thanks for the reply
Anti aircraft gun
can the anti aircraft gun be taken as a casualty?
i’m soviet and attached germany. can the german player take his gun as a hit as oppose to the tank?
also can the anti aircraft defend against land units?
can the anti aircraft gun be taken as a casualty?
i’m soviet and attached germany. can the german player take his gun as a hit as oppose to the tank?
No. The only way an AA gun can be destroyed is if it’s on a transport that is sunk.
also can the anti aircraft defend against land units?
No. However, a tank can’t blitz through an enemy territory containing an AA gun (or an industrial complex). Also, an AA gun is considered to have been in combat if its territory was attacked, even if it didn’t actually fire.
can anti aircrafts guns defend from land units? i have an anti aircraft and 3 tanks and i’m being attacked. do i roll for the ant aircraft?
No. They only fire at air units.
Do the AA guns just fire first at any ftrs that are in battle and then not again or do they continue to fire each turn if there are still ftrs left?
They fire only in the first round of combat.
Anti Aircraft guns fire at Fighter and Bomber before battle begin. They not fire again after.
Thanks for the help