• Wasn’t that company started by bill Philips? YOu make like protein shakes, right?

  • @yourbuttocks:

    Wasn’t that company started by bill Philips? YOu make like protein shakes, right?

    Yes, your right, Bill Phillips started EAS.
    The Company makes protein shakes, creatine, fat burners and things like that.

  • Unless you have a lot of money to blow, a vegetarian life style is probably overall less healthy than a meat eating one. So eat those tacos!

  • You darn tootin’! :wink:

    (Until then I’ll eat every ostrich, buffalo, cow, and manatee that I can get my gristly little hands on)

  • @Mr:


    Wasn’t that company started by bill Philips? YOu make like protein shakes, right?

    Yes, your right, Bill Phillips started EAS.
    The Company makes protein shakes, creatine, fat burners and things like that.

    ahhhh . . . no wonder “red meat is good for you”. It has a lot of protein, but N.American diets get too much: Fat, Protein, and Sugar (glucose/starches). I know people into the extra protein, however it must be consumed responsibly, otherwise you might as well just drink milkshakes etc. - that protein will turn into fat if proper use isn’t made of it quickly. From what i’ve read, i’d say maybe eat more extra-lean meat, if you have to eat any red meat. Otherwise the Canadian Food Guide is usually appropos.
    Moses - consensus on MODERATE red wine intake (unless you are an alcoholic or have another alcohol-related disease) is that it is good for you. Prevents heart disease and cancers with few residual effects (if taken moderately, of course).

  • Yeah, problem is that a lot of people DON’T take it moderately.

  • @cystic:



    Wasn’t that company started by bill Philips? YOu make like protein shakes, right?

    Yes, your right, Bill Phillips started EAS.
    The Company makes protein shakes, creatine, fat burners and things like that.

    ahhhh . . . no wonder “red meat is good for you”. It has a lot of protein, but N.American diets get too much: Fat, Protein, and Sugar (glucose/starches). I know people into the extra protein, however it must be consumed responsibly, otherwise you might as well just drink milkshakes etc. - that protein will turn into fat if proper use isn’t made of it quickly. From what i’ve read, i’d say maybe eat more extra-lean meat, if you have to eat any red meat. Otherwise the Canadian Food Guide is usually appropos.
    Moses - consensus on MODERATE red wine intake (unless you are an alcoholic or have another alcohol-related disease) is that it is good for you. Prevents heart disease and cancers with few residual effects (if taken moderately, of course).

    Protein doesn’t turn into fat.
    If you eat high glycemic foods and/or alot of calories it raises your insulin levels, which as we know is a storage hormone, and that, in a nutshell, promotes the storage of body fat.
    Fat doesnt necessarily make you fat, the added calories may.
    Here endith the lesson.

  • All of those crazy diets…people know what is healthy and what is not. Though I must say, I have a friend who lost 50 poundxs using that “points” thing.

  • Well, I’m thin enough as it is (high metabolism or something), so I have an excuse to cop out and eat all the buffalo burgers I want. 8)

  • @TG:

    Well, I’m thin enough as it is (high metabolism or something), so I have an excuse to cop out and eat all the buffalo burgers I want. 8)

    I eat healthy but i try not too eat too much.

    i’m not fat though! i weigh 145.

  • Hmmm… for me, it seems to exact opposite. I eat the most and gain the least. :o

  • I wouldn’t want to be you when the earth runs out of food! Your metabolism would burn all of your calories!

  • When the earth does run out of food (probably about 10 years from now :wink:), I would rather be one of the first to die than to watch others perish before me.

  • @HortenFlyingWing:

    Unless you have a lot of money to blow, a vegetarian life style is probably overall less healthy than a meat eating one. So eat those tacos!

    No. A vegetarian diet is much cheaper. Compare a tub of tofu to a side of beef. Which is cheaper? Trust me, vegetarian lifestyle = less money spent on food.

  • Still, many young vegetarians have to take a lot of supplements and pills (iron, calcium, and vitamins D and B12) to make up for the lack of beef. And this could end up costing you, if you’re not careful.

  • @yourbuttocks:


    Unless you have a lot of money to blow, a vegetarian life style is probably overall less healthy than a meat eating one. So eat those tacos!

    No. A vegetarian diet is much cheaper. Compare a tub of tofu to a side of beef. Which is cheaper? Trust me, vegetarian lifestyle = less money spent on food.

    Well, would you eat 2 pounds of grain for dinner or a half pound of beef? What is more expensive? I have ate organic on and off in my life, and believe me that veggie stuff with no meat anything is more money…unless you want to live on almond butter and tofu and thats it!

  • @TG:

    Still, many young vegetarians have to take a lot of supplements and pills (iron, calcium, and vitamins D and B12) to make up for the lack of beef. And this could end up costing you, if you’re not careful.

    Who needs to live long? As long as you live a happy life!

  • Yeah, and smoking only takes off 14 years of the “bad life” when you’re old and wretched! :wink:

  • 12 out of 12 smokers die.

    34,567 out of 34,567 cat owners die too!

  • You are wrong Moses about the supplements, except for B12. You can get plenty of Iron, Protein, Calcium, and Vitamins from beans, nuts, and dark green vegtables. Except, you can get like B12 from processed grains.

    Compare the cost of tofu, vegtables, and noodles to a steak and potatoes, and you can see the cost difference favors the vegan.

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