@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Sniper abilities
i downloaded some stat card’s from the internet, i was reading them and saw that sniper’s have abilities such as sniper scope, head shot and hunted, heres the thing i have some sniper’s and they do not have these abilities, are these new abilities for units, because i am thinking of getting some new units based on these stat card’s,though not if these stats are wrong.i cant remember where i got the stats, it could even have been from this website.
No unit in official A&A Miniatures by WotC has an ability called “Sniper Scope”. I suspect you donwloaded someones home-made card.
yeah thank’s, i checked it definetely was not on this website.
where can i get a download of official stat card’s. -
Take a look at the links in the first post here:
These are the new official stat cards for every unit in the game.
thank’s for the information, it will probably take about 12 hours to download all of that.
can you help me, i need stats for engineers and axis commanders for a game tomorrow, i dont have any yet, but they are needed for this game, i have lots of allied commanders, and there will be need for demolition’s in the scenario.
are there axis engineers or only allied engineers. and if anyone has stats for a screaming eagle paratrooper captain, i could use that aswell, i have one, but without the stat card. i would’nt ask but i dont have the time today to download all the stats. -
No Axis engineers…
SE Para Commander stats are here:
And note that his commander ability is +1 to all Paratrooper attacks and it does apply to himself as well.