
  • TG Moses VI you know that the slavery still exists in Africa and existed before America was even started and long after America is gone(GOD FORBID) it will still exist. Don’t forget that the American slavers needed to trade for the slaves! The Africans used the slave trade to get rid of people they didn’t need or want depending on the person. Africa wasn’t this peaceful place where everyone got along and even the “slaves” were treated like gold, before the white slavers came along. The Africans used the slavers to exploit the black slaves as well. There is a reason why when the tribes went to war on each other they took prisoners, they knew that by taking them they could trade for stuff. If we tried to buy slaves from them they would start selling them all over again. The temptation to make a profit would be too great!! Yes at least half of the blame could be placed on the American slavers but not all of it. How can America be totally blamed for it when it exist before they came along.
    By the way I don’t buy that every African slave lived that well. Some probably did. I don’t believe you got the wrong info on that, I just think there is this I HATE AMERICA crowd who would like us all to believe that everything was perfect in Africa before we came along. That even the “slaves” there were treated like platitnium. I’m not saying that you are part of this crowd I think that maybe who ever taught you this may have had a hidden agenda!! The blame goes both ways.

    Now you want to talk about REAL exploitation by Americans ask black people who live IN this country about what they went through. Now they went and still do up to a point go through REAL exploitation. Except for South Africans the average African have not lived under racism like black people have here!!!

    Plus you can ask the Native Americans about real exploitation as well they can tell you more than you could ever know about the subject.

    I totally agree with you on the oil companies, they are not tell the Africans how much that stuff is really worth. Thanks for responding on the subject. Please excuse my spelling.

  • Sir DasEwokSS said,
    “i mean let them die out till there surroundings can support them with out outside help.”

    That is awful. Surely the second largest continent in the world can support multiples of the present Africa population. From this very reasoning, I can only imagine you are speaking of the widespread famine and lack of pure water frequenting Africa. But what if we were to apply this principle to a modernized country, like Japan and Great Britain? Should they not deserve outside help? What if we were to enact a full trade embargo on those countries so that those less fortunate will ‘die out till there [their] surrounds can support them with out outside help?’ :( The truth is that much of the world is dependent on the North American breadbasket. And to refuse this as a thinning of the herds measure is horrid. :cry:

    “TG Moses VI you know that the slavery still exists in Africa and existed before America was even started and long after America is gone(GOD FORBID) it will still exist. Don’t forget that the American slavers needed to trade for the slaves! The Africans used the slave trade to get rid of people they didn’t need or want depending on the person. Africa wasn’t this peaceful place where everyone got along and even the “slaves” were treated like gold, before the white slavers came along. The Africans used the slavers to exploit the black slaves as well. There is a reason why when the tribes went to war on each other they took prisoners, they knew that by taking them they could trade for stuff. If we tried to buy slaves from them they would start selling them all over again. The temptation to make a profit would be too great!! Yes at least half of the blame could be placed on the American slavers but not all of it. How can America be totally blamed for it when it exist before they came along.
    By the way I don’t buy that every African slave lived that well. Some probably did. I don’t believe you got the wrong info on that, I just think there is this I HATE AMERICA crowd who would like us all to believe that everything was perfect in Africa before we came along. That even the “slaves” there were treated like platitnium. I’m not saying that you are part of this crowd I think that maybe who ever taught you this may have had a hidden agenda!! The blame goes both ways.”

    As TG put it, African slaves, as a whole, were well-treated and skilled servants. While it still wasn’t right, at least slaves weren’t brutally beaten or looked down upon. African tribal life was not entire tranquil, but at least tribes mutually respected one another. When the Europeans arrived, this system came crashing down; the cycle of violence intensified bitterly. You are only half right on your thoughts of the European slave trade in West Africa. In reality many slave catchers did not trade for ‘stuff,’ but instead for guns and ammunition. To better illustrate this, lets say there were two tribes located in West Africa. Though there were incidents of small skirmishes and prisoners [slaves] were taken, later to be exchanged, both tribes never had a reason to go to full scale war. That was before the Europeans came.

    With the introduction of the Europeans, the balance of power shifted. By trading guns for slaves, one tribe could amass a great technological advantage over the other. And by playing both sides against the other, the Europeans were able to successfully gain their treasured slaves at the cost of weakening the African info-structure through war and pillage. If one tribe didn’t trade, they lacked the necessary arms to defend themselves and would all quickly become slaves in their own right. When this happened, African society came tumbling down. :(

    “Now you want to talk about REAL exploitation by Americans ask black people who live IN this country about what they went through. Now they went and still do up to a point go through REAL exploitation. Except for South Africans the average African have not lived under racism like black people have here!!!”

    You may not know this, but racism is still alive and mounting in African, and American, life. :( Except the white on black racism has deteriorated into black on black racism. The European and American neglect and brutality has infected many Africans promote Africans on their brown and black complexion. Dark or black skin color is looked upon as being ignorant, rough, and criminal. Light or brown skin is as being shrewd, stuck up, and weak. :cry:

  • i think u guys hae finally got to me on this subject and i will admit that i was wrong :( perhaps it is wrong to deny a whole continent to live. from now on i will think abit more before i post. and i thank everyone but f_alk for responding to my post in a polite manner :)

  • “Moses’ sister, you are a Christian? Why have you not weighed into the religious debate?”

    I’m very sorry, Sir yourbuttocks, but regretfully, I only have a limited amount of time to spend here on the Internet. Usually, I will try to answer as many threads in a limited amount of time, and I have not encountered any such ‘religious debate’ so far.

    “Maybe her connection with the Almighty is so strong that she doesn’t have to squabble differences with others in order to be content with herself?”

    Why thank you! :) My relationship with my Lord is all encompassing and all loving.

  • @DasEwokSS:

    i think u guys hae finally got to me on this subject and i will admit that i was wrong :( perhaps it is wrong to deny a whole continent to live. from now on i will think abit more before i post. and i thank everyone but f_alk for responding to my post in a polite manner :)

    Well I was about to include essays on the “The Effects of European Imperialism on African Detribalization” and “Damned that King Leopold!” but it looks like TM beat me to the punch, so consider yourself lucky. :P But I will respect the fact that you are willing to admit your faults – not very many people are able to do that. Just no more harsh words on Nazi’s or Africans okay? :wink:


    Why thank you! :)

    Yeah, yeah, I figure you should at least get a little pat on the back for that work on African life. I see you’re finally starting to grow up. :P

  • alright then.


    jking :P

  • What we, and the other Western Powers, must do for Africa is repair what we did in Imperialism, and what we are doing now. It is 100% our fault that they are how they are today. We’re just doing it wrong. We need to put in to place a democratic government, help rebuild industry, and educate the people. Do that and Africa will recover. It worked (somewhat) in South America.

  • I totally agree with Yanny on the idea of helping Africa out. The problem is how do we help them out. Just sending them money will not fix the problem. I don’t know if the U.N. could be trusted with the money!! We may have to actually send a very large group of people over there and fix one section at a time. I know that could take a very long time but what else could be done. I would like to hear a real good plan for helping the people out in Africa. Cause I sure don’t have one right now!

  • I am happy to hear that there are such kind-hearted people with a vested aspiration of helping others less fortunate than themselves.
    Thank you!
    :D :)

  • Send over Industrial Experts, Doctors, Farmers, ect.

  • For now, we mainly need civil and agricultural engineers and doctors, instead of too much industry experts.

  • Moses’ sister, the religious argument has been going on for over a month. Check out such threads as “Seperation of Church and State”, “religion”, “prime factor” if you are curious. I think I might heat it back up again if only annoy Fisternis. I leave for a week on saturday, so it will be a brief but bitter quote-quote-quote battle. :)

    What denomination are you?

    Moses, I agree that the U.S. has impacted Africa negatively, however, not nearly as much as France, Britian, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, or the Netherlands. I explained this in the humanitarian post.

    Not of course that we should not help. But we are helping because we are good people, not because it is our fault.

  • Moses, I agree that the U.S. has impacted Africa negatively, however, not nearly as much as France, Britian, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, or the Netherlands. I explained this in the humanitarian post.

    Why France is always the first on your list ? Simple coincidence ?

  • France was possibly the largest European Imperialist in Africa :)

  • Nah, I think the “joy” of having that crown belongs to Great Britain :wink: or maybe, Germany. France is still near the top, though all of those European Imperialist were wrong in their actions IMO. Belgium’s processions were “small” compared to the other European Empires, but I’ll never forgive what King Leopold II did to Congo. Sickening :evil:

  • @EmuGod:

    The scuds could have carried nuclear warheads, but Iraq doenst have nuclear weapons thanks to Israel.

    Amen to that attack in '81!

  • Attack in '81? Tell me about it.

  • "The Osirik Reactor Attack
    In June 1981, Israel attacked and destroyed the Osirik nuclear reactor which Iraq had been building with French help. It was destroyed before it became operational. The reason for the attack was to prevent Iraq from developing a nuclear capability. The attack was carried out with American supplied F-16’s. Under American law, weapons supplied by the United States government can only be used for “defensive” purposes.

    The Israeli attack on the Osirik reactor was a violation of American law. But, in those early months of the Reagan Administration, no one cared. Everyone winked and blinked and laughed. The illegal act was done by the Israelis so normal operations of law don’t count, of course.

    Nevertheless, we still sided with Iraq in the war with Iran and supplied Iraq with satellite photos and intelligence data, while our allies around the world supplied Iraq with money to buy weapons."

    I’m sure this guy is happy now!

  • I think it would be much more stable in the Middle East if Iraq had a Nuclear weapon. That way, both Iraq and Israel will have a reason to stay in line.

  • @HortenFlyingWing:

    "The Osirik Reactor Attack
    In June 1981, Israel attacked and destroyed the Osirik nuclear reactor which Iraq had been building with French help. It was destroyed before it became operational. The reason for the attack was to prevent Iraq from developing a nuclear capability. The attack was carried out with American supplied F-16’s. Under American law, weapons supplied by the United States government can only be used for “defensive” purposes.

    The Israeli attack on the Osirik reactor was a violation of American law. But, in those early months of the Reagan Administration, no one cared. Everyone winked and blinked and laughed. The illegal act was done by the Israelis so normal operations of law don’t count, of course.

    Ha, the French. I’m surprised it wasn’t the Russians. :wink:


    I think it would be much more stable in the Middle East if Iraq had a Nuclear weapon. That way, both Iraq and Israel will have a reason to stay in line.

    The problem with this is that Saddam isn’t a stable leader (in fact, nuclear weapons might be more of a reason to keep him OUT of line), neither is the Iraqi government. However, I don’t like the idea of letting Irael have nuclear weapons either. Maybe give nuclear power to a Middle Eastern country we can “trust” (to strong of a word? Any better ones?) like Saudi Arabia or Turkey (wait… does Turkey still side with the Muslims or are they more Jewish friendly?)

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