@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Axis & Allies 1914: Round Robin
ow if USA took the place of UK, it would take a few rounds for any American forces to get to Italy, but, if Italy hunker down in Rome, would they last long enough for help to arrive? Also would Russia get such good rolls as last game, to make a difference? Let’s give it a quick try AH Empire versus Russia, Italy, & U.S.A., is this finally a win for AH?
Round One: A.H. builds 4 troopers, sub. & fighter. Two northern provinces will defend against Russia, &, four southern provinces will attack Italy(Vienna will supply both fronts, with cannons going mostly south). The navy will keep the USA from future landings, so for now it is building up its strength. Troopers & guns enter Venice from Tyrolia & Trieste(the latter will send 2 troopers to occupy Albania). Also 2 troopers from Budapest will go to guard Trieste coastline.
Battle 10 troopers & 4 guns versus Italian 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses 2 troopers Axis & all Allies(what a blowout!, Venice falls!).
Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, BB moves to join Italian fleet. Moves land forces towards AH, from Poland & Uk. invade Galicia. Battle 12 troopers & 4 guns, versus, AH 21 troopers & gun. Losses Infantry Allies 11, &, Axis infantry 9. Galicia is contested.
Italy builds fighter & 2 foot, leaves trooper in Piedmont & retreats rest to Tuscany, while Rome garrison goes to Tuscany, to help cover their retreat. BB shells Albania & transport lands trooper & gun, versus, AH 2 troopers. Italy loses gun & Axis all lost(one lost to BB shelling), Albania retaken.
US builds 3 transports, moves BB & C to join Italian fleet.
Round Two: AH builds sub, fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, moves trooper & gun and flies fighter to Venice. Also 3 troopers from capital to Galicia. Moves from Trieste gun & 2 troopers into Albania, versus, defending Italian trooper(both sides lose a trooper. Albania is retaken again, from Venice a gun & trooper goes to Trieste to defend the coast.
While at sea the fleet breaks out, no mine lost damage, BB & C & sub. & transport versus Italian fleet of BB & C & transport. All that survives is AH transport that lands a trooper in undefended Libya & takes the colony.
In Venice army splits into two armies, one goes into Piedmont of gun & 2 troopers versus defending Italian trooper(no losses, Piedmont is contested). Second army invades Tuscany 16 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Italian 2 guns & 12 troopers. Losses Axis 6 troopers & Allies all but a trooper & gun, Tuscany is contested. Twice the Allies have lost BIG to the Axis in the southern front.
Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves into Galaica more forces, fighter flies to Poland. Combat 15 troopers & 7 guns versus AH 12 troopers & gun. Losses in infantry Allies 6 and Axis 8.
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves from Tuscany gun back to Rome, &, trooper from Naples to Rome. From Rome fighter goes to Venice and air duel with AH fighter, both fighters are lost.
USA builds 2 transports & 2 guns, moves 3 transports loaded to Italy. BB & C moves to Italian home waters, &, sink AH transport off Libya.
Round Three: A.H. builds submarine, &, 8 troopers. Moves more forces into Italy(for future assault on Rome), &, sends 3 troopers to reinforce Galacia. Trying to keep all coastal provinces garrison by trooper & gun.
In Piedmont 2 troopers & gun, versus, defending Italian trooper(losses a trooper each side), Piedmont has fallen.
Russia builds fighter, gun, & 5 troopers, BB joins US transports at entrance to Med. Sea. Moves more forces into Galacia of 2 fighter, 17 troopers, &, 8 guns, versus, AH 10 troopers & gun. Losses Allies 8 troopers & all Axis.
Italy builds 2 troopers, will the Americans ever arrive?
USA builds transport, 2 fighters, &, trooper. Moves 3 transports off Rome and lands 4 troopers & 2 guns. Two transports leave East Coast each with trooper & gun. BB & C enters AH home waters, no mine damage, versus, 2 submarines. Losses Allies C & BB damaged, &, Axis lose 2 submarines.
Round Four: A.H. Empire builds sub. & 7 troopers, and, moves into Budapest 7 troopers. All four coastline provinces have a trooper & gun to help protect them, as a static defense, from sea invasion(Albania has been abandon, &, garrison goes to Trieste, while the latter garrison is sent to Italy) . Forces move into Rome 10 troopers & 7 guns versus Italian 9 troopers & 4 USA troopers & Italian 3 guns & USA 2 guns. Losses Axis 9 troopers & 3 guns, &, Italians losses 8 troopers & USA 2 troopers. Rome is contested!
Russia builds fighter, gun, & 5 troopers, moves BB off Italy, to help protect US transports, &, fighter flies to Galacia from Moscow. Need to contest Vienna & ignore Budapest. Combat moves into Vienna 2 fighter, 9 troopers, &, 9 guns, versus, AH 16 troopers & gun. Losses, Allies lose 7 troopers & Axis 14 troopers, Vienna is contested!
Italy cannot build!, combat in Rome, trooper & 3 guns, versus, Axis fighter trooper & 4 guns. Losses two guns each side. Except for a trooper & gun and a trooper in Africa, Italy has no more land forces.
USA builds sub., transport, tank, &, trooper. Moves from East Coast loaded transport with trooper & gun. Two transports leave Italy and another joins damaged BB off Trieste(suffers no mine damage). Meanwhile two transports arrive & land each trooper & gun, one set in Rome, and, another in Albania(latter is undefended). Battle in Rome 3 guns & 3 troopers versus Axis fighter, trooper, &, 2 guns. Losses USA 2 troopers & gun, and, all Axis. AH no longer threatens Rome!
At sea damaged BB & transport off Trieste versus Axis submarine. The Axis sub. is destroyed.
If the AH Empire had the card that allowed you to place all your forces in a designated area(like in the original Fortress America), and, all AH 13 units defeated the 13 units of Russians that were there in Vienna, they still probably lose the war(with the Allies gobbling up undefended AH provinces). A major political victory for the Allies, with Hungary getting its independence.
IPCs lost Allies Land 272 & Axis Land 256, Allies Air 06 & Axis Air 12; Allies Sea 36 & Axis Sea 51.
Last edited by pellulo on Thu May 01, 2014 9:12 pm, edited 14 times in total. -
A.H. always has that 600 lbs. gorilla on its back(Russia), how would the Allies do if it is just Italy, U.S.A., &, British Empire. True the Brits. would help establish naval supremacy, but, except for some initial reinforcements from Egypt, would it be enough to save Rome? The AH Empire has a land presence surpass by Germany only, &, have to worry only from an sea attack off Trieste, or, by land via Albania. Are the Allies up to the challenge?, we’ll see, A.H. versus British Empire, Italy, &, U.S.A.
Round One: Keeping a sufficient naval and land force in Trieste, to deter any Allied naval attack & landing or a movement from Albanian, A.H. Empire builds trooper, gun, fighter, 2 submarines.
Movements, maybe soon a pre-strike into Albanian, but, for now, forces from Trieste & Tyrolia attack Venice, 12 troopers & 4 guns versus Italian force of half that size. Losses Axis 5 troopers & Allies all, Venice has fallen!
British Empire builds 3 transports & 2 fighters, transport from Egypt leaves 2 troopers in Piedmont, &, C joins Italian Fleet. Also Canadian transport with trooper & gun & C, and, Indian transport with trooper & gun & C & BB sail for Italy(capital ships will join up with Italian Fleet). Finally from home islands transport with same & BB & 2 C depart for Italy.
Italy builds fighter & 2 troopers. Marches trooper from Eastern Africa to go to Libya(the latter garrison of trooper & gun already picked up by transport & taken to Rome). Also trooper from S. Italy moves to Rome.
Battle forces from Piedmont & Tuscany goes into Venice, 7 troopers & 2 guns, versus, AH 7 troopers & 4 guns. Allies lose 4 troopers & Axis 5 troopers.
U.S.A. builds 3 transports, BB & C heads for Med. Sea.
Round Two: A.H. Empire builds 2 subs., fighter, 3 troopers. Move more forces into Venice, losses AH 3 troopers & Italy 2 troopers & 2 guns, Venice has fallen again!
British Empire builds 2 planes & 3 transports. Offshore Piedmont two transports discharge 3 troopers & gun, BB & 2C join Italian fleet. Also leaving home waters 3 transports carrying 2 fighters, 2 guns, &, 2 troopers.
Italy builds gun & 3 troopers, moves Rome garrison to Tuscany, and, forces moves into Venice. Battle 3 troopers & 2 guns & fighter versus AH 2 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Allies all but plane & Axis a trooper & 2 guns.
USA builds 2 transports, fighter, &, trooper. Moves 3 transports to Med. with 4 troopers & 2 guns. US surface fleet links up with Italy’s fleet.
Round Three: A.H. Empire builds sub., gun, &, 6 troopers. Moves forces from Venice into Tuscany, ignores Brits. in Piedmont, flies fighter to Trieste & gun & 2 troopers move there to protect seacoast.
Battle fighter loses air duel, 17 troopers & 8 guns, versus Italian 11 troopers & 3 guns, losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies 10 troopers & gun(what saved the Allies was the air duel went in their favor, if not attacking guns hitting on 4 & down would have lost Tuscany for the Allies).
Tuscany is invested!
British Empire builds 3 troopers, 3 guns, moves 3 transports entering Med. Sea, &, 3 transports leave home waters. Moves forces from Piedmont into Tuscany, along with reinforcements from sea from 3 transports. Battle 11 troopers & 5 guns, versus, AH 10 troopers & 6 guns. Losses Allies 7 troopers & Axis 6 troopers. At sea entering AH home waters 2BB & 5C & transports, versus, AH BB, C, transport & 5 subs. All lost except one Brit. BB(subs. for C lost was quite unacceptable for the Allies).
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves from Rome 3 troopers & gun to reinforce Tuscany. Sea combat fleet(BB, C, and, transport) enters AH home waters, no mine lost. Done more to annoy AH Empire.
USA builds 2 transports, trooper, &, gun. Two transports leave East Coast with 3 troopers & gun. Also 3 transports land as reinforcements in Tuscany of 4 troopers & 2 guns. The race is on to save Tuscany or Rome will become invested!
Round Four: AH Empire builds sub. & 7 troopers. Moves more forces into Tuscany, ignores Piedmont, &, fighter arrives from Vienna. Battle fighter losses air duel with Italian fighter, 24 troopers & 12 guns, versus, Italian fighter, 4 troopers & 3 guns, &, Brits. 4 troopers & 5 guns, &, USA 4 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 12 troopers, &, Italy & Brits. & USA 3 troopers & 2 guns each. Allies have hanged onto Tuscany cause they have air power, if not they would have been wiped out.
British Empire builds 3 transports, sub., &, tank. Moves transport to Africa, 2 transports to Canada, 3 loaded transports to Italy to enter Med. Sea with 4 troopers & 2 fighters(same setup leaving home islands for Italy but guns instead of fighters). Also 3 loaded transports land in Tuscany 2 troopers, 2 guns, &, 2 planes.
Italy builds 3 troopers, moves from Rome to Tuscany 4 troopers, &, transport lands a trooper in Tuscany.
USA builds transport & 3 troopers. Moves 2 transports to Tuscany with 3 troopers & fighter, transport leaves USA with trooper & gun.
Round Five: AH Empire builds sub., fighter, tank, &, 3 troopers. Moves two troopers & gun into undefended Piedmont, &, it falls! Combat in Tuscany 12 guns & 12 troopers versus Allies(Italy fighter & 6 troopers, Brits. 2 fighters and 3 troopers & 5 guns, &, USA fighter & 4 troopers. Losses incredible heavy for Axis(it did not help the Allies having air superiority), of 11 troopers & 6 guns. Allies losses are Italy 5 troopers, Brits. 2 troopers & gun, USA 3 troopers. Air power saved the day for the Allies! Tuscany is contested but will not fall, the Axis dreams of taking Rome are shattered.
Brits. builds transport, tank, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves 3 transports that disembark in Tuscany, 4 troopers & 2 guns. Transport picks up trooper & gun from S. Africa, and, off Canada another two transport picks up 3 troopers & gun, for Italy. Another transport leaves home island, escorted by sub. with trooper & tank, &, another 3 transports enter Med. Sea with 4 troopers & 2 guns. Finally 3 transports arrive off India, &, 5 troopers & gun board.
Battle from Tuscany forces enter Piedmont, trooper & 4 guns & 2 fighter, versus, AH 3 troopers & 7 guns. Losses Allies 3 guns and fighter, &, Axis losses 2 troopers & 3 guns. Piedmont is contested!
Italy builds 4 troopers. Moves into Piedmont, trooper & gun & fighter, and, into Tuscany from Rome 3 troopers. At sea BB, C, &, transport, versus, AH 2 subs.(both subs. lost).
USA builds transports & troops. Moves into Piedmont from Tuscany a trooper & fighter, 5 transports back to East Coast from Italy, a transport lands in Tuscany a trooper & gun. Finally 2 transports leave East Coast with 3 troopers & tank.
Round Six:AH builds fighter, tank gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves 4 troopers into Piedmont from Venice, fighter flies from capital to Venice. Also 7 troopers into Venice from Tyrolia, &, from Vienna 3 troopers & tank enter Trieste.
Combat 5 troopers & 4 guns versus USA trooper & gun and Italy trooper & gun & fighter and Brits. trooper, gun, & fighter. Losses Axis 4 troopers & gun, and, Allies USA all, Italy gun, Brits. all. Piedmont is still invested.
Brits. build transport, fighter, tank, gun, &, 3 troopers. Move 3 transports head home from Italy, 3 transports land in Tuscany 4 troopers & 2 guns, transport leaves S. Africa with trooper & gun, 3 transports leave India with 5 troopers & gun, &, finally 2 more transports leave off in Tuscany 2 troopers & 2 guns. Also another transport with trooper & tank enter Med. Sea with sub. as escort., &, 3 transports leave home waters with 4 troopers and tank and fighter.
Battle moving from Tuscany to Piedmont are 4 troopers & 2 fighters, versus AH trooper & 3 guns(losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis all). Piedmont is freed.
Italy builds 3 troopers, moves into Venice from Tuscany 3 troopers, also from Piedmont a fighter & trooper, &, transport from Rome(no mine damage) brings two more troopers. Along with 2 troopers from Rome move to Tuscany.
Battle(with BB shelling for two troops landed from sea), fighter(lost in air duel) & 6 troops, versus, AH fighter & 7 troops. Allies lose fighter & 4 troops, &, Axis losses 3 troopers(one from BB shelling). Venice is contested.
USA builds gun & 6 troopers. Two transports land in Piedmont 3 troopers & tank, transport leaves Med. Sea, &, 4 transports arrive East Coast. Also moves trooper & gun into Venice from Tuscany.
Round Seven: A.H. Empire builds gun & 8 troopers. Moves forces into Venice from Trieste, and, from Vienna into Trieste. Also fighter flies to Vienna.
Battle 2 fighters, gun, tank(absorbs hit), 9 troopers, versus, Italy 2 troopers & USA trooper & gun. Losses AH 2 troopers & all Allies. Venice falls!
Brits. build 2 transports, fighter, tank, &, 2 troopers. Transport enters Med. Sea from Atlantic & drops off in Piedmont trooper & tank, another transport from S. Africa arrives off Egypt with trooper & gun. Three Indian transports drop off Tuscany 5 troopers & gun. Another 3 transports enter Med. Sea with 4 troopers & gun & tank. Finally another transport arrives off Canada & 2 are go to home islands(arriving 2 troopers, tank & plane board), &, a transport leaves with gun & trooper.
Moves from Tuscany to Venice 6 troopers & 4 guns, and, from Piedmont trooper & 2 fighters. Combat 2 fighters each side in air duel Allies lose one & Axis all. Seven troopers, 4 guns, &, fighter, versus, AH 7 troopers, gun, &, a tank(absorbs hit). Losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis 3 troopers. Venice is contested.
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves to Venice 2 troopers from Tuscany, &, a trooper from Rome to Tuscany. Also lands, no mine lost, 2 troopers from transport into Venice. BB destroys a AH trooper & Axis gun destroys a landing Italian trooper.
Battle 3 troopers versus AH 3 troopers & gun & tank(absorbs hit). Losses all Allies & Axis a trooper.
USA builds 2 transports & gun, moves into Venice from Tuscany trooper and tank, &, by transport 2 more troopers(no mine lost, US BB scores a hit against defending AH trooper, while defending AH gun fails to score a hit ).
Battle 3 troopers & tank versus AH 2 troopers, gun, and, tank. Losses both sides tanks absorb hit for infantry.
Round Eight: A.H. Empire builds submarine, fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves from Trieste into Venice 5 troopers, gun, &, tank. From capital into Trieste gun & 9 troopers. Combat 6 troopers & gun & tank, versus, Brits. 4 troopers, 4 guns, fighter, and, USA trooper & tank. Losses Axis 3 troopers, &, Brits. 3 troopers & gun, &, USA tank.
Brits. build transport, fighter, tank, &, 4 troopers. Starts 2 transports to Med. Sea with 2 troopers, tank, &, plane, another enters Med. Sea with trooper & gun.
Also 6 transports leave Italy & 3 arrive(disembark in Piedmont 4 troopers, Gun, &, Tank). Finally a transport from India arrives Piedmont with trooper & gun, and, another 2 transports leave home waters with 4 troopers.Reinforces Venice from Tuscany 6 troopers, gun, &, tank. Combat 7 troopers, 4 guns, tank & fighter, versus, AH 3 troopers, gun, &, tank. Losses(tanks absorb a hit) Allies 3 troopers, &, Axis all. Venice is freed!
Italy builds gun & 2 troopers, into Venice 3 troopers from Tuscany, and, from Rome 3 troopers into Tuscany.
USA builds gun, tank & fighter. Moves 6 transports that leaves East Coast with 8 troopers, 3 guns, &, fighter. Also moves from Venice to undefended Tyrolia a trooper & tank, it falls!
A.H. Empire calls it quits! Land losses Axis 294, &, Allies 317(in IPCs), Air Axis 18 & Allies 30, Sea Axis 69 & Allies 75.
AH has no surface navy as compared from round one, but, does have a submarine. Also has a fighter compared from round one, as for troopers 14/48 & guns 2/12(again compared to round one).
British Empire has no surface fleet, compared to turn one, but, has a sub. & little over four times as many transports(17). Also has 3 fighters & 4 tanks, none in first round, &, guns 9/10 and troopers 17/34.
Italy still its surface fleet intact, 6/22 troopers & 0/7 guns, as compared to first round.
Even with losses, USA has more units now than when it started round one, surface fleet intact, but, now has a submarine, and, 0/9 transports. Also a fighter and tank, and, 10/6 troopers & 3/2 guns(as compared to round one).
- Pellulo
Is there a 3 player game AH could win, of course there is, AH empire, versus, Italy & USA. It would take three turns for USA forces to get to Italy, just to drop off 2 troopers & 2 guns. Venice would be taken, &, Tuscany(maybe Rome, skipping Piedmont) ready to fall, still it might save Rome for a while with the US forces arriving, but, all AH has to do is spend its funds on mostly naval forces. The AH navy would buy time for the land forces to take Rome.
Skipping AH empire, would USA & Italy have a chance versus Germany. It helps that GE. does not touch Italy, so it would be mostly a naval game. Where would GE. strike the USA or Italy?, once a capital is contested the war is over, especially if GE. gets naval dominance and keeps the transports coming. True Italy could take out GE. colonies, both Allies could try to combine their fleets, but, still GE. is a force to recon with(on the flip side the Allies will probably never land any forces in GE.).
Round One: Germany builds transport, sub., C & BB. Moves subs. from Sea Zones 5&7 to 3(to link up with surface fleet leaving Sea Zone 10). Eventually the fleet will sail to Sea Zone 14(equidistant from Rome & D.C.).
Italy builds transport & sub., BB & transport goes to East Africa with 2 troopers(who boarded from Rome), on Italian mainland an adjustment of guns and troopers(goal of 4 troopers & gun) for each province. A reserve to be built in Rome, and, to garrison the home islands in the future with a trooper & gun(Sicily & Sardinia).
USA builds fighter, transport and submarine.
Round Two: Germany builds 2 transports, 2 subs., &, a BB. Now is moving fleet to Sea Zone 14(equidistant from Rome & DC, hard for Allies to link up).
Italy builds fighter, gun, &, 2 troopers. Arrives off GE. E. Africa transport & BB, drops off gun & trooper(BB shelling wipes defending trooper), colony falls.
USA builds BB, 2 troopers & gun. Has 2 troopers boarding transport.
Round Three: GE. builds 2 transports, sub. & BB. More ships arrive Sea Zone #14, leaving home waters BB & 2 subs. & 2 transports(2 troopers & gun & fighter).
Sea Zone #14 does not let US Fleet link up with Italians, or, go through Med. Sea or down west coast of Africa.Italy builds 2 subs. & a trooper. Moves from Rome via transport of trooper & gun to Sicily. Two troopers board transport off GE. East Africa, sail to Kamerun, where defending trooper is destroyed by BB shelling, and, troopers from transport have landed, the colony has fallen. Italy knows GE. transports are due to land at Rome/D.C. soon.
USA builds 2 subs., gun & 2 troopers.
Round Four: Germany builds tank, transport, &, 4 submarines. Fleets moving to Sea Zone 14.
Italy builds gun, trooper, &, tank. Moves from Venice garrison trooper & gun to Rome via transport. Combat off S.W. Africa 2 troopers land from transport, and, BB shells. Defending troopers destroyed by shelling, the colony falls.
USA builds trooper, tank, &, moves troops back to shore from transport, in case GE. fleet attacks next round.
ROUND FIVE: GE. builds 3 transports and a BB. Decides to move from Sea Zone 14 to East Coast America! Also moves from 8 to 2(sea zones) of BB, sub., &, 2 transports. Along with from 10 to 8(sea zone) moves 4 subs.
Combat 3BB, 3C, 7subs., &, 3 loaded transports, versus, USN 2 BB, C, transport, 5 subs., and, fighter. Losses to mines damaged BB & 3 submarines, also rest of GE. fleet with 2 transports lost, &, all U.S.A. fleet lost sans transport (including fighter that had scored a hit is lost). Lone GE. transport tries to land trooper & gun, but, destroyed by defending guns. All that remains of both fleets are a transport.
For rest of Rd. 5 played Italy will take Togoland and try to send Med. fleet to East Coast, while USA rebuilds its fleet.
Political lost for both sides, USA is no pushover for GE., but, Italy gives back GE. colonies to end war(GE. still has a surface and submarine fleets coming down to Med. Sea).
Now if GE. had instead attacked Italy first. Moves ships from Sea Zone 8 to 14, Sea Zone 10 to 8, part of fleet already in Sea Zone 14 to 17. Off Italy mines damage BB & sinks submarine. Battle 3 BB , 2 submarines, &, 3 transport, versus, Italian C, 3 submarines, fighter, and, transport. Losses only 2 damaged BB remains, 3 transports, &, fighter for Italy. BBS shell & defending guns fire, each side losses 2 troopers.
Transports land 1 trooper, 2 guns, &, fighter (Italian fighter lost in air duel), versus, 3 troopers, 3 guns, and, tank(which absorbs a hit). Losses GE. gun and fighter. Rome is contested!
Italy builds 3 submarines, reinforcement trooper from Naples & Tuscany enter Rome, moves BB & transport to Togoland(shelling takes out defending trooper & landed troops take over colony).
Combat Roman garrison counterattacks 5 foot and 3 guns, &, tank, versus GE. trooper & gun, losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis all.
USA builds BB, transport, &, trooper. Moves fleet from East Coast to Sea Zone 14 of 2 BB, C, 5 subs., &, transport(heads for S. Africa), versus, GE. fleet of BB, 3C, 5 subs., &, 2 transports. Losses all but GE. 2 Transports.
Again political sour grapes for all, 2 transports will not take out Rome, still GE. has fleets, but, with USA in the flank, hard to just concentrate on Rome alone. Also Italy can get GE. out of the Med. for good, give back the colonies.
Now starting Round Five again, with GE. attacking both Allies at the same time. Splitting the GE. fleet, would not probably lead to any landings on the East Coast(if the fleet is not wiped out), probably landings in Italy, but, without BBs(back on East Coast) to help with shelling.
Losses IPCs when USA attacked first:Land Axis 15 & Allies none, Air both sides 6, Sea Axis 111 & Allies 63.
Last edited by pellulo on Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Pellulo -
Next U.S.A. & U.K. versus Germany. GE. cannot wait four rounds to try an Operation Sealion, maybe two, destroy the Brit. home fleet and make a landing. Of course two troopers would not contest London, but, would help set the stage for a minor political victory(get back any lost colonies).
The Allies if they can link their fleet and prevent a GE. fleet breakout from the North Atlantic, can get a minor political victory(colonies in Africa). Forget about invading GE, it would drag out to a long game.
Round One: GE. builds BB, C, sub. & transport, &, orders surface & sub. fleets to attack British Home Fleet. No mine losses, BB & 2C & 4 subs. versus Britsh BB, 2 C, & transport. Losses GE. all subs & Allies all lost.
From GE. colonies undefended Gold Coast & Nigeria are captured.
British Empire builds fighter, BB, &, 2 submarines. Moves to Scotland trooper from York, and, from London, 3 troopers & gun to York. Also from Canada C & transport arrives off Ireland & debarks trooper & gun. From Egypt C & transport with trooper & gun, head for home islands, along with India fleet of BB & C(Indian transport heads for S. Africa with trooper & gun). Together with Egyptian garrison of gun & 5 troopers heading for S. Africa, and with trooper from Rhodesia. Entering GE. East Africa, trooper & gun from S. Africa versus the same(both sides lose a gun).
U.S.A. builds transport, sub., &, fighter. Moves BB & C off Ireland Sea Zone #7.
Round Two: GE. builds transport, BB, & 3 subs., moves new ships to join fleet in British home waters(no losses due to mines), off London. Two BBs, 3 C, and, sub., versus British BB, 2 subs., and, fighter. Losses Axis both BB damaged & sub., &, Allies all.
Sea landing in Scotland, BBs shell & take out a defender, trooper & gun land & take out remaining trooper, Scotland falls!
British Empire builds 2 BB, &, moves 3 troopers & gun into Scotland, from York(shire). Also moves troops from Wales into York. A C from Med. Sea goes off London, &, transport returns back to Canada. Med. Sea fleet approaching Home Waters, &, India Fleet enters Med. Sea(Indian transport arrives off S. Africa).
Troopers enters GE. East Africa, &, Egyptian garrison enters Brit. East Africa. Troopers three & gun defeat defending GE. trooper in Scotland, it is retaken! GE. S. Africa becomes contested when Brit. 2 trooper & gun attack from Brit. S. Africa, defending trooper & gun(Allies lose a trooper & Axis lose a gun).
US builds BB & fighter. Moves BB & C to join Royal Fleet off London, sub. & transport arrives off Ireland and lands trooper and gun(fighter lands there).
Round Three: GE. builds BB,C, Transport, &, 2 subs., moves from Scotland to Kiel transport. Naval ships from Kiel join fleet off London, mines damage a BB & sink a submarine. Combat 3 damaged BB(one due to mines), 3 subs.(one lost to mines), 3 C, &, transport, versus, British 2BB, C, and, USA BB & C. Now the only
survivors are 2 damaged GE. BBs & transport.Land Battle in Scotland 2 BB shell and take out defending trooper. Landed trooper(gun lost to gunfire of defending gun) versus Brit. 2 troopers & gun. Scotland is contested.
British Empire builds BB, C, &, submarine, moves Indian Fleet in Atlantic off London of C and transport(lands gun & trooper). Canadian transport lands as reserve trooper & gun in Wales, &, from London gun sent to Wales.
Also 2 troopers & gun enter South Africa, &, transport lands as reinforcements trooper & gun in GE. S.W. Africa(losses Allied trooper against defending trooper).
US builds BB, sub., &, transport, moves a transport & sub. off Scotland, lands trooper & gun(fighter arrives from Ireland). Also a BB sails to Ireland & a fighter from East Coast lands there.
Battle Allies lose gun & defending Axis trooper is lost, Scotland is uncontested!
Round Four: GE. builds 2 BBs & C, moves reinforcements to join fleet in Brit. Home Waters(no mine lost). Transport goes back to Kiel, combat 3 BBs(two which are damaged), C, 2 subs., &, 2 transports, versus, British BB, sub., 2 C, transport, &, US fighter. Losses all but GE. BB & 2 transports. Land combat BB shells London & 2 Brit. guns counter fire, losses trooper each side. Landed trooper & 2 guns versus the same. Both sides lose 2 guns, London is contested!
British Empire builds 2 BB & a trooper, a transport goes back to Canada, troops enter S. Africa(in S.W. Africa another Brit. trooper lost), reinforcement into London of 2 guns & trooper. Battle 2 troopers & 2 guns destroy invading GE. trooper, London is uncontested.
Indian fleet of BB & C arrive off London, versus, GE. BB & 2 transports. Losses damaged BB & C lost, &, all GE. units.
US builds fighter, tank, &, submarine. Moves sub. & BB off London, &, transport heads home, with fighter flies from Ireland to Scotland. Also BB, sub. &, transport with trooper & gun arrive of Ireland.
Germany has lost Naval dominance, it can still build naval forces, &, is practically invasion proof. Allies will keep GE. in the North Atlantic, but, Brit. did have a partial Sealion done against her.
Minor political victory/lost for both, Axis will not invade Brit. Home islands again, &, Germany gets her colonies back.
Pellulo -
PelluloAllies France & U.S.A., versus, A.H. Empire. The former needs to take over her home waters(with the second largest land forces on the board, AH is practically invasion proof), while the latter can wreck havoc in French Med. area. If the Allies continue to shuttle forces into off the coast of Trieste, even with AH building new naval forces, the Axis will be contain on the seas.
Round One: A.H. Empire builds sub., BB, & fighter. Moves BB, C, &, transports to off Marseilles(BB damaged due to mines), versus, Fr. BB & 2 transports. Losses C & all Allies. Lands in undefended Corsica & Marseilles a trooper.
France builds 2 BB, &, moves from Brest to S. France BB & transport, &, Burgundy garrison into Marseilles of 6 troopers & 2 guns(destroys defending AH trooper, Marseilles is uncontested).
U.S.A. builds transport & 2 sub., moves BB & C to off entrance to Med.Sea to
join Fr. fleet.Round Two: AH builds 2 BB, moves fleet of BB & sub. & transport to off S. France, with no losses due to mines(transport returns to home waters). Combat 2 BB(one already damaged) & sub. versus FR. 2 BB. Losses all but damaged AH BB.
FR. builds BB & fighter, and, Brest fleet arrives off S. France. BB goes off Corsica and shells & destroys defending trooper, landed trooper takes over island.
US builds BB & C, &, moves BB & C to off Italy joining Fr. BB. Also 2 subs. & transports arrive to entrance to Med. Sea.
Round Three: A.H. builds BB, C, &, fighter, to off Italy goes 2 BB, sub., transport, & , fighter, versus, Fr. BB & US BB & C. Losses only both AH BB survive(one damaged).
Fr. builds BB & 2 subs. Moves to off Italy, 2 BB, fighter, & loaded transport(trooper & gun), versus, AH 2 BB(one damaged). Losses Allies BB & fighter, &, Axis all.
USA builds transport, C, &, submarine. Arrives Central Med. Sea transport(trooper & gun) & 2 subs., C from East Coast arrives S. France, &, BB arrives entrance to Med. Sea.
Round Four: AH builds fighter & 3 submarines. Moves fighter & BB & C to central Med. Sea, versus, US 2 subs. & transport(trooper & gun) & Fr. BB & transport(gun & trooper). Losses only Fr. transport survives.
Fr. builds BB, C, &, submarine, moves transport(gun & trooper), BB, &, 2 subs. to AH home waters( 3 subs. & fighter are there). No combat.
US builds BB & transport, moves BB & C to central Med. Sea; off the East Coast C goes to Med. Sea(followed by transport with gun & trooper & sub.).
Round Five: A.H. builds 2 BBs.
Fr. builds 2 BBs, moves from W. Med. Sea, 2 BB & C & 3 subs. & transport into A.H. home waters(no mine damage), versus, 2 BB & 3 subs. & 2 fighters. Losses all left Fr. damage BB & transport(no landing made).
US builds tank, fighter, &, C. Moves, with no mine losses, BB & 2C into AH home waters, &, sub. arrives off Italy, &, off Med. Sea BB & transport.
At this point AH is just battling to keep her home waters Allied freed, while the latter will probably never be able to invade, by sea. An impasse has been reached, both sides are unable to win, mush less lose. At this time US has BB & 2C, sub., & 2 transports. While Fr. has 2BB & transport, &, AH has to match those ships.
Losses IPCs: Allies 06 land, 18 air, 178 sea, &, Axis 06 land, 06 air, &, 148 sea.
In terms of play for starting forces, US is a midget, so in Russia & U.S.A. versus A.H. Empire, anything the US can send to Russia would take no less than 4-5 turns(the game could be over). The best the US can do is use its navy to annoy, and, maybe take over AH home waters(maybe make a symbolic landing in Trieste).
Of course AH can spend some funds to counter the US naval effort, but, needs most of its IPCs for the land war against Russia. In all this can Russia hold until some heavy material aid comes from the states?
Round One: A.H. builds trooper, two guns, fighter, &, C. Moves forces to Northern A.H. Empire. Plan to launch massive invasion of Poland and/or Ukraine, forcing the Russians to split their forces. Also temping the Russians to try a pre-strike attack. Fleet moves to Western Med. Sea to block Allied navies for now.
Russians build 2 fighters, guns, &, 3 troopers. Fortifies equally Poland & Uk., &, uses Belarus as a gun park. Starts moving BB to entrance of Med. Sea.
U.S.A. builds transport, gun, &, fighter.
Round Two: A.H. Empire builds 4 troopers, sub., &, fighter. Moves C to Western Med. Sea(seacoast Trieste protected by original garrison). AH decides to invade Poland(to protect their flank, into Galicia 7 troopers & 4 guns join 9 troopers already there), with fighter flying in, you have 26 troopers, 8 guns, versus, Russian 14 troopers & 2 guns. Losses all Allies & Axis 8 troopers. Poland has fallen.
Russia is tempted to turn flanks and cut off AH forces inside their empire by taking out or contesting Galicia(of course that cold leave a very angry AH army inside Russia). Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, moving BB to the Med. Sea entrance. Leaving troops to guard flank in Uk.(9 troopers & gun). Russia pours forces into Poland, 15 troopers & 11 guns, &, 2 fighters, versus, AH 14 troopers, 14 guns, &, fighter. Losses air duel each side losses a fighter, Russia losses 10 troopers, &, AH losses 14 troopers & 6 guns. Such losses are hard for AH to make up, especially for a now contested province.
U.S.A. builds transport & BB, moves transport(trooper & gun) & escort C sail to Russia together.
Round Three: AH builds fighter, sub., 4 troopers. Moves more forces & fighter into contested Poland, and, sub. sails to join fleet. Also 5 troopers & 2 guns move into Galicia to reinforce it.
Combat in Poland 10 guns, 15 troopers, &, fighter, versus, Russian fighter, 9 guns, &, fighter. Axis win air duel. Losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies all but for one trooper.
Russia builds fighter & 5 troopers. Moves 8 troopers , gun, &, fighter, not into Poland, but, invades AH Galicia, versus, defending 5 troopers & 2 guns. Losses
Allies 4 troopers & all Axis, Galicia has fallen! Also moves troopers into Livinia & Belarus(leaving gun in Moscow).Also BB arrives at entrance to Med. Sea.
US is in the situation of building up its Naval forces, should she send a landing force to eventually threaten southern AH empire(hopefully most of AH forces are stuck in southern Russia to do much about it), or, just send them to Russia directly where they might be too little, too late.
U.S.A. builds sub., transport, trooper & gun. BB goes to link up with Russian BB, transport & escort C doubles back, and, joins Russian BB, at entrance to Med. Sea(also another transport with trooper & fighter, leaves East Coast to link up also).
Round Four: AH has its flanks turn, worse it is only contesting Poland at this time, and, lost, Galicia. Also the Allies naval presence is starting to have an effect of sucking up resources needed for land combat(a slow retreat to home waters?). Builds submarine, tank, &, 5 troopers.
Moves sub. to join main fleet, from Vienna 4 troopers & fighter enters Galicia, versus, Russian fighter(which wins air duel), 4 troopers, &, gun. Losses Axis 2 troopers & Allies 1 trooper.
AH wanted to at least contest Galicia, in order to prevent a breakout to undefended Budapest, also defending Russian trooper in Poland destroyed for no lost(Poland is taken back).
Russia builds tank, gun, 5 troopers. Moves forces to secure Galacia again. From Moscow reinforces Livonia & Belarus. Into Galacia fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers, versus, AH 4 troopers. Losses Allies a trooper & all Axis.
USA builds transport, tank, &, gun. Moves from East Coast sub. & transport with trooper & gun, joining Russian BB(outside entrance to Med. Sea).
Combat 2 BB & C, enter Western Med. Sea from entrance, versus, AH BB, 2C &, 2 submarines. Losses only 2 damaged Allies BB remained, &, all Axis naval units lost.
If combat had gone AH way, precious US transports were still protected by sub. & Russian BB. A second front is needed soon, as Russia is on the ropes.
Round Five: AH builds BB & 5 troopers. Moves sub. to Western Med. Sea versus US 2 damaged BBs. Losses AH sub. & US 1 BB. From Vienna moves into Galicia, so gun & 5 troopers versus Russian fighter, gun, & 3 troopers. Losses AH 3 troopers & Russians 2 troopers.
From Poland into Livonia fighter, 4 troopers, &, 5 guns, versus, Russian 5 troopers. Losses AH 2 troopers & all Allies.
Russia builds gun & 8 troopers. Moves BB to join US BB in W. Med. Sea, &, from Moscow a trooper to reinforce Uk. & Belarus.
Also moves into Galicia fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers, versus, AH 4 troopers & 5 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 3 troopers & 3 guns. In Livonia 3 troopers, gun, &, tank from Moscow, versus, AH fighter, 5 guns, &, 2 troopers. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis 2 guns & trooper.
US builds transport, gun, &, transport. Moves sub. & 3 transport to W. Med. Sea, from East Coast sub. & transport(with trooper & tank) sail to Europe.
Round Six: AH builds BB, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves trooper, gun, &, fighter into Belarus from Livonia. Also join there by trooper & 2 guns from Poland, versus, Russian trooper(losses a trooper each side). Belarus falls!
Russia builds 7 infantry. BB (no mine damage) goes to AH home waters and takes out defending BB & transport. Allies BB suffers damage.
Moves from Moscow & Uk. into Belarus gun & 9 troopers, versus, AH trooper, 3 guns, &, fighter. Losses Allies 2 troopers & all Axis. Belarus uncontested.
US builds 2 tanks & transports, BB & transport goes from E. Coast to entrance to Med. Sea(also sub. & transport arrive off Italy). Entering AH home waters, BB & 3 transports(sub. lost to mines), sea landings are made. BB makes a hit, AH two defending guns do not. US fighter, 3 troopers, &, 2 guns, versus, 5 troopers & 2 guns. Losses only one trooper each side are left.
Round 7: AH got to win, in this round, or, have to head for the peace talks. Builds sub. fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. From Vienna troopers move to Galicia, and, reinforcements 4 troopers sent to Trieste. Battle 5 troopers versus US one trooper. Losses a trooper each side, &, Trieste is completely retaken. Also 2 troopers & tank take undefended UK.
AH forces in Russia, none in Poland, trooper in Livonia, 2 troopers & tank in Uk., 1 trooper in contested Belarusa.
Russia builds 6 troopers. Damaged BB takes out AH submarine. Moves 2 troopers from Moscow into Livonia, versus, AH trooper(both sides lose a trooper, Livonia retaken!). Also from Moscow 4 troopers into UK., versus, AH tank & 2 troopers. Losses Allies trooper & Axis trooper & tank(took a hit also). Uk. still contested! Finally in Belarus 7 troopers & gun versus defending AH trooper. Losses trooper each side, Belarus is retaken!
AH has lost 2 of 4 provinces, in Russia, has one contested(with just a defending trooper), and, another(Poland) undefended.
Here AH is between a rock and a hard place(another even harder rock), with a few more troops(maybe less ships), the Kaiser would be having a victory parade in Moscow(while half of AH empire might be overrun with US forces).
Still maybe the US should have landed most of their transports on the Russian coast(thus making AH force to leave units to defend them), much less a still threat of a landing through the Med. Sea. Of course the AH navy might have broken out into the Atlantic Ocean(maybe land troopers on the East Coast, just to annoy the Americans).
A military disaster for both sides, so much lost, for so little gain, Poland & Hungary spin off to make new independent countries(regardless of what the Axis and Allies would like).
Well end this, with the closing of this round, USA builds 2 transports, 2 troopers, &, gun. Moves 3 transports back to USA, 2 transports(with 2 troopers & gun & tank) leave for AH empire. Also another transport with trooper & gun & escort BB arrives off Italy. Another sub. & transport(with trooper & tank) arrive in AH home waters. Sub. lost to mine & US BB shells & take out defending trooper. Landed trooper & tank versus AH 3 defending troopers. Losses Axis a trooper & US tank absorbed hit.
AH has 5 troopers & a gun, ready to enter UK. to drive out Russian forces, or, defend Poland(another 5 troopers & gun & plane in Vienna). Cannot take Moscow with that kind of force, much less defend at the same time its coastline.
In Europe Russians have 16 troopers & a gun, USA trooper & tank, much less 8 transports making the rounds, the war is over for AH empire.
Losses IPCs Land Axis 255 & Allies 265, Air Axis 12 & Allies 24, Sea Axis 72 & Allies 33.
27.German Empire versus British & French Empires,
Round One: Germany builds gun, 2 fighters, C, &, BB. Moves 2 subs. from Sea Zone 7 to 2, off Canada, versus, Brit. C & transport(all lost). Move 2 subs. from Sea Zone 5 to 9, joined by BB & 2 C, no ships lost to mines, versus British BB, 2 C, &, transport. Losses only damaged GE. BB left. Sea losses are heavy, but, the goal of taking out Brit. transports has worked for now. Fighter flies to Munich, from Berlin.
On land a all out drive for Paris before any Brit. reinforcements arrive. Alsace sends her garrison of 7 troopers & 3 guns, into Fr. Lorraine, versus 6 Infantry & 2 guns. Losses Axis 5 & Allies 3 infantry. Lorraine is contested.
In Africa trooper from Togoland & Kamerun take undefended Brit. Gold Coast & Nigeria.
France builds 8 troopers. Moves from Atlantic & Med. Sea 2 transports to Canada, &, Fr. BB goes to Brit. home waters and sinks damaged GE. BB(Fr. BB is damaged). Also BB & C from Med. Sea head for Brit. home waters, leaving a transport that moves 2 troopers from N. Africa to S. France.
Moves forces into Lorraine for reinforcements, and, battle. Fighter & 4 guns & 16 troopers versus GE. 3 guns & 2 troopers. From French Africa trooper goes into occupied Gold Coast defended by GE. trooper(each side losses a trooper).
British Empire builds fighter, transport, sub. & BB. Reinforces Scotland & Wales with trooper. Moves from Egypt to S. of France C & transport(disembarks trooper & gun in Marseilles). Trooper from Sudan joins trooper in Brit. East Africa, while trooper & gun goes from Egypt to Sudan.
While trooper goes to S. Africa from Rhodesia. From India to GE. East Africa, BB & C & transport(lands trooper & gun), defending trooper taken out by BB shelling, colony falls!
Two Canadian troopers & guns board French transports off Canada.
Round Two GE. builds 2 subs., BB, Trooper, Gun, &, fighter. Fighter flies to Kiel. In Africa trooper from Nigeria goes back to Kamerun. C & BB(no mine lost), &, fighter move into Brit. home waters. Fighter wins air duel(Brit. defending fighter shot down), C & BB, versus, Brit. BB, sub. & transport, &, damaged Fr. BB.
GE. again destroys Brit. transport, but, only survivor is the Fr. BB. When it comes to naval battles, GE. will find it harder & harder to field ships at sea.Troops & guns pour into Lorraine from S. Germany. Ge. fighter wins air duel, 6 guns, &, 14 troopers, versus, Fr. 12 troopers & 4 guns(fighter lost in air duel). Losses 5 troopers Axis and 9 troopers Allies.
France builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves damaged BB from London to home port of Brest for repairs(another BB & C takes up station there). Another transport arrives off Canada, &, 2 transports arrive off Picardy with two British troopers & guns.
In Africa trooper returns Gold Coast colony to British Empire(trooper enter undefended colony). France reinforces Lorraine( Paris garrison moves to Burgundy), battle 12 troopers & 8 guns, versus, GE. 09 troopers & 06 guns & fighter. Losses Allies 8 troopers, &, Axis 8 troopers & 2 guns.
British Empire builds fighter & 2 transports. Move from 2 Fr. transports to Picardy 2 troopers & 2 guns( 2 troopers from Canada board another Fr. transport).
Also C from Egypt heads for London, from S. France transport heads back to Egypt, picks up 2 troopers. Trooper & gun head into Burgundy, from S. France.BB & C & transport goes from GE. East Africa to S.W. Africa, dropping off trooper & gun(who boarded at GE. colony). Also from South Africa 2 troopers & gun enter GE. S.W. Africa. Battle BB takes out gun, GE. gun scores no hits on landing forces. The GE. colony falls with losses of one trooper each side. From Sudan trooper & gun enter Fr. Eq. Africa, &, from British East Africa 2 troopers sent back to Egypt.
Round Three GE. builds 6 troopers, fighter & submarine. Fighter from Berlin flies to Kiel. Troops & guns go to S. Germany, reinforcements enter Lorraine. Combat 13 troopers, 7 guns, &, fighter versus Fr. 4 troopers & 8 guns. Losses Axis 4 troopers & Allies 3 troopers & 6 guns.
Fr. builds gun, 5 troopers, &, fighter. Moves trooper from Africa Gold Coast, to undefended German colony of Togoland. Repaired BB goes from Brest to London. Transport from Canada with 2 troopers goes to Picardy(while another transport goes back to Canada). Also another transport goes off Wales to pick up British units. Paris garrison moves to Burgundy, while reinforcements move into Lorraine.
British Empire goes on a transport merry go round, builds transport, sub., 2 guns, &, 2 fighters. To Egypt 2 troopers from Fr. Eq. Africa enter Sudan. Two troopers invade & destroy defending GE. trooper in Kamerun. From S.W. Africa transport with trooper & gun retake undefended Nigeria, while BB & C continue onto London. From Egypt to Marseilles transport lands 2 troopers.
From Picardy & Burgundy, entering Lorraine 3 troopers & 3 guns, while fighter flies from London to Lorraine. Also 3 transports(one from London) leave 5 troopers & gun in Picardy, off Wales 2 troopers board a Fr. transport. Along with reinforcement of a trooper for Yorkshire & Scotland. Now off Canada 2 troopers board a Fr. transport.
Round Four: Germany builds 2 infantry, artillery, tank, fighter, &, BB. More reinforcements into Lorraine, 13 guns & 22 troopers, versus, Allies 2 fighters, Fr. 10 troopers & 2 guns, &, Brits. 3 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Axis 8 troopers & Fr. 9 troopers, &, Brits. 2 troopers & 2 guns.
At sea BB, &, 3 subs., 3 fighters, enter British Home Waters(no mine damage, in air duel each side losses 2 fighters), versus, Allies 2 fighters, Fr. BB & C, Brits. 2C & sub., &, 2 transports. Survivor is a damaged Fr. BB & GE. has sunk the most important Allies ships, the transports.
Fr. builds 8 troopers, sends fighter to London, Burgundy & Paris forces into Lorraine. Damaged BB makes it to off Berlin(no mine lost), versus, GE. BB, both are lost. Transport arrives off Picardy with Canadian 2 troopers. Lone trooper starts back to Tunisia from mid-Africa.
Brits. build transport, sub., fighter, tank, gun, &, trooper. In Africa land forces heads towards Egypt(transport arrives & trooper & gun board it). Three troopers & 3 guns enter Lorraine, &, 2 troopers enter Burgundy(from Picardy & Marseilles). Two more troopers debark from Fr. transport onto Picardy, &, off London trooper & gun board transport(with C for protection).
Round Five: GE. attacks have gone pretty good, one more big push could lead soon to Burgundy(outskirts of Paris), or, wiggling out of a war it cannot win. Builds BB & gun & 6 troopers, reinforces Kiel with extra infantry(in case of any Allied sea landings). Moves last of its original land forces(from round one) into Lorraine. Battle 20 troopers & 16 guns, versus, Fr. fighter, 3 guns & 5 troopers, &, Brits. fighter, 4 guns & 4 troopers. Losses Axis 14 troopers & Allies all, Lorraine has fallen(is Burgundy next?).
France builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. Holds into going back into Lorraine, but, sends reinforcements into Burgundy. Lone Fr. trooper approaching Tunisia.
Brits. builds transport, fighter, 2 guns, &, 4 troopers. All troopers & gun, that are in Africa, begin to move to Egypt. A transport from Egypt, with trooper & guns lands in Southern France. From London 2 transports land in Picardy, 2 troopers & gun & tank(also fighter from London lands there). From Scotland, Yorkshire, &, Wales, 5 troopers & gun, boards 3 Fr. transports.
Also from India BB & C take position off London.
Round Six: GE. needs to take Burgundy and/or Picardy(both would be great) in order to threaten Paris. Even with Allies reinforcements, these provinces could be traded for lost colonies in Africa, if Paris is never taken.
GE. builds 2 subs., 2 fighters, &, 3 troopers. Moving troops, guns, &, tank to Alsace. Also fighter flies to Lorraine, and, extra trooper for Berlin & Prussia(in case of any Allies sea landings). Four troopers & 7 guns enter Picardy, versus, Brits. 6 troopers, gun, tank(absorbs a hit), &, fighter. Losses Axis 3 troopers & gun, &, Allies 5 troopers. Brits. are hurt but still defending Picardy. Much less a pending counterattack from the French into Lorraine.
Fr. builds fighter, 2 guns, &, 3 troopers. Moves trooper into Morocco, &, more forces into Lorraine(from Burgundy). Two fighters(one flew in from London) versus GE. fighter, each side loses a fighter, 13 troopers & tank(absorbs a hit), versus, GE. trooper & 9 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 4 guns. Also Paris garrison goes into Picardy, 4 troopers & gun, versus, trooper & 6 guns. Losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis 3 guns.
British Empire builds 2 fighters, 2 tanks, 2 guns, &, 2 troopers. Two troopers & 2 guns enter Burgundy(from already in Burgundy 2 troopers enter Lorraine, versus, GE. trooper & 4 guns. Losses Brits. both troopers & GE. a gun). Three transports off the coast of Picardy unload 3 troopers & 3 guns, boarding three Fr. transports off Britain are 4 troopers & 2 guns. Also 2 transports head back to Egypt.
Battle in Picardy fighter, tank, 6 troopers , &, 4 guns, versus, GE. trooper & 4 guns. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis all. Picardy is under Allied control again!
From British to German Home Waters, no mine lost, BB & C & sub. & fighter versus GE. BB & 2 subs.(only damaged Brit. BB is left).
GE. forces fizzle out with the Allied counterattacks, with Allies growing stronger in Europe, GE. agreed to give back Lorraine, in return for two of its colonies back. The Allies take the deal, a drive to Berlin would be very costly.
IPC Units Lost:
Axis Allies
Foot 54 61
Gun 17 16
Fighter 6 9
Transport 0 5
Sub. 10 3
C 3 7
BB 5 4 -
German Empire versus British Empire & Russian Empire. Basically GE. needs to pour her land & air forces into Russia, overwhelmed them, while building a fleet, to control the North Sea, &, prevent British Empire making any naval landings(in Russia/Germany).
Russia needs to buy time for Brits., going on the offensive on land and by sea, early in the game.
Brits. cannot wait to turn 4/5 to send help, get control of the seas, and, make those landings. Along the way clean up Africa.
Round One: Russia builds fighter, sub., 3 troopers , &, gun. Reinforcements pour into Poland, while Polish garrison invade Prussia. Six troopers & 2 guns versus GE. 6 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 5 troopers & gun. Prussia is invested to buy British Empire time.
Russian BB suffers no mine hits versus off Kiel GE. BB & 2C. Losses Allies BB & Axis C & damaged BB.
Knowing that the BB would be wiped out, but, hopefully weaken GE. pending attack on Brits. home fleet.
GE. builds BB, sub., 2 fighters, &, trooper. Troopers from GE. colonies seize undefended Nigeria & Gold Coast. In Europe moving land forces towards Russia, leaving on coastal provinces 2 troopers & gun. Moves reinforcements into Prussia, 14 troopers & 5 guns versus Russian 2 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis trooper & Allies all. Prussia freed!
All sea units get to off London, with no mine damage. Four subs, damaged BB, &, fighter, versus, Brit. BB, 2 C, & transport. Losses 3 subs. & fighter, &, all Allies.
GE. C suffers no mine damage engages Russian sub.(latter destroyed).British Empire builds fighter, BB, sub. , &, transport. Moves Canadian transport(trooper & gun) to debark at Wales with C. Reinforces Scotland & Yorkshire with a trooper. Also C & transport(trooper & gun), leaves Egypt for Wales. Indian C heads for London, &, BB & transport(trooper & gun) heads for GE. East Africa.
Trooper from Sudan heads for Egypt, while trooper from Rhodesia, heads for S. Africa. Trooper & gun enter GE. South Africa from Brit. South Africa, versus, defending GE. trooper & gun. Losses none Allies & all GE. forces lost(the colony falls). Also in GE. East Africa, BB & transport from India, lands trooper & gun, shelling takes out GE. defending trooper, colony falls!
Round Two: Russia builds sub., fighter, &, 4 troopers. Moves more land forces into Poland, fighter goes from capital to Karelia. Forces already in Poland invade Prussia again, 15 troopers & 6 guns, versus, GE. 13 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Allies 10 troopers & Axis 9 troopers.
Germany builds 2 troopers, fighter, BB & C & submarine. In Africa sends remaining 2 troopers into Togoland to hunker up from attack. Sends Silesia forces into Poland. Twenty-two troopers & 3 guns versus Russian 12 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Axis 8 troopers & Allies 5 troopers.
Berlin garrison goes into Prussia, 3 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Russian 6 troopers & 8 guns. Losses, Axis 2 troopers & 3 guns, &, Allies 4 troopers.
No mine lost, in Russian Home Waters, C versus Russian sub.(both lost). In British Home Waters, damaged BB & sub, versus, Brits. BB, transport, & fighter (only GE. BB survives).
British Empire builds fighter, 2 subs., &, BB. Moves from off Wales to off London C & sub.(versus damaged GE. BB). Losses GE. BB & Brits. submarine. Transport off Wales heads for Canada. From Egypt & India 2C & transport(with trooper & gun) are now off coast of W. France.
BB & transport(trooper & gun) head to West Africa from East Africa, land & take back Nigeria. Also 2 troopers from S. Africa head towards Egypt.
Round Three: Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Land units abandon Prussia to defend Poland, &, reinforcements enter Poland from Belarus(fighter flies in from Karelia). Battle 2 fighters, 13 guns & 14 troopers, versus, GE. 3 guns & 15 troopers. Losses Allies 9 troopers, &, Axis 14 troopers & 2 guns. Losses are heavy both sides, but, GE. cannot replace them, as Russian forces outnumber the Axis in Russia(and GE. has few reinforcements for the Eastern Front).
GE. builds fighter, sub., gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves reinforcements from Silesia & Prussia to Poland(fighter from Berlin). Fifteen troopers, 13 guns, &, fighter, versus, Russian 2 fighters, 8 troopers, & 14 guns. Losses each side losses a fighter in air duel, Allies lose 7 troopers & 5 guns, &, Axis losses 14 troopers & 4 guns.
Both sides have left about the same forces(except for a fighter for Russia), and. GE. has in Berlin 4 troopers & a fighter as a reserve force(that will not be enough to take Moscow).
BB & 2 subs.(no mine damage), go to off London, versus, Brit. fighter, 2 subs. & BB & C. Losses all Axis & Brit. damaged BB & C are left.
Brits. build 2 subs., transport, &, 2 fighters. Moves gun into Yorkshire, transport(gun & trooper) & 2 C move off London. Another transport(gun & trooper) from Canada arrives off Wales.
Transport(trooper & gun) & BB from S. Africa, go to undefended Kamerun, and land trooper only and take over the colony. Also trooper & gun enter Togoland from Nigeria & transport lands gun(BB shells & trooper & 2 guns versus GE. 2 defending troopers, losses all but Brit. trooper, Togoland falls).
Damaged BB(no mine damaged) enters GE. home waters, and, destroys submarine(no GE. fleet left) based there.
GE. calls it quits, except for a Allied fighter both forces in Poland are the same. Except for the coastal defense force of 2 troopers & a gun, all GE. has to take Moscow is a reserve force in Berlin of 4 troopers & a fighter. In Moscow alone are a fighter & 9 troopers to defend it.
Major political lost, losses Prussia(now a independent nation), moves out of Poland, and, losses three colonies(keeps Togoland).
Losses IPCs Troopers 54 Axis & 33 Allies, Guns 11 Axis & 9 Allies, Fighters 2 Axis & 3 Allies, transports 2 Allies, Subs. 6 Axis & 5 Allies, C both sides 3, BB 2 Axis & 3 Allies.
Next British & Russian Empires versus A.H. Empire. With only Trieste to defend by sea, the Axis can put its forces into trying to take Moscow(or as much territory as it can), before Brits. land forces become a bother. Allies need to keep A.H. fleet holed up, and, hold onto its front line territories, and, await Brits. land forces as reinforcements.
Round One: A.H. Empire builds sub. & fighter, &, 3 troopers & gun. Moves forces from Galicia into UK., land forces moving to upper part of empire. Fleet goes to off Egypt, and, Trieste garrison stays put, to protect coastline.
Invades UK. with 6 troopers & 2 guns, versus, Russian same set up(both sides losses 3 troopers). Off Egypt BB & C & transport(2 troopers) take on Brits. C & transport(latter is destroyed for no lost). BB shells and takes out a trooper & defending guns fire and take out an landed trooper. Remaining landed trooper takes out a defending Brit. trooper(even thought the landed trooper is destroyed by the rest of the defenders, it tweaks the British Lion that Egypt has been invaded, much less the Med. fleet has been wiped out).
Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Sends BB to Med. Sea, &, land reinforcements to UK. & Poland. Combat in Uk., 15 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Empire of A.H. 3 troopers & 2 guns(Allies lose a trooper, &, Axis all). Uk. is liberated.
British Empire builds fighter, sub., 3 troopers. Brits. need to make the Med. a Allied Lake, and, start sending troops/guns to Russia, &, a threat of landings in S.A.H.E.(Southern Austro-Hungarian Empire).
Moves UK & Canadian transports to Russia(each has a trooper & gun). Two C & BB from home waters, &, C from Canada head for Med. Sea. Indian fleet of BB & C & transport heads for Red Sea(trooper & gun land in Egypt for now).
In Africa trooper goes to S. Africa from Rhodesia, &, Eastern Africa troopers head for Egypt.
Round Two: A.H.E. builds sub., fighter, &, 5 troopers, fleet leaves Egypt & returns to home waters. From Galicia into Uk., 29 troopers & 6 guns & fighter(from Vienna), versus, Russian 7 guns & 14 troopers. Losses all Allies & 11 troopers for Axis lost.
Russia builds fighter, gun, & five troopers. BB arrives off Med. sea & moves forces into Uk., decides not to turn flank by attacking Galicia(AHE forces could strike at four Russian provinces, including Moscow, from Uk.). Leaving 7 troopers to protect Poland. Entering Uk., fifteen troopers, 7 guns ,&, fighter, versus, AHE forces of 18 troopers, 6 guns, &, fighter. Losses Allies 14 troopers & gun, &, Axis 12 troopers & fighter(lost air duel). Uk. is contested.
Brits. build fighter, gun, infantry, transport, &, C. Moves trooper from Sudan to Egypt. Transport lands trooper & gun in Poland, another 3 transports leaves home waters, with 5 troopers & fighter, for Poland(another leaves Canada with trooper & gun). Another transport arrives off Egypt with trooper & gun.
From both ends of the Med. Sea 4 C head for AHE home waters(no lost to mines), versus, AHE BB, C, 2 subs., &, transport. Losses Allies 2C & Axis all, and, BBs arrives Sea Zone 16 & 17(along with sub. at entrance to Med. Sea).
Round Three: AHE knows that Brits. will soon be on the scene, should they go for Moscow, trying to keep lines of communication open via Uk., or, try to grab as much undefended Russian provinces to use at the peace table, or, retreat & hunker down in Northern part of their empire. This is the last turn to try any of the above options, AHE builds, sub. fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers.
Moves reinforcements into Uk. & Galicia, 14 troopers & 7 guns & 1 fighter, versus, Russian troopers & 6 guns & fighter. Axis win air duel & lose 4 troopers, &, all Allies wiped out. Uk. is retaken, with 3 provinces undefended for the taking.
Russian builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves BB into Sea Zone #16 Med. Sea. Forces from Poland & Moscow enter Uk. to retake or contest it. In upcoming air duel both sides lose their fighter, 12 troopers & gun, versus AHE 10 troopers & 6 guns. Losses Allies lose 8 troopers & Axis 6 troopers. Uk. is contested!
British Empire builds 3 transports, gun, &, 3 troopers. Sub. arrives off Italy, 3 transports land 5 troopers & gun in Poland, another transport heads back to London(another Canadian transport lands also a trooper & gun). A cruiser & transport (trooper & fighter) leaves Wales and heads for the Med. Sea. Also 2 BBs & transport(trooper & gun), enter AHE home waters(no mine lost). AHE sub. destroyed & BB damaged. Shelling BBs take out two defending AHE troopers, while defending guns take out a landed gun. On land BE trooper destroyed by defending AHE 2 troopers & 2 guns.
AHE got a tough choice to make, with forces on the border, about the same makeup with Brits. in Poland, it makes it hard to reinforce forces in Uk.(even if they did, and, took over the Uk., it still would be still be too weak to ever take Moscow). New forces raised must now be diverted for potential sea landings, and, would be needed in northern part of the empire, to protect from the British forces in Poland(of 7 troopers, 2 guns, &, fighter).
Pull out of Russia, no real victory or lost, just some promise from both sides for more self rule for Uk. and Hungary.
Losses IPCs in units, troopers Axis 38 & Allies 43, 2 & 15 guns, 1 & 2 fighters, 3 subs. Axis only, 1 & 3 C , 1 BB Axis only, &, 1 & 1 transports.
Well that was a tough situation for the Allies, now it just got worst, Italy & Imperial Russia, versus, Germany(big sister with a big navy to play around with, compare to little sister AHE).
Round One: Russia builds for defense & limited attacks, until Italy can lend some help (via Africa), fighter & 6 troopers. Moves reinforcements into Poland, and, moves guns into Belarus(as a gun park). Forces already in Poland enter Prussia, 6 troopers & two guns versus GE. 6 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis 4 troopers.
BB makes it to GE. fleet off Kiel(no mine lost), attacks 2C & BB, losses Allied BB and damages GE. BB(lost is acceptable in order to lessen Axis attack strength into Med. Sea).
GE. builds BB, 2 transports, fighter, &, gun. Moves troops & guns & fighter to Prussia & Silesia.
Battle fighter, 6 guns, &, 15 troopers, versus, Russian 2 troopers & 3 troopers. Losses one trooper Axis and all Allies. Navy heads for entrance to Med. Sea(no time to repair BB).
Italy purchases sub. & transport, her plan is to defend itself from any GE. landings and cause enough mischief in Africa to help Russia at the peace table. Unless the whole GE. fleet goes to visit N.Y.C., there is little chance of Italy landing any land/air forces in Russia. Reorganizes land forces to protect Italian mainland, and, BB & transport(trooper & gun) head for Red Sea.
Round Two: Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves into Silesia 2 guns & 15 troopers, versus, GE. 3 guns & 12 troopers. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 11 troopers.
GE. builds transport, sub., &, 8 troopers. Will try to uncontested Silesia & invade Poland at the same time. Prussian forces enter Poland, fighter, 6 guns, &, 14 troopers, versus, Russian fighter, 2 guns, &, 13 troopers. Losses both sides lose their fighter, Axis & Allies both lose 10 troopers(Poland is contested).
Reinforcements pour into contested Silesia fighter, 9 guns, &, 17 troopers, versus, Russian 2 guns & 11 troopers. Losses for Axis only 3 troopers, &, Allies all(Silesia is uncontested). A fleet sets off from Kiel to entrance to Med. Sea, with two transports(trooper & gun each one) & escort BB.
Italy builds BB, moves transport to reinforce Sicily with transport & gun. A BB & transport(trooper & gun) lands in GE. East Africa, shelling takes out defending GE. trooper, and, the colony falls.
Round Three: Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves fighter from Moscow into Poland, along with troopers & guns. Combat fighter, 9 guns, &, 10 troopers, versus, GE. 4 troopers & 6 guns. Losses Allies 5 troopers, &, all for Axis(Poland is uncontested).
GE. builds sub., 2 transports, fighter, gun, &, 2 troopers. Moves more forces into Poland, in air duel GE. fighter is defeated, 20 troopers & 12 guns, versus, Russian fighter, 5 troopers, &, 9 guns. Losses 9 troopers GE. & all but one trooper for Russia.
GE. fleet attempts to land in the future, forces in undefended Sardinia(a GE. sub. lost to mines). Damaged BB , 2C, 3 subs., versus, Italian BB & C & sub. & transport. Losses only GE. damaged BB & C left, and, all lost for Italy. Meanwhile fleet from Kiel of BB & 2 transports(trooper and gun each), arrive at entrance to Med. Sea, set for Sardinia.
Italy builds BB & submarine. Moves BB & transport off Kameron, lands trooper & gun(shelling had no effect on lone defending trooper). Battle Allies lose gun & GE. troopers destroyed, Kamerun falls.
Italy gives back both GE. colonies to get Axis forces out of Poland, Russian has to give full freedom to Poland as a buffer state(in reality a puppet state to GE), GE. navy has full access to central Med. Sea(no mine worries).
Losses IPCs: Axis troopers 44 units & Allies 48, guns 6 & 14, fighter one each, transport Allies one, subs. 4 & 1, C one each side, &, BB two Allies.