• Which party do you like the most?

    Which party would you join/ have joined?

    What party would you create?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Back in high school I used to think that the Libertarian party had some great ideas. Then I went to a talk at a Junior State conference and decided it was way to radical. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that total privatization and deregulation would never work. Especially with the recent events in big business over the past few years: California energy crisis (stemmed from energy deregulation), Enron, WorldCom, and now Xerox.

    Just some thoughts. Not to meant to be overly harsh on the Libertarian party. I think all the political parties listed above are viable and needed for a good political dialogue. The more ideas, the better.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I’ve never heard of the Socialist Party in the US. Do they have a website? And those who voted for it, did you vote for the party or the ideology? Sometimes it can be very different.

  • i would vote socialist just for the ideology of collectivism & atheism because i never heard of them… just the democrat, republican and green party (with nader), between the 3 i would certaibly vote for Nader. But if there is socialist i would probably vote for them. But even then, i am not sure socialist (in the sense of communism) are atheist in america :lol:

  • '19 Moderator

    I am a registerd Republican. I think that my political alignment probably most closely resembles the Republican part line.

    I don’t care for any of the relgious crap, I do how ever belive in a less centeralized government. ie. I don’t live in Massachusetts of California and I don’t want alot of the laws that they have imposed on them selves. At the same time if I like the way people in Alabama live I think it is foolish to try and change were I live when I can just move there.

    There are things in the Republican party that I dont agree with, but until I am powerful enough to make my own party they’re the lesser of the evils.

  • @FinsterniS:

    green party (with nader), between the 3 i would certaibly vote for Nader.

    umm… is the US “green party” like the rest of the world’s “green party”? ie enviromental socialists…

  • @cameron:


    green party (with nader), between the 3 i would certaibly vote for Nader.

    umm… is the US “green party” like the rest of the world’s “green party”? ie enviromental socialists…

    Well, at least in germany, the greens turned, once they were in power, to not much more than the same power hungry, junior-partner puppet in the coalition as any party before them (except for one minister, who was attacked from every side (even his party) for some critical comments he made, which actually often enough had a few bits to think about. But of course, if there is one point which is non-sense, attackers love to ignore the other sense-making points, for the sake of “being right” in the end).

    Power corrupts!

  • You said it! :wink:
    But really, the problem with third parties such as the Greens is once they have power, they don’t know what to do with it. Experience means a lot, even if the newer party has the better platform.

    PS: I would be a Greenist, except I don’t like there name. It’s just that the Green Party sounds way too “Save the Trees” (though they are pro-environment).

  • Reform Party. Ventura is the only person I’d ever consider voting for for President, except maybe John Mccain.

  • Reform party? Is that the party Pat Buchannon (sp) is on?

  • The Socialist party is pretty small, thats why you hear less about it, it is the smallest, it has only like 100,000 members. I don’t know if they are atheist, I think that they are more about Marx’s economics than social views. There is actually a communist party but they are so fringe I might as put the KKK up.

    Yanny, you like Ventura? He has done more to set back third partry politics than anyone since Buchanan. Besides, he is not Reform any way.

    I’m not really sure what the Reform Party is about at an authentic level. Most third parties are formed around an ideology, not the Reform Party.

  • republican. I just want to be able to vote in the primaries.

    Horten rant:

    all countries have large populations opf idiots, and america is of the same. People here after 9-11 “loved” america because of “freedom.”

    Not too many voters though. You love democracy, but you don’t care who represents you. Everyone should vote. In fact, anyone who pays taxes should vote (this includes teenagers.) What happened to no taxation without representation.

  • “all countries have large populations opf idiots, and america is of the same. People here after 9-11 “loved” america because of “freedom.””

    I don’t know, the freedom loving patriots after 9-11 do leave me a tad disappointed (for lack of better word). Before, 9-11, I (and a few friends) were the only diehard nationalist (in love of country aspect, not in political ideology) at my school. The rest of the students were just like, “Okay, whatever. America isn’t that great.” ( this is commonly referred to as “ corporate rebel without a cause syndrome”) Then all of a sudden after 9-11 you see a lot “bandwagon jumpers” see that it’s “hip” and “in fashion” to love America (denoted with the flag on cars and other garbage). What’s the moral of the story here? We have to be attacked and have buildings collapse before people finally have any pride in America?

  • Those unpatriots you described are the kind of people who ussually support Communism. It is just another way to hate America. (for them)

  • “Those unpatriots you described are the kind of people who ussually support Communism. It is just another way to hate America. (for them)”

    You might be right if you’re thinking about anarchist. But most people that go to my school are “false” anarchist – meaning they only profess to be some “free-spirited rebel” because it’s just a “phase” in their life (such as rebelling against your parents) or that they do it to look “cool” or “hip.” It’s really easy to weed out those false anarchists. Question their beliefs (many times they do not even have any sensible ideals) and see if the wobble or collapse completely - that is usually the surest way of telling.

  • Hitler could justify genocide, that does not make his opinion even considerable.

  • @TG:

    “Those unpatriots you described are the kind of people who ussually support Communism. It is just another way to hate America. (for them)”

    You might be right if you’re thinking about anarchist. But most people that go to my school are “false” anarchist – meaning they only profess to be some “free-spirited rebel” because it’s just a “phase” in their life (such as rebelling against your parents) or that they do it to look “cool” or “hip.” It’s really easy to weed out those false anarchists. Question their beliefs (many times they do not even have any sensible ideals) and see if the wobble or collapse completely - that is usually the surest way of telling.

    wow. you just describe MY sister.

  • How old/ how much education does she have?

  • @yourbuttocks:

    How old/ how much education does she have?

    27, degree in sociology
    (i was mostly joking - she used to be in an anarchist/punk band.

  • Anarchist band?

    What did she play?

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