@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
Turkish Straits
In the Spring Offensive, Italy moved it’s fleet into the Black sea with Turkey being neutral. Turkey (while neutral) closes the straits to any nation at war with a major nation. In this case Italy was a war with Russia. Anybody know how this is allowed?
@adalwolf Italy did not declare war on Russia until after it had moved through the Turkish Straits. It was a legal move. We were playing with the optional rule where you couldn’t do that through a Canal, but this was a Strait.
According to the rules:
“1.15 Turkish straits:
The Turkish straits are significantly narrow enough that they are considered a canal for game purposes.”The Italian fleet could not have combat moved trough is using the optional rule.
@trig Wow! Once again, Trig’s mastery of the rules is revealed!