My favorite classes in Day of Defeat are the German Heavy Infantry and the German Machine Gunner. I know this may seem a bit odd, but the reason why I share a certain affection with them is because of the nostalgia value associated with these characters. I remember back to my twelfth birthday, where my brother had presented me with a gift of two dolls, one of German Elite Infantry and the other, a German Machine Gunner. The exquisiteness of these dolls was truly breath taking and profound. Each soldier came with a plethora of accessories, each with a fine attention to detail. There were binoculars, pots and pans, shovels, canteens, ammunition satchels, belt buckles, extra sets of clothing, daggers and pistols, sleeping bags, and much more. Even the accompanying weapons were meticulously recreated, each with moving parts. Truly authentic. I aptly named the Elite Infantry ‘Herman’ and the Machine Gunner ‘Frederick’ and set them on top of my bed frame where they sit to this day.
When my bother first introduced me to Day of Defeat, I shared only a slight interest in it. I was never a fan of ‘First Person Shooters,’ and I only held the World War Two backdrop in reverence. That feeling was lost immediately when I saw the German Heavy Infantry and Machine Gunner. They were almost exact duplicates of Herman and Frederick! :D The striking similarities between the real life dolls and the computerizations were almost eerie, right down to the same weapon shared for each! For the first time, I could ‘play out’ the situations that young Herman and Frederick had shared in my musings on the computer. From the starry muzzle blast of the STG44 to the deafening crackle of the MG42, I was submerged into their world. Regardless, I did not perform much to my brother’s expectations. I just could not shoot an American Soldier and instead spent my time collecting flags for the Axis Powers. With the heavy equipment, I did not know Herman and Frederick had things so tough! :)