3 submarines = 1 battleship ?%%????

  • @EmuGod:

    I see your point Ozone. But the problem with Cavalry is that there areno pieces that could be used for them. I thought about adding them in, but there were no pieces. As for zeppelins, I might just make them a German only technology that will be like rockets though I’ll have to discuss it with Moses too. I think giving them as a German only technology will be good because every other power will also have a speical technology that does different things when used.

    How effective were cavalry? AFAIR the Canadians sent in cavalry, but didn’t get very far with them (the Germans made a lot of fun of us for this, actually, but we kicked them out of Vimy ridge, so that’s ok).

  • “I’ve been trying like hell to get a downloadable scan of the A & A Europe board (I don’t own the game as yet), so I could give you a few ideas about ranges. If I could LOOK at the board it’d probably not be too hard to give you a decent range figure for Zepps/ “Super-Zepps”.”

    Ask Emu was his WWI board that we are using for this Mod. I takes a while to download, though. As for the range, I think Zepps should have a range of 4/5 and Super Zepps should have a range of 5/6. Remember, there are airbases in this game! So a low number (such as 4), might be a higher number in reality.

    “If I may be so bold, might I suggest a separate “scout” and “bomber” category for airplanes. As w/ A & A, the “bombers” (representing 2-or-more-seat planes) would have a longer range, but would be less able to fight other aircraft and have a poorer defense value. “Bombers” should increase in range w/ new technology.”

    The problem is that even if we do have two classes of planes, there leaves no unit to represent airships (in this case, airships would have to be represented by bombers).

    “A & A Europe’s Strategic Bombing model makes a lot more sense than A & A’s, but keep in mind that NO “scout-type” biplane in WWI had the capability to fly such long distances as to provide close escort to a Belgium-London bomb run. Ever. Defensively the system would work. Incidentally, one of the “Zeppelin strategy’s” major victories was the large amount of military forces (planes, guns & men) that UK had to keep in Britain to defend against them, rather than send them to the front…”

    True. So the main advantage of the zepp would be it’s “climp” ability. And also, planes would become more advanced, so they would also defend at a higher number. I guess we would have to compare upgraded vs. unupgraded units to find out what each fighter defends at.

    “Maybe (just a thought) you could have as land units Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. The Cavalry get less useful as the game progresses but are useable in the opening rounds as a “shock-type” weapon. I know you don’t like units that decrease in effectiveness–but I’m thinking like standard A & A Battleships; something you wouldn’t BUY, but would be useful for certain purposes (like invading lightly-defended territories. Of course, armor will eventually make its appearance.”

    I’m sure Emu already explained the difficulty in doing this (lack of units to represent Calvary).

    “How are you gonna handle gas? I’m impressed you guys are even willing to tackle that one (its a moral can of worms).”

    Well I think gas will be more of an “area of effect” type unit. Plus you also have to tackle the question, “what if the wind shifts directions?” In this case you would actually lose your own units! :o

    “Can’t Russian Empire start the game with Artillery? They had it–and it was often of good quality–there was just; a.)not nearly enough of it; b.) not enough ammo for its effective use (a common problem for belligerents in 1914-15, and; c.) it (being indifferently trained) had a tendency to flee the battlefield at inopportune moments, abandoning the infantry to its fate. Maybe Russia could just start the game with very few guns, and be too poor to afford to buy many more.”

    Talk to Emu on this. It may not be “historically correct,” though we generally want the Eastern Front to be the “weaker” of the two Fronts to give the Central Powers some breathing space so they don’t feel so boxed in.

    “BTW blimps and Zeppelins are NOT the same thing! A blimp is a gasbag with no internal structure. A “Zeppelin” is a rigid airship with an internal “skeleton” and one or more “gas cells” inside. Zeppelins are more sturdy and are less likely to buckle in heavy winds or under excess weight. This is one reason Zepps can be made vastly larger than any conventional blimp.”

    Hahahaha :lol: … thanks for point that out.

    “(the Germans made a lot of fun of us for this, actually, but we kicked them out of Vimy ridge, so that’s ok).”

    Why does ever Canuck seem to know about Vimy Ridge? Hmmmm… :roll:

  • @TG:

    “(the Germans made a lot of fun of us for this, actually, but we kicked them out of Vimy ridge, so that’s ok).”

    Why does ever Canuck seem to know about Vimy Ridge? Hmmmm… :roll:

    hey! it’s important to know what’s good as well as what’s bad. So our European cavalry wasn’t very effective, but at least our infantry was. That was merely my point.
    Also to answer your question further, some believe that Vimy Ridge was a defining point in our nation’s history. That this set us apart from the rest of the world by showing what we could do. Thus every Canadian knows about Vimy Ridge, and the 1972 summit series between Canada and the USSR when Paul Henderson scored the winning goal . . . important momments in Canadian history. :D

  • @EmuGod:

    I see your point Ozone. But the problem with Cavalry is that there areno pieces that could be used for them. I thought about adding them in, but there were no pieces. As for zeppelins, I might just make them a German only technology that will be like rockets though I’ll have to discuss it with Moses too. I think giving them as a German only technology will be good because every other power will also have a speical technology that does different things when used.

    Use RISK pieces for the cavalry. Except that none of the colors are the same I guess, so that wouldn’t work…

    Another must-have for Germany is the “Storm Troopers” technology. These guys would attack way above normal infantry (though less than Armor), but defend as normal. Maybe they’d be like Artillery that were cheaper, I dunno…

    Using BMRs as Zeppelin pieces is pretty unsatisfying. Maybe you could whittle 'em out of something :) . You can also cut them out of cardboard and fasten them to a little plastic base…

    OK, maybe I’m getting a little too “ghetto” w/ that last idea :lol: , but still that’d free up the BMRs pieces for actual bombers…


  • “hey! it’s important to know what’s good as well as what’s bad. So our European cavalry wasn’t very effective, but at least our infantry was. That was merely my point.
    Also to answer your question further, some believe that Vimy Ridge was a defining point in our nation’s history. That this set us apart from the rest of the world by showing what we could do. Thus every Canadian knows about Vimy Ridge, and the 1972 summit series between Canada and the USSR when Paul Henderson scored the winning goal . . . important momments in Canadian history.”

    I am happy you ‘Canucks’ (as TG puts it) are proud of your rich history. But try not to put us Americans on the receiving end, okay? :)

    “Another must-have for Germany is the “Storm Troopers” technology. These guys would attack way above normal infantry (though less than Armor), but defend as normal. Maybe they’d be like Artillery that were cheaper, I dunno…”

    I always come to know that the ‘Storm Troopers’ or ‘Shock Troopers’ were a part Nazi Germany under the directive of Adolf Hitler. My recollection of German “crack units” in World War One was the Elite Prussians Guards. These Guards manned the Kaiser’s heavy machineguns made life tremendously difficult :( for our brave American ‘Doughboys’ advancing through the Argonne Forest, which would be our ‘Vimy Ridge’ :)

    PS: I do not know what I am saying is true as older brother teaches my history

  • NO. WWI storm troopers were light troops developed in late 1917 by Germany in an attempt to circumvent the “in-depth” defensive line that had been adopted by the Allies by that time. Basically the “Sturmtruppen” were armed with “trench-brooms” (light machine guns), flamethrowers and light mortars, and very lightly-encumbered with minimal equipment. They were well-trained and well-fed and were tasked with pushing past the enemy’s main defensive points, bypassing local resistance, and advancing deep into enemy-held territory while the regular infantry brought up the rear. These were the crack troops that achieved the 1918 “Kaiserschlacht” breakthroughs and were an entirely new concept in warfare. In the absence of signifigant armored cavalry, these units were the next best thing and had a profound influence on subsequent military theory.

    As with many famous WWI German military successes, the Nazis tried to tie the image of the “storm troops” with their own in the public mind. While the storm-troop strategy remained an important military idea, the Nazis really had nothing to do with its conception.


  • "Another must-have for Germany is the “Storm Troopers” technology. These guys would attack way above normal infantry (though less than Armor), but defend as normal. Maybe they’d be like Artillery that were cheaper, I dunno… "

    Maybe. Each country has a “special ability” unique to that country only. For example the Russians have the “Bolshevik Revolution” and Austria-Hungary has the “Two Country Rule.” I think Germany’s special ability has already been used, so you might have to talk to Emu about this. Also, we have no units to represent them, which might be another difficulty.

  • @TG:

    Maybe. Each country has a “special ability” unique to that country only. For example the Russians have the “Bolshevik Revolution” and Austria-Hungary has the “Two Country Rule.” I think Germany’s special ability has already been used, so you might have to talk to Emu about this. Also, we have no units to represent them, which might be another difficulty.

    I’m thinking of Storm Troopers as being a technology that Germany can research that improves normal INF–like “super Infantry”. So possibly, no new units necessary…

    What is “Bolshevik Revolution” gonna do–Russia is automatically out of the game :lol: ? What is the “2 country rule”?


  • Moses go it slightly wrong. Austria-Hungary’s special technology is “The Dual Monarchy”. IT gives Austria-Hungary two capitals, so if one is taken only half of the empire’s IPCs are plundered and the rest remain. It makes Austria-Hungary harder to destroy because of its two capitals.

  • Emu, what was Germany’s then?
    I thought you told be, but I guess I forgot. :-?

  • I had some ideas for Germany’s but I never committed to anything. I think “Zeppelin Raids” would be a good one if we can’t find any units to use as zeppelins.

  • Well just as long it’s not “Ghost of Bismark!”

    What I’m thinking is either Zeppelin raids (if we do decide to have them) or U-Boats (unrestricted submarine warefare - after USA enters the war). Biplanes might work too, since at the end of the war, Germany had arguably the best fighters.

    talk to me :wink:

  • Any more questions at all? Does anyone wnat to help play test. You need ot have an Instant Messenger system though preferably AOL Instant Messenger but MSN will also do.

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