Now if you were president, what realistic goals would you pursue (as in something that would actually happen folks)?
Also, would your advisors be really smart people who agree with you, or would you get a wide array of beliefs.
Personally, I would make it a mission to find the smartest man who agrees with things I believe in, and find the smartest person opposed to what I believe in. Have a “Brain trust” of sorts, but with arrogant pricks from both sides of the fence.
Now some realistic goals…
Illegalizing SUVS. IMO, though they sell well, but I think a lot of people are fed up with them. Have an huge environmental tax on any car (including SUV, but this would be used to target SUVS specificially) that doesn’t have a mininum MPG of 25, by year 2007. So if someone has the money to buy that really fast gas guzzling sportscar, or big ass hummer, than they pay the tax.
Gotta go.