Amazing story.
History following a common theme?
Ok here we go. I am putting on the kevlar and starting my own topic. Wish me luck :wink:
I was sitting thinking the other night about the middle east an Europe. It started when I was reading a book on WWII. Some how I started thinking about the world ‘back in the day’. Ya know before America when all the super powers were in Europe. Well I started thinking about how the different countries had their time at the top. There was always, the ultimate country that the others were affraid to fight or couldnt beat militarily or economicaly. France, Spain, England, Portuagal and so on. And when each country was at the top the others seemed to have a strong dislike or mistrust for it.
Then it came to me. Mabey, this is just one crazy kids theory, one of the reasons there is alot of feelings toward the U.S. because it is our turn. We are at the top, and being at the top means people dislike you for that reason.
Ok, let loose the slings and arrows now. Just try not to wound me to much lol.
Well it is a simplification, a good excuse not to look if critics against the USA are justified.
I think you’ve got the right idea Jazz. I’d also like to add, that in my opinion, the reason that a lot of countries are able to criticize America so harshly is because they don’t carry the burden of actually having to address issues that are expected of a superpower.
And don’t expect you will be any better than any european today (in not blaming the superpower) once your time is over :)
yea i wonder who wil lbe the next superpower? lets just hope its not Communist China ;)
Me thinks a United Europe has a shot…
thats who i hope it becomes :)
Anybody but Europe! Got helps us all if all those damned European countries who still think they are superpowers even though they aren’t become superpowers again. They screwed up the world once already. I still think it will be China, and India has a chance if it can control tis population and start to improve itself.
China definately.
There were reasons to hate every superpower, including ourself. How many people hate Microsoft? Quite a few, and for good reasons.
Yanny… you hate America because the company Microsoft is here?
Anybody but Europe! Got helps us all if all those damned European countries who still think they are superpowers even though they aren’t become superpowers again. They screwed up the world once already. I still think it will be China, and India has a chance if it can control tis population and start to improve itself.
I think it would be Asia, but not now and not after the USA. Also yes we did screw thing… hmm… 2 or 3 time but now i am very proud of what europe is achieving.
Anybody but Europe! Got helps us all if all those damned European countries who still think they are superpowers even though they aren’t become superpowers again. They screwed up the world once already. I still think it will be China, and India has a chance if it can control tis population and start to improve itself.
I think it would be Asia, but not now and not after the USA. Also yes we did screw thing… hmm… 2 or 3 time but now i am very proud of what europe is achieving.
I’m not. Fascism appears to be rising again in Europe, just look at France and Austria. Well, Austira has always been very supportive of the Nazis. The Austrians are more Nazi-like than the actual Nazis. Hitler and Eichmann were from Austria and now Haider is their new leader. I don’t particularly like how Europe always criticizes other countries such as the Untied States.
I’m not. Fascism appears to be rising again in Europe, just look at France and Austria. Well, Austira has always been very supportive of the Nazis. The Austrians are more Nazi-like than the actual Nazis. Hitler and Eichmann were from Austria and now Haider is their new leader. I don’t particularly like how Europe always criticizes other countries such as the Untied States.
Austria and Danmark have problem with facism. But there is no danger for the jew, the EU will never tolerate another Hitler. Europe this time critic the US for agriculture (bad for poor country), steel, kyoto and for hosting Nazi website (Germany and France ask the US if they could make it illegal to put nazi website on their server but it’s agaisnt “individual liberty” so Nazi use the USA for organisation)
I’m not. Fascism appears to be rising again in Europe, just look at France and Austria. Well, Austira has always been very supportive of the Nazis. The Austrians are more Nazi-like than the actual Nazis. Hitler and Eichmann were from Austria and now Haider is their new leader. I don’t particularly like how Europe always criticizes other countries such as the Untied States.
Austria and Danmark have problem with facism. But there is no danger for the jew, the EU will never tolerate another Hitler. Europe this time critic the US for agriculture (bad for poor country), steel, kyoto and for hosting Nazi website (Germany and France ask the US if they could make it illegal to put nazi website on their server but it’s agaisnt “individual liberty” so Nazi use the USA for organisation)
The web is covered in illegal shit.
Removing hate web sites does nothing to prevent Nazi movments.
Covering up all the things Naiz did isn’t gonig to solve the problem.
And while Im on it, if your going outlaw websites, my not books too? -
I’m not. Fascism appears to be rising again in Europe, just look at France and Austria. Well, Austira has always been very supportive of the Nazis. The Austrians are more Nazi-like than the actual Nazis. Hitler and Eichmann were from Austria and now Haider is their new leader. I don’t particularly like how Europe always criticizes other countries such as the Untied States.
Austria and Danmark have problem with facism. But there is no danger for the jew, the EU will never tolerate another Hitler. Europe this time critic the US for agriculture (bad for poor country), steel, kyoto and for hosting Nazi website (Germany and France ask the US if they could make it illegal to put nazi website on their server but it’s agaisnt “individual liberty” so Nazi use the USA for organisation)
France, Germany and Belgium also has anti-semitic problems, especially France. Luckily, Shirak defeated La Pen in the elections. You are right in the anti-semitism, FinsterniS. There wre many many attacks against Jews in France, in Germany and in Belgium. There is a threat to the Jews, as there has always been. Anti-semitism is rising again.
Europe is making great progress if you ask me. If “World Peace” is ever attainable, I think a United Europe is a great first step.
Europe is making great progress if you ask me. If “World Peace” is ever attainable, I think a United Europe is a great first step.
Maybe you’re right. Burning synagogues in France and Belgium, having massive rallies in Britain with Israeli and American flags burned, 2 Jewish women beaten up in a Subway in France, attacks against Jews in Germany, let’s not forget the 2 Molotov cocktails throw into the house of a Jewish family in Europe and the attacks on Jewish buses in France. Great signs of a coming world peace, staring in Europe, isn’t it?
Europe is making great progress if you ask me. If “World Peace” is ever attainable, I think a United Europe is a great first step.
Maybe you’re right. Burning synagogues in France and Belgium, having massive rallies in Britain with Israeli and American flags burned, 2 Jewish women beaten up in a Subway in France, attacks against Jews in Germany, let’s not forget the 2 Molotov cocktails throw into the house of a Jewish family in Europe and the attacks on Jewish buses in France. Great signs of a coming world peace, staring in Europe, isn’t it?
Lets just forget violence against any other race of people and concentrate on Jews.
Their plight is all that really matters……bullshit. -
No one was saying that, Ghoul. You were simply trying to make what I said sounds very radical, which it is not. I’m talking about the major hate toward minorities in Europe, which currently are the Jews more than anyone else there. If we look at other parts of the world, who are in the “steps for World Peace”, as Yanny puts it, I’m sure we’ll find more persecution of other minorities.
Its a little bit early to talk about the fall of the U.S. as a superpower. We haven’t even finished expanding. We’re kind of like Rome. We are starting out as a democracy, and we have done some expanding, to create a power base. We will continue expanding to unite North America as Rome united Italy, and then we will go to war with China and North Korea. China can’t stand up to as, If South Korea, Taiwan, and japan wanted to, they could probably take out China and they are our allies. We already have massive air power and a 500,000 standing army. With about a Million in reserve. Our forces are significantly more advanced and better trained than the Chinese. The South Koreans have a 600,000 man army, and Taiwan has a 400,000 man one. It wouldn’t take long for Japan to remilitarize, and for all four countries to call up our reserves. U.S. forces can spear head the assault while The Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese forces can mainly occupy.
TO get them to help us we can promise Manchuria to Japan, North Korea to South Korea, and We can give Taiwan Kwatung. We can take the rest.