The Stray Cats
History following a common theme?
The Chinese aren’t that dumb. And I seriously doubt (if war between the countries is impending), that our carriers would be on such a low alert status or that it would take only one torpedo to knock out a modern, US carrier. If the Chinese want to beat us, then it will be through their economy.
You’re probably correct about the economy thing. But about the one-torpedo thing…does anyone remember the attack on the USS Cole? That was only a dingy.
So China wouldnt piss anyone off before it’s attacks. If there is no war impending, the Carriers wouldn’t be at Alert.
But about the one-torpedo thing…does anyone remember the attack on the USS Cole? That was only a dingy.
Sure, that was the inability of our ship to “shoot first and ask questions” later. (I’m not sure the level of danger at the time)
So China wouldnt piss anyone off before it’s attacks. If there is no war impending, the Carriers wouldn’t be at Alert.
Then why attack in the first place - just for the hell of it?
Well AFTER that you go invade some small country or something )
The attack on the cole was the result of a bunch of factors. Mainly Public Relations. The navy was down sized including some of the oilers, the ships that fuel ships that still run on fossle fuels for those who did not know. With fewer oilers that meant that more ships had to report to ports for fuel, Like the Cole. The Cole could not have shot that dingey if it wanted too, the guns that were manned were not loaded.
Yes, but there should have been armed gaurds protecting that ship at all times.
Al-Qaeda realized that we were vulnerable, and thanks to the Clinton administration’s lack of enthuisiasm for combatting terrorism, it was very much a successful hit-and-run for the bad guys.
Never really did like that Clinton character. Draft dodger
I do enjoy being in the company of those who are not fond of the former president.
Is ANYONE fond of the former president?
The uneducated people who believed that Clinton “magically” made our economy grow better. Stop acrediting everything to the president and put the blame/praise where it’s rightfully due.
Looks like TG Moses VI answered your question Yanny my man.
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who hates Clinton. I’ve been hearing way too many people praising Clinton for his character (…??) and his ability to “relate” to people. Gimme’ a break!
I’m still trying to get over the fact that a lot of foolish American’s voted the man into a second term… :o
Heres the real problem. How did we Americans manage to vote BOTH Al Gore and Bush in at the primaries?
praising Clinton for his character (…??)
Are you sure? I don’t know, maybe for the morally incompetent.
and his ability to “relate” to people
Clinton is a walking liar. He secretly makes it look like he’s the average Joe (maybe in intelligence), but in reality he’s probably the quickest politican to take a bribe and live a outlandish lifestyle since Gray Davis.
Clinton is a walking liar. He secretly makes it look like he’s the average Joe (maybe in intelligence
Welcome to the world of politics.
Heres the real problem. How did we Americans manage to vote BOTH Al Gore and Bush in at the primaries?
Well, I’m sure the reason Bush is in office right now has a lot to do with his father.
Gore, on the other hand, I can’t figure out. If you ask me, he’s just as incompetent as Clinton was. For God’s sakes…he thinks he invented the internet! :lol:
I guess it’s pretty much the “lesser or two evils” situation…
Pretty much. Oh, well there’s always 2008. Colin Powell!
how ridiculous. Everyone knows i invented the internet. He’s prolly taking credit for porn too :lol:
Al Gore Porn? ewwww… don’t go there! :lol: