You can definately text me at 905-869-0209……I’ve been playing for a long time and am looking to start up a new play group. Met and started a game this week with a gentlemen from Hamilton. Good times!
@JIM-BELL Hello Jim, are you still looking for ‘A&A players? I’m recently retired, live in Pinellas county. Email me if interested at:
Hi I am in West View interested in playing axis and allies. Have global 1940 Anniversary issue revised, 1942 1984, guadalcanal battle of the bulge , the first Europe and the first pacific. as well as 1914 willing to play any of them
(209) 620 2423
If you bring it, I bet we’ll have people who want to play it! We’re quite open to new games.
December 18 is a 10 am to 8 pm event for us… come on by and bring Global 40! Also, visit our Facebook page to join in the discussion of “what to play December 18!”
Check out website ( for the meeting location with a google map.
I don’t know if you are still looking for players, but I coordinate a group that plays occasionally at FIU south campus. We play either A&A Europe of Pacific, depending on the amount of players we have that day. If you are interested, I can let you know when we will meet again.