thread.
SORRY MY BAD!!! :evil:
Hey i thought of a question.
While Mt. Everst is the largest mountain in the world. Before it was even known what was the largest MT. and why?
Mount Everest not biggest. Mauna Loa is biggest mountain in world and second tallest. Mauna Kea is tallest mountain but less mass than Mauna Loa.
OH you got to be kidding me my trivia card I found that off of was an old one sorry again.
lol, you were probably refering to highest mountain, in terms of elevation ;)
ya elevation
Elevation above sea level not same as biggest.
okay substitute elavation for biggest