Even JFK made mistakes. Please, tell us how he’s wrong.
Are you confusing me with someone else? :o I never said JFK was a bad president, in fact he was one of the few Democratic Presidents I actually liked. But if you looking for “wrongs” - look no further than Bay of Pigs.
BlahBlahBlahBlahBlah… tell me something I don’t know.
If I remember correctly, in another string, some of us discussed the fact that the communist system cannot exist in the world as we know it. Capitalism/money, and maybe a few other things, would leak into the system screw it up.
That’s funny. It didn’t seem like I was around when this anti-communist string, wrote it was a fact that communist system cannot exist. Hmmmmm… :-?
There are many great quotes with which I disagree.
And yet you post them. You post some wildly fraudulent quotes (ex. hey, Mao was a communist! Sure…), and you expect me not disprove them? Tst, tst, tst…
“It is bad luck for world history that of
all people the Russians adopted Communism,
because they are totally unfit for it.”
The Russian peasantry and proletariat were very loyal to communism and strived to build a workers state. The main shortfall was the lack of skilled labor, capital, technology, food, and isolation that proved to be a great burden. If there was any fault, it lied with the Rightist “Stalinist” Regime and their kulaks, not of the inability of the Russian masses.