and we have a guy who’s avatar is supposed to talk about how smart he is and he says with a straight face that mudering muslim bastards are the same as men in the military(who arent all christian, but you are so smart you must of known that even if you called the military christian earlier) who try to defend the innocent from the murderers.
In a black & white world that religion tries to paint in (which is sorely myopic), there is and there isn’t. If you are killing, and killing is bad/evil, you’re not good. Looking at the world in frood’s terms makes much more sense, as far as progress goes.
wtf, can you not kill terrible people? MUST you LET them murder and enslave everyone, just b/c its better to not kill. sometimes, others peoples safety from death or enslavement are something to KILL BAD people for. i hope the world is never full of you’s, b/c the world would be screwed.
just because way in the past, christians had the bad idea to push beliefs on others
I didn’t know they had many caves in Nebraska.
seriously now, no christians are killing people to spread the faith.
Yet they do kill innocent Iraqis in the process. And call it “collateral damage.” Seems pretty insulting to me.
yes, tragic accidents. and you would surrender to the murderers who target them?
This gentlemen, exemplifies the liberal in all of his glory. the liberal can equate a muslim murderer who will kill thousands in attacks just because other people are different and in his mind deserving of death, and equate it with us trying to stop murderers from killing others. i love it.
Nah, it shows your lack of critical thinking. It doesn’t matter if you are atheist, Buddhist, black, poor, homosexual, etc., if you kill for whatever reason, you are still a killer. People generally don’t like that. Seems we do have a lot in common.
ok, you never do anything to protect others from murderers. i on the one hand, will kill someone who is about to murder you. you it seems, wouldnt even save yourself, b/c killing is bad. so you would have never fought to defend europe from the nazis and so on and so on. these guys are murderers, the sickest most depraved in the world, and you think fighting them makes us the same as them? no way liberal man. i support saving iraqis, you support them being abandoned to be slaughtered.