It’s not really a strawman argument. It is representative of the allies winning despite having a defensive force that no realistic simulator would say the allies have a chance of winning at.
Say America hit you with 6 Infantry, 2 Armor, 4 Fighters and a Battleship in S. Europe. You defended with 12 Infantry, 3 Armor, 2 Fighters and an AA Gun.
America only has a 0.03% chance to win that one to get the 9th VC. With the most likely odds of being COMPLETELY destroyed and only killing 7 infantry, so there is a LOT of fudge room for bad dice with Germany still being more then able to defend itself.
Now, in MY alteration, even if America won by some outrageous coincidence of bad dice for Germany and good dice for America, they still wouldn’t necessarily win the game until Germany has had one chance to liberate.
This would forever end the hail Mary and require that you actually be winning the game when you get 9 VC.
It’s like court. It’s better to let the loser have another turn then to steal a victory from a winner.
So German in this case has another army near the VC, not in the VC, ready to counterattack. It should have better if those units was in the VC.
Otherwise, if there is not a big army near the VC, what shall we do?
Allow the Grmany to do his own Hail Mary attack?
Or wait two turns for the Germany to move the army near the VC and then allowing the attack?