Sir DasEwokSS said,
“i mean let them die out till there surroundings can support them with out outside help.”
That is awful. Surely the second largest continent in the world can support multiples of the present Africa population. From this very reasoning, I can only imagine you are speaking of the widespread famine and lack of pure water frequenting Africa. But what if we were to apply this principle to a modernized country, like Japan and Great Britain? Should they not deserve outside help? What if we were to enact a full trade embargo on those countries so that those less fortunate will ‘die out till there [their] surrounds can support them with out outside help?’ :( The truth is that much of the world is dependent on the North American breadbasket. And to refuse this as a thinning of the herds measure is horrid. :cry:
“TG Moses VI you know that the slavery still exists in Africa and existed before America was even started and long after America is gone(GOD FORBID) it will still exist. Don’t forget that the American slavers needed to trade for the slaves! The Africans used the slave trade to get rid of people they didn’t need or want depending on the person. Africa wasn’t this peaceful place where everyone got along and even the “slaves” were treated like gold, before the white slavers came along. The Africans used the slavers to exploit the black slaves as well. There is a reason why when the tribes went to war on each other they took prisoners, they knew that by taking them they could trade for stuff. If we tried to buy slaves from them they would start selling them all over again. The temptation to make a profit would be too great!! Yes at least half of the blame could be placed on the American slavers but not all of it. How can America be totally blamed for it when it exist before they came along.
By the way I don’t buy that every African slave lived that well. Some probably did. I don’t believe you got the wrong info on that, I just think there is this I HATE AMERICA crowd who would like us all to believe that everything was perfect in Africa before we came along. That even the “slaves” there were treated like platitnium. I’m not saying that you are part of this crowd I think that maybe who ever taught you this may have had a hidden agenda!! The blame goes both ways.”
As TG put it, African slaves, as a whole, were well-treated and skilled servants. While it still wasn’t right, at least slaves weren’t brutally beaten or looked down upon. African tribal life was not entire tranquil, but at least tribes mutually respected one another. When the Europeans arrived, this system came crashing down; the cycle of violence intensified bitterly. You are only half right on your thoughts of the European slave trade in West Africa. In reality many slave catchers did not trade for ‘stuff,’ but instead for guns and ammunition. To better illustrate this, lets say there were two tribes located in West Africa. Though there were incidents of small skirmishes and prisoners [slaves] were taken, later to be exchanged, both tribes never had a reason to go to full scale war. That was before the Europeans came.
With the introduction of the Europeans, the balance of power shifted. By trading guns for slaves, one tribe could amass a great technological advantage over the other. And by playing both sides against the other, the Europeans were able to successfully gain their treasured slaves at the cost of weakening the African info-structure through war and pillage. If one tribe didn’t trade, they lacked the necessary arms to defend themselves and would all quickly become slaves in their own right. When this happened, African society came tumbling down. :(
“Now you want to talk about REAL exploitation by Americans ask black people who live IN this country about what they went through. Now they went and still do up to a point go through REAL exploitation. Except for South Africans the average African have not lived under racism like black people have here!!!”
You may not know this, but racism is still alive and mounting in African, and American, life. :( Except the white on black racism has deteriorated into black on black racism. The European and American neglect and brutality has infected many Africans promote Africans on their brown and black complexion. Dark or black skin color is looked upon as being ignorant, rough, and criminal. Light or brown skin is as being shrewd, stuck up, and weak. :cry: