Very cool idea. I like it a lot.
Morning Pro’s
Russian AARe NA
“Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in [Yak,SovFE,Bury] if you control it”
A literal reading suggests Russia can recapture a Siberian territory and place and INF there at the end of that go.
But this goes contra the general principle in A and A that you can’t build in places you’ve just acquired.
What do y’all do please?
Trusty Sapper
But this goes contra the general principle in A and A that you can’t build in places you’ve just acquired.
Also goes against the fact you can’t place units where there are no IC’s either.
NA’s are exceptions to normal A&A rules.
Atlantic Wall, Commonwealth, etc… works this way as well. If you CONTROL it at the end of your turn, you can place units there