Have you been to Ground Zero? Reaction?

  • What was your reaction? - Xi

    D_E_S, I also noticed youse ur from NENJ. How long is the trip to NYC? Have you been to Ground Zero ?
    I think we need to rename it. GZ has a very depressing sound, in my experience, for those who haven’t been there.

  • Seen it from afar. Way too many news cameras.

  • I was there, they didnt let you get close, but i saw the wrecked custom’s building clearly. Sad…Eerly at the same time knowing that underneath that ruble…

  • I may be there around New Years.
    i’ll let y’all know after then.

  • Perhaps this would belong more with the 9/11 is overated post?

  • why? (auther of 9/11 is over rated)

  • GZ,
    Thanks for the vote for my string, or was it a vote against the other one? :wink:
    Did you ever see the film footage of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton leaving the (forgot his first name) Brown funeral? He was walking out the back way with Tony Campollo (a Christian motivational speaker.) Tony told WJBC a joke. WJBC is cracking up laughing, but notices the camera pointed in his direction. In less than one step, Slick Willie goes from dying laughing to a sad-lipped pout while wiping a tear from his dry eyes! It was great.
    But, of course, you didn’t see a lot of that, as the Liberal Media was
    There were a few other vid clips and quotes that were odd for various reasons. When Clinton when to see the 3000+ year old mummy, found in the Andes, he said, “She’s pretty good looking. I’d ask her out.”(Whoa, NECROMANCER, I don’t think the scientists will let you stick a cigar anywhere around her!)
    Then there was the staged, for the film crew as well as for the world, dancing with Hillary on the beach scene. This occurred shortly after word got out that Hillary had thrown a lamp at Bill (and the Secret Service didn’t know how to respond to that!).
    Oh, let’s not forget the famous, Clinton Walk While Pondering the Great Sacrifice of American Veterans on the Normandy Beach on June 6, 1994 (the 50th anniversary of D-Day.) He was walking and PONDERING, but he notices a few small stones scattered about the beach. He reverently picks up the stone and positions them in the shape of a cross, flat on the beach.
    The odd part is that, if you have ever assaulted or visited these beaches, you would know that there are no stone here, just lots of sand!

    I understand he’s still having trouble raising the 120 million (that’s thousand thousand) $s for his Presidential Center. He didn’t name it the Clinton Library, because some guy had started a website called clintonliebrary.com . - Xi

  • Wait, why did we change to Bill Clinton all of a sudden.

  • Nah, I got a wee bit off the subject …
    and now, back to our story …

  • havent beeen there, isint the air bad there?

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