@krieghund Your answer and the FAQ are super helpful – thank you!
Probablility calculator
I was bored, so I made (another) probability calculator. It includes research, all special abilities, unit priority settings, hit-and-run and detailed result probabilities. You will need Java installed.
new version:
http://s21.quicksharing.com/v/5654511/AAProbability.jar.htmlIf anyone finds any glitches, please tell.
Ah well, I guess everyone already has their favorite calculator. I suppose there are enough of them out there.
I checked yours out. Good stuff. For me, frood.net/aacalc is nice because it doesn’t just give you the most likely result, but rather all possible results by percentage. Great stuff.
doesn’t just give you the most likely result, but rather all possible results by percentage.
done. I also added customizable unit priorities and hit-and-run. :-)