@Imperious-Leader Only the setUp cards of all the dropbox documents can be opened. The rest of documents aren’t there any longer.
Rune Blade's Games Back on the Web!
Hello all. I want to give a special thanks to elbowsanchez for putting my game pictures out on his server. I have been unable to post these pictures since my web provider went OOB. Anyway, here are the games that I have created:
Axis of Evil
The United States and the European Union are attacked by the new Russian Federation, China, and the International Islamic Alliance in a new global war.
The Balkans (1999)
The US and NATO invade Serbia to end the ethic cleansing in Kosovo. NATO invades into Kosovo while the US conducts an amphibous landing in Montenegro. Russia joins sides with Serbia.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
President Kennedy gives the green light for the invasion of Cuba.
Desert Storm
The US and the UN take on Iraq, Russia and China in this global variant.
Opertion Downfall - 1946
A hypothical battle if the US had to invade mainland Japan in the second part of Operation Downfall in Operation Coronet.
Iran War
The US and NATO attack Iran in the near future to end that country’s nuclear ambitions.
Operation: Iraqi Freedom
Re-fight the war as either the Coalition or Iraqi generals. No politicians, no restrictions. Fight the war to win!
Operation Market Garden
Refight this famous battle to try to turn the tide of history. (Please note that the map is now GRAY and not YELLOW.)
Operation Sealion
My personal favorite! Set up like D-Day, the German 6th, 9th, and 16th armies must push into Britian and capture London.
The Second Korean War
The Korean penninsula erupts in conflict again. The game pits the US, South Korea, North Korea, and China in the desperate fight for dominance. The war has the potential to spill over into a Chinese invasion of Taiwan as well as becoming nuclear.
Vietnam Conflict
Instead of fighting a status quo war in Vietnam, the US president authorizes an invasion of North Vietnam! Fight the war in a whole new level! The US and South Vietnam take on the Viet Cong, North Vietnam, and China.
World War III
The USSR and China blindside NATO and the US in a new global war. Will the Allies be able to fight back?
I sell these games if any are interested. You can contact me at runeblademaps@hotmail.com and I will give you price as well as shipping cost.
Rune Blade