• Hi this is my first post so I apologize if this has already been asked somewhere.
    I was wondering on average how long it takes for people to Finnish a game. I hear people say it takes them about 5 hours and I am amazed because When ever i play with my friends it takes us around 16 hours. AT first I thought it was because there were 5 people but even when i played 1 vs 1 it took us 12 hours. Is this how long it normally takes for people or are my friends and i just really slow?

  • It depends on your victory conditions how long a game will last.

    And of course online last far longer than face to face.

  • @BlarbMaster:

    Hi this is my first post so I apologize if this has already been asked somewhere.
    I was wondering on average how long it takes for people to Finnish a game. I hear people say it takes them about 5 hours and I am amazed because When ever i play with my friends it takes us around 16 hours. AT first I thought it was because there were 5 people but even when i played 1 vs 1 it took us 12 hours. Is this how long it normally takes for people or are my friends and i just really slow?

    a good pace we’ve found is about an hour a round… this included drinking, talking and eating.
    the game is a social event for us as much as merely just a game.

  • If you’re playing with veterans, it might take six to seven hours for a game.

    New players usually require more time to think.

    Hence, the “Football/Axis and Allies/Cookout” Saturday instead of the “Axis and Allies” Saturday.

  • Games with my group usually go three or four 3-5 hour sessions.  Of course, certain habits cause our play to slow down dramatically.  :wink:


  • '19 Moderator

    Yeah, sometimes I get distracted…

    [attachment deleted by admin]

  • 2007 AAR League


    Hi this is my first post so I apologize if this has already been asked somewhere.
    I was wondering on average how long it takes for people to Finnish a game. I hear people say it takes them about 5 hours and I am amazed because When ever i play with my friends it takes us around 16 hours. AT first I thought it was because there were 5 people but even when i played 1 vs 1 it took us 12 hours. Is this how long it normally takes for people or are my friends and i just really slow?

    We set aside 12 hours and plan on have at least one meal break in there along with significant consumption of rotten grain in a slightly acid hydrogen oxide solution.

  • We start playing, order a pizza, when it arrives we devour it in about 10 minutes, and then we finish playing.

    Usually takes about 4 1/2 hours.

  • You know, I really WISH I could play FTF a few times.

    Perhaps once Bebo is settled in his new endeavor we can get together for a day of gaming, food and drink (since I owe him big time for the great night he gave Angel and i at Vin Rouge last summer!).

    Perhaps I can even persuade JSP to meet at some point for an FTF…

    With luck, a Carolina Hosted Tournament in the not too distant future!

  • 2007 AAR League

    For me, it is easier to schedule a day for FTF than an hour every day for three weeks for PBEM.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Using TripleA it is more like 10 minutes per day.  Much easier to find the time for that….

  • 2007 AAR League

    TripleA certainly can speed up the mechanics of the game but I know myself well enough to know that I will put in an hour or more in analysis prior to doing that 10 minute move.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Yeah, well, can’t help you there  :wink:

    Personally I’ll take a peek at the board then mull over my strategy while I’m doing other things.  Then it’s usually about 5 minutes of actually analyzing the board, and then 5 minutes to make my move.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I may get deeper in to this and attempt PBEM.

    First I need to get much more comfortable with the game.  I have only been playing since Xmas…

  • 2007 AAR League

    Do yourself a favour then and for your first PBEM game find an opponent who doesn’t mind a slower pace if necessary.  I didn’t enter the spring tournament because I couldn’t commit to the 1 turn every 24 hours timeline of the tournament.  This is supposed to be fun, not feel like work!

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’ll look into it after Valentine’s Day.

    I have a FTF coming up this weekend and the week of VD, I will not be with in reach of a web enabled device.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Yeah, well, can’t help you there  :wink:

    Personally I’ll take a peek at the board then mull over my strategy while I’m doing other things.  Then it’s usually about 5 minutes of actually analyzing the board, and then 5 minutes to make my move.

    Ok, then I guess based on run rates in our current game, it must be this “mull over my strategy” phase of yours that is often taking 3 days??  Sorry… just a friendly nudge.

  • 2007 AAR League

    The relatively few games I’ve played FTF have normally taken about 8 hours, IIRC.  It’s been awhile, and usually it’s an all-nighter on a Saturday, with the result being that someone eventually forfeits in the name of getting a little sleep.

    I’m playing just my 2nd PBEM/PBF game currently, which is spilling into it’s 3rd month now as the pace has slowed, unfortunately.  It usually takes me about 45 minutes to play my turn, give or take, using TripleA.  There’s offline strategizing that occurs also, which is hard to quantify as it’s somewhat of an ongoing brain activity.

    I think playing PBEM/PBF works best if each player works it into their routine such that it becomes fairly predictable when each player is going to take their turn, and where a significant deviation from the schedule will be communicated.  Not really knowing whether you are waiting half a day or four days for the other player can get frustrating.

  • I have a table in the basement that has a game-in-progress set up on it pretty much permanently.  We play as much as possible and then let it sit until the next session.  We have recently gotten into the habit of having players take home “position-recorder” printouts so that players can study the layout, and plan moves, in between sessions.  It does a lot for keeping that first-round-back length down.  Nobody has to say “Ok, where were we again?”


  • 2007 AAR League

    I think next time I play FTF I’m going to bring my laptop and while I’m waiting for the other player(s) I’ll play out the turns in TripleA.  That would give you the whole game history, and things like screenshots, turn summaries, etc. can be easily printed out and/or emailed to each player.  Or, posted on a forum ;)

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