@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
The Official "Looking for AA50 Opponents" Thread
DutchmanD, I’d be happy to play another 6 player game with you. I’d prefer tech this time and '41. I’d like to play on your team for this one if thats possible.
am looking for an aa50’41 game, no tech …
am not that experienced, just played allies a couple of times (always lost ;))
if one want’s to play allies, i’m fine with axis … just never played them so far.
Dutch, I’d like to get in on the multiplayer game if you have room. Don’t care who I am, techs would be cool, but not a big deal either way.
I am actually setting up the Multiplayer in lieu of Dutchman.
So far we have:
Joe ColdAnyone else want to get in on the Multiplayer? It would be great if we could get 6.
I’ve got a multi-player that’s likely to wind down soon, so count me in on your new multiplayer game. I’d prefer tech, but either is ok. If powers are assigned randomly I’ll obviously take whoever I get, but if there’s any sort of choice I’d prefer not to be Italy since that’s what I’ve been playing in my other multiplayer game.
Also, if anyone is interested in a 1941 1-on-1 game (NOs = Yes; Tech = Preferred), send me a PM. We can roll for sides or something like that.
Ok, sounds good
So right now we have:
Joe Cole
Tim the EnchanterIt would be cool if we could get 6, but lets at least try for 5.
Tim, if we end up rolling for them and you get Italy, I will switch you with whoever I get so dont worry you dont have to play them again…monotonus to have them more than once in a multiplayer…them and their broken down tanks, surrendering infantry, and fighters that are still biplanes.
so the dutchman isn’t playing even though it was his idea?
Yeah, some other things came up…he is pretty stretched to the limit right now.
Welcome aboard Nickiow!
We now have:
Joe Cold
Time the Enchanter
NickiowWe will see if we can get one more person throughout the day, if not we will start it with 5.
I’m looking for another game to jump in on, so if your interested count me in.
I’ve played many, multiplayer FTF AA50 games and several 1-on-1 PBF games, but never a multi-player PBF, so I’d like to start a 6-player PBF game since the above one filled up.
Optional rules(Bosporus closed/Fighter Interceptors - No
New FAQ rulling about Increased Factory Production - No
Random sides - Yes
1941 - Yes
NOs - Yes
Tech - Yes (Although I would like to eliminate or modify the Heavy Bomber tech after so many games of Heavy Bombers just scouring the seas clean of all naval vessels.) If modified, then Heavy Bombers hit on “5” and SBR at 1 die roll+2. If the group consensus is to use the fully-powered Heavies, then that’s okay too.1. Bardoly
6. -
I’d like to join in. I’m OK with the rules options listed. What is the new FAQ rule about industrial factory production?
OK, we are full up.
We now have:
Joe Cold
Time the Enchanter
Danger MouseWe are doing the teams and nations random, with the one caveat.
Here is how how I am going to do it…teams random first, then nations.
EVEN # = ALLIESBongaroo:
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (5)
Joe Cold:
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (3)
Tim the Enchanter:
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (1)
Well, that settles the teams pretty quick…all rolls were odd, therefore the AXIS team consists of:
Joe ColdThe Allied team:
Danger MouseNow for nations:
Allied team we will roll for first.
Danger Mouse up first: (1,2 = Russia) (3,4 = UK) (5,6 = US)
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (5)
K, DangerMouse is United States
Nickiow 1,2,3 = Russia 4,5,6 = UK
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (4)
K, Nickiow is UK
That leaves me to be Russia
AXIS team:
Bongaroo 1,2= Germany 3,4= Japan 5,6= Italy
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (2)
K, Bongaroo Germany
Joe Cold 1,2,3 = Japan 4,5,6= Italy
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (5)
K, Joe Cold is Italy
That leaves TimtheEnchanter as Japan
K, Teams are set:
Bigbadgoo = Russia
Nickiow = UK
DangerMouse = USAXIS:
Joe Cold = Italy
TimtheEnchanter = Japan
Bongaroo = GermanyI will post the thread in play games, lastly, it seemed like most people voted for tech…I will set it up with tech unless I get any strong objections…and enough of them to outweigh the others.
I’d like to join in. I’m OK with the rules options listed. What is the new FAQ rule about industrial factory production?
The newest Rules Errata FAQ posted from Kreighund states that for Increased Factory Production, that the +2 unit build option only takes effect on territories which have a 3 IPC value or greater. So the only benefit that a 1 or 2 IPC valued territory would get is the cost reduction for repairing IC damage counters. This means that Japan, UK, and US are all losing out with this modification of the rules.
I would rather continue playing this tech as written in the rules, but if the majority wants to use the new Rules Errata FAQ, then that’s okay with me.so,
6-player AA50
Optional rules(Bosporus closed/Fighter Interceptors - No
New FAQ ruling about Increased Factory Production - No
Random sides - Yes
1941 - Yes
NOs - Yes
Tech - Yes (Although I would like to eliminate or modify the Heavy Bomber tech after so many games of Heavy Bombers just scouring the seas clean of all naval vessels.) If modified, then Heavy Bombers hit on “5” and SBR at 1 die roll+2. If the group consensus is to use the fully-powered Heavies, then that’s okay too.1. Bardoly
2. anchovy
6. -
I’ll join if there’s room.
In if there’s room.