• A&A WaS is now out!

    I picked up a started & 5 boosters and got a enterprise, hood, ark royal, yamoto, salt lake city, and baltimore… not to shabby! The game seems pretty easy to play… I cant wait for us to get leaque play near chicago!

    Well I whish all of u luck with ur pulls!

  • I’m excited.  I’ve a starter and a whole case set aside for me.  Just got to pick it up now.  Too bad Chicago is 12 hours away.  I’ll be looking for people around Peterborough Ontario.

  • Im gonna grab a starter kit and a booster or two later this week.  :wink:

  • @Audacity:

    I’m excited.  I’ve a starter and a whole case set aside for me.  Just got to pick it up now.  Too bad Chicago is 12 hours away.  I’ll be looking for people around Peterborough Ontario.

    Same province, but unfortunately a bit of a ways away.

  • I am very, very pleased with the minis, although my one Japanese sub is going to need re-shaping.  It won’t sit flat on the table.  Someone on the Avalon Hill forum referred to these bent ships as a Banana Republic fleet (har har).

  • What are the chances of getting a carrier in a starter kit and one booster?  Doesn’t matter if its a regular carrier or a light carrier.  Also how do the planes look?  Ive seen the gallery but pictures are sometimes deceiving to the real thing.

  • You can likely get an escort carrier.  I pulled a Shoho out of my starter.  It and the St. Lo are one squadron only, but it at least gives you a fighter CAP.

  • Well hopefully Ill pull one.  If not, a battleship will make me content.  Ill post pics of what I pull when my minis arrive.  :-P

  • @Mechanized:

    Well hopefully Ill pull one.  If not, a battleship will make me content.  Ill post pics of what I pull when my minis arrive.  :-P

    Kind of funny (to me at least), since I got the set free from WotC pulling rares is meh for me. People look at me oddly when I get excited over destroyers and submarines.

  • I just hope that the Germans get some carriers (and carrier-based planes) at some point.  It seems that the lack of any CAP ability can be a bit detrimental to their cause.

  • I’ve never heard of the Germans having Carrier capability.  Have I missed something in the Naval history books?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Look up Graf Zeppelin

  • 2007 AAR League

  • I think the kety sentance is “It was launched on December 8, 1938, but was never completed, never commissioned, and never saw action.”

    I can wait a few sets for something that never was; there’s too many units that were in battles that we don’t have I’d rather see made.

  • Herr AJGundam (Shazam)

    Thanks for the link to learn more about German Naval development.  The key to learning is asking questions!

    Maybe for gaming purposes the Americans can do a form of Lend Lease of carriers and aircraft to the Germans.

  • @Audacity:

    Herr AJGundam (Shazam)

    Thanks for the link to learn more about German Naval development.  The key to learning is asking questions!

    Maybe for gaming purposes the Americans can do a form of Lend Lease of carriers and aircraft to the Germans.

    Some of us prefer the game to at least try to be historically accurate. Otherwise why even bother playing Axis vs Allies, but just use anything instead.

  • I am in 100% agreement!

  • I certainly am not disagreeing with you on the historical concept and especially with the War at Sea where you can play with ships that actually represent ships that were in the fleet on a particular day.  There are however many books out there, written by dreamers and histoirians alike, that attempt to paint the “what if” scenarios just like we do with these games when we try to start within a historical context and then see how things turn out.

    Therefore, if one wants to explore the idea of the Battle of the Atlantic with a German air carrier capability one will have to borrow a ship from some other nation to represent the concept that Admiral Raeder was successful in his fleet developments during the 1930s.

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