• Let’s have a thread relating to Frequently Asked Questions. I’ll try to keep up with questions which have been answered and outstanding issues which still need to be addressed.

    Outstanding Questions Which Still Need Definitive Answers
    Question from insaneHoshi: Does an Island Nation such as the UK and Japan count as blockaded if their remaining naval facilities are damaged?

    Map Question from insaneHoshi: Are the Bearing Sea and Hudson Bay sea zones adjacent, specifically for flying units?

    Question regarding the process of declaring intent/declaring war: If a nation begins moving a naval force intended for an amphibious assault while they’re at peace, is it automatically assumed to be a declaration of war for the purpose of determining peacetime income increases? For example, if a British landing force departs during the combat movement phase with the intention of landing units in Japan before either side has declared war, does this mean Japan is allowed intercept the invasion fleet without triggering USA’s 5 D12 worth of peacetime income increase? Or does Japan have to declare war first in order intercept and attack the British fleet? I don’t find it feasible that a nation can’t deal with an invasion headed their way without having to make the unprovoked declaration of war.

    HBG GW Enthusiast responded with one perspective:
    Because the moving player has to announce their intent first, it would seem they have to declare war during the combat movement phase when they move into the final sea zone if they will be attempting an amphibious assault. If the Japanese have a fleet in the same sea zone where the British are attacking, the British would be the ones declaring war and no 5D12 is invoked. The Japanese fleet would battle with the screening fleet and if it won, then the amphibious assault would be stopped. However, if the British move to a sea zone where the Japanese fleet is and do not announce they are performing an amphibious assault, but instead announce they are moving through that sea zone to an adjacent one [where the Japanese player is worried the British will invade], in order to interdict the British fleet before it moves to that next sea zone where it will possibly conduct an amphibious assault, the Japanese would have to declare war on the British to try and stop them before they leave. That would incur the 5D12 penalty. And the delicious thing is, the British player may have just been feinting!

    General Hand Grenade had a different take:
    Let me simplify this for you.

    1. It is my turn and I’m not at war with you.
    2. I can move as many of my units as I want after my production phase is over. I don’t need to say anything to you or anyone else around the table. If you want to declare war on me (or anyone else wants to declare war on any other nation for that matter) you may do so at any time if the rules regarding declarations of war permit.
    3. When I’m done moving I have to tell you if I’m attacking you, what I’m attacking with, where I’m attacking, what kind of attack it is (strategic bombing, carpet bombing, regular combat, screening force, MAP, convoy raiding, amphibious assault, or anything else you can do to your opponent).
    4. All nations that I have attacked can now react to my attacks (scrambling, submerging, interception).
    5. Combat begins in the order that I specify. I don’t have to actually say I’m declaring war on you if I don’t want to. Telling you that I’m attacking you in step 3 here ^^ will suffice as a declaration of war.
    6. After all combat has been resolved, the consequences of everything that has happened can now be resolved (income increases, alignments, basically anything in the rulebook or the reference sheets that specify some type of consequence to these actions that have taken place).
    7. I finish my turn. I am probably doing the last 2 phases as you and the others are resolving the consequences.

    Can Militia Be Built From Factories?
    Noneshallpass responded with one opinion: Of course, they do not require a factory, but can be built in any land zone, even in a territory containing a factroy
    However, I think that normal restrictions would still apply, even if you have a factroy (number per turn up to IPP value, min. 1. Max 1 in captured land zones).

    Bretters responded with another opinion: militia CAN take up factory slots- if they are taking up factory slots, they are not bound by the you can build x amount of militia per turn in a given territory. that number is based on placing militia and NOT using a factory to produce the militia.

    Probable Errata
    Table 4-7 says:
    “A neutral Republican Spain will align with the USSR if attacked.” Does this include a DOW? Or just an attack?
    HBG GW Enthusiast responded: It should be DOW in my opinion.

    Answered Questions:
    Sea Zone 25 and Coastal Artillery at Narrow Crossings. If there are some naval units in a sea zone on one side of the narrow crossing and other allied naval units on the other side of the same sea zone, and enemy naval units enter the sea zone and engage in combat, does the defending player have the option to move the more distant naval units through the naval crossing and expose them to fire from the coastal artillery? Does the defending player also have the option to keep the more distant naval units out of the combat? How is such a situation handled?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: It has nothing to do with naval battles or blockades taking place in Sea Zone 25. It is all one sea zone.
    Example - Germany is at war with both UK (ships entered in the south but didn’t pass through the narrow crossing) and US (ships entered in the north but didn’t pass through the narrow crossing). Germany enters Sea Zone 25 and conducts combat with both UK and US ships. Again, it is all one sea zone.
    The only time the Coastal Artillery gets shots is if enemy ships pass through the sea zone (enters one side and exits other side of the sea zone, even if that is on a subsequent turn).

    If a submarine is in a sea zone and a surface ship enters that sea zone, the submarine has the option to engage the surface ship or to decline such an engagement. If the submarine declines the engagement, in the subsequent non-combat movement phase, can the moving player just move other naval units through that sea zone as if the submarine does not exist? Or does a submarine that didn’t choose to engage stop non-combat movement? A follow on to this is if a plane on MAP tries to kill a submarine. It misses it’s attack roll on the first round and the submarine chooses to submerge. Does this submarine prevent movement in the subsequent non-combat movement phase?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: Submarines DO NOT block movement on non-combat movement. Whether a submarine has submerged or not is irrelevant.

    Chinese VPS: Since KMT and CCP share home country territories, does either faction holding on to territory subtract VPs from the other? Does this effectively mean that China VPs for either faction is all or nothing and is that intentional?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: Yes, they are part of different alliances.
    Further Clarified by GeneralHandGrenade: Only territories that are worth IPP’s would prevent the opposite Chinese faction from counting VP’s. The same rule applies as with the other nations with subtracting points for those territories lost. Note-The 2 factions don’t count as foreign countries.

    Can either Chinese faction Lend Lease? When they are a major power?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: Only Major Powers may lend-lease (0.9 Glossary). KMT or CCP becomes a Major Power once its land zone IPP values add up to 13 IPP.
    Further Clarified by GeneralHandGrenade: 7.9 Lend Lease on page 32 states that Major Powers may lend lease to other Major Powers and Minor Powers. Although it has been omitted from the Chinese Reference Sheets, they do have the ability to lend lease when they evolve to a Major Power. Since it hasn’t been listed, I would say that there is no restriction on who and when they can lend lease. Things like this will be clarified further in V4.

    Can a Fighter participate in intercepting a bomber and a battle defending a territory in a single turn?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: No, you have to decide what it does and declare your interceptors (Table 9-9).
    Further Clarified by GeneralHandGrenade: The only way any unit can participate in 2 different battles in a single turn is when they are blitzing.

    When do aircraft count as being “On a carrier” when it comes to auto MAP and the optional Carrier planes retreat rule?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: Planes in a sea zone with a carrier are on the carrier and may also be considered to be on MAP. Planes in a sea zone with no carrier can only remain there on MAP.
    Video on this issue by GeneralHandGrenade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AaJxeTalbs&t=799s

    Can a fighter scramble to defend: the strategic bombing of a facility with AA, the strategic bombing of a facility without AA (railway), an unescorted convoy line, an escorted convoy line, an AWS convoy line?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: Scramble to defend all facilities, yes (see Errata). Convoy lines no, only aircraft on MAP may participate (Table 9-7).

    Can Russia game its income by declaring war on Germany as soon as possible, and then declaring war on every single neutral around its home country to force them to become German owned and get like 8d12 income in July 1939?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: No, as the increase you are referring to is peacetime income (USSR NRS v. 3.3). At war before full wartime income, it will only get the Sleeping Bear roll.
    Further Clarified by GeneralHandGrenade: The D12’s you refer to are Peacetime increases.There is no possible way they could be aligned to Germany, Italy, or Japan if you were not also at war with one of those nations. They would only be Controlled by if you were at peace.

    Can you lend-lease to nation you are at war with (if all other conditions are met)?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: The Reference Sheets are very clear on who a nation can lend lease to and under what conditions. There are no restrictions as to whether or not you can lend-lease to a nation you are at war with given the other conditions are met. If you are lend leasing to your enemy then you are probably playing the game wrong. Rarely would that be in your best interests.

    USSR’s Ice Free VP is as follows “Score 1 Victory Objective if the U.S.S.R. possess one of the following (a) a Major Naval Base with a sea zone # of 8 or greater or (b) Crimea and Istanbul.” While it is obvious that the intention is that any Black Sea Major Naval Base doesn’t count unless Istanbul is soviet occupied, however rules as written don’t actually seem to restrict this, as the Black Sea has sea zones of 31 and 32 and any naval base there would count (rules as written). Also this means both Leningrad and Vladivostok count towards this VP (despite them not exactly being Ice Free Ports; which is a bit weird in my eyes.).
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: The Victory Point is awarded as written. The name of the VP was never changed from V2. There will be a drastic change in the VP’s and how they are awarded in V4. It’s possible we might reveal them at the Spring Offensive this July in Prince George. If not then it will be in the fall on a YouTube game.

    Can Fighters/Tactical Bombers land on friendly/aligned aircraft carriers. For example an ANZAC plane landing on an American Carrier? In the US turn if the carrier combat or non-combat moves, does the ANZAC plane come with it? Does it participate in any attacks?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: Yes you can land your fighters/tactical bombers on an aligned carrier. They will participate in defensive combat but will not be used on offence by the owner of the carrier. They will move with the carrier but will only be considered as cargo. They will fly and fight on offence only on their own turn. The rules regarding damaged carriers still apply to them.

    Assuming an evolved Chinese power, Does the USSR and CCP (or USA and KMT) share rail movement or no? Can the USSR rail 2 units in the USSR and then can CCP rail 2 units?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: The USSR and CCP are 2 different nations. The US and the KMT are 2 different nations. Their economies and per turn limits are separate from each other.

    A German submarine is in a sea zone with a British destroyer and an escort carrier with a fighter on board. On the British turn the fighter goes on MAP and attacks pairing with a destroyer. The submarine is hit and decides to defend, and it rolls a 1 and gets target selection. Can it target select the escort carrier?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: The rules for target selection are defined clearly on page 38 under the heading “All Rounds of Combat.” Since the submarine only scores hits on ships, it is up to the owner of the submarine to decide which ship they choose as a casualty.

    When are units subject to terrain rules that affect their movement. Lets assume three Land Zones: LZ1: Mountain, LZ2: no terrain, LZ3: no terrain. If a tank starts in LZ1 can it move to 2 and then 3? If a tank starts in LZ3 can it move to 2 and then 1?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: To simplify this for everyone, movement through terrain is best described this way; The territory you are standing in does not count when it comes to movement. Assume you are standing right at the border. The first territory you encounter determines what type of terrain you are moving in. If there are no terrain features you have to cross in the first territory you cross then you can move into a second territory if your unit has movement points left. Cavalry is the only unit that could move through a territory with terrain (mountain) and into a second territory.
    On the other hand, there are restrictions involving blitzing. For instance, you cannot blitz out of a city. That means that if you moved into a city on combat movement phase and successfully conquered that territory, then you can’t subsequently move into a second enemy territory as a blitz.
    You can’t blitz into a mountain territory or over a mountain border. That means that you can’t attack an enemy territory with no terrain on combat movement and then blitz into a second enemy mountain territory and conquer it. You could, however, move through a friendly territory with no terrain and then attack a mountain territory as that is not considered a blitz. The first territory you entered did not restrict your movement.

    If a player makes any act provoking a declaration of war during their combat movement or conduct combat phase, are that player’s ships automatically forced into combat with enemy ships they share a sea zone with, or are they able to leave the zone without engaging in battle (as was the case in 1940 2nd edition)? Furthermore, if the player does decide to remain in the sea zone and conduct combat, are their ships not allowed to retreat since they started in the same zone that the battle is taking place?
    HBG GW Enthusiast responded:
    This is tricky because you can declare war at any time. If war is declared at some phase that is not combat movement, for example, then you may have naval units sharing the same sea zone. Page 3, Sharing Sea Zones, “When naval unis of Major Powers that are not at war suddenly come to be at war…units do not participate in combat until one power makes a new combat move during the combat movement phase against the other units in that zone. Either side can move out of the zone freely without triggering an attack.” But if the declaration of war is occurring when you enter the sea zone during the combat movement phase and declare war [this is “one power makes a new combat move during the combat movement phase against the other units in that zone”], then it will lead to combat in the following combat phase. If you declared war during the combat phase (weird timing, but still legal/possible), then you’d have to wait until the next combat movement phase and the naval units would be allowed to leave without combat.
    Regarding retreats, the attacking player would be allowed to retreat to an adjacent sea zone that at least one attacking ship came from. So if the attacking player started the turn sharing a sea zone with enemy naval units, declared war and attacked the enemy naval units in that sea zone, then they could not retreat (in my opinion).

    Did historical board gaming design Global War 1936-1945?
    HBG GW Enthusiast responded: Yes… Here’s the first in a video series by General Hand Grenade, talking with Morten, the designer of Global War '36 v3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHlrbXLCdwo

    If NOT using optional rule 15.3, is it true that planes cannot land on newly placed carriers? Newly placed carriers may not be used to guarantee land spots, correct? Thus, effectively, a carrier must sit naked for a turn after it is built. This is discussed in more detail here:
    Answered byMunck (v3 Game Designer, Morten): "Units must be placed at a factory you have possessed since the start of the turn.”
    11.1 also specifies that ships are placed at Shipyards.
    As Carriers cannot be placed at a Factory, aircraft cannot be placed directly on Carriers.
    Using optional rule 15.3 changes this. Part of that rule is about placement.

    Do controlled (not aligned) minors have a home country for the purposes of lend lease and militia? Can they move militia in that home country?
    Answered by NoneShallPass: There is a reference to Minor Power Home Countries in rules 9.24 and 11.5. In the Glossary, it specifies that “For a Minor Power the Home Country includes the primary nation but not its colonies, islands or conquered land zones.” So yes, they do have a Home Country, so they can receive lend-lease (rule 11.4), but the rules also state that Mililia may only move within a Major Power’s Home Country (rule 12.2).
    HBG GW Enthusiast added: For a minor power the home country includes the primary nation but not its colonies, islands or conquered land zones.

    We just did the Vichy rolls for territory, and there are some territories missing from the Vichy sheet. We assumed Morocco and Tunisia should go with the roll for the Algerian territories? Do Syria, Yemen and Oman get their own roll together?
    Answered by Trig: Only roll the territories listed together together. Anything else is rolled by itself (Syria, Morocco, Tunisia). Also, Yemen and Oman are NOT French. They are independent (that roundel center is black).

    When damaging a railway, is the entire railway network in a land zone affected, or is just one of the boarder crossings affected? Also if its the latter, can you specifically bomb a railway’s connection to a facility (like a shipyard)
    Answered by Mark the Shark: You can bomb a railway to break the chain, you can also bomb a port or other naval facility to make them useless until repaired.

    Regarding coastal artillery at narrow crossings, the current rule states that the only time the Coastal Artillery shoots at opposing naval units is when enemy ships pass through the sea zone (enters one side and exits other side of the sea zone, even if that is on a subsequent turn). It is difficult to track naval units that may pass through on subsequent turns. For example, if the British navy is already sitting in SZ 25 when Germany places a coastal gun facing SZ 25, does the British navy ever get shot at, when they leave the SZ, in either direction? Or if some British naval units join that fleet from the North, and other British naval units join that fleet from the South, do I need to keep all three fleets separate, as they would follow different rules when leaving the sea zone?
    Answered by Trig: That is currently the RAW. (+FAQ) You can enter, not get shot at, and then leave. However, if you cross by the guns when you leave you get shot at. Though this works, it is clunky.

    If France obtains a tech before it surrenders does Free France have access to that tech? Does Vichy France have access to that tech?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: Free France is a minor power (Rule 4.2), not France, and so I would say no.

    If France obtains a tech before it surrenders, if Free France later evolves to a major power, do they gain any priorly unlocked French Tech and/or resume their tech rolls where France left off?
    Answered by Trig: I would say yes, as it says in 14.4.1 that "if the French surrender conditions are reversed, then Free France will become “France” again.

    Off the Free France reference sheet: “Free France may receive lend- lease in its capital.” It seems meant as an exception, but is the exception that Free France may ONLY receive lend-lease in its capital? Or that Free France may receive lend-lease in its capital, no matter whether there is a supply path or not? Meaning, Free France would still be able to receive lend-lease in other territories, following the standard lend-lease rules. And is there any limit to the value of a lend-leased unit to their capital? As they might pick a capital with no supply path, it seems unlikely that you would limit them if they chose a capital with a minor port, for example.
    Answered by Trig: According to the rules, you lend lease must be delivered to the home country of a nation. Free France considers France its home country. If there is a Free France, they probably don’t own this. Tus, I see this rule as exempting them from the home country requirement so that they can receive lend lease. I would assume that since it is not stated, the standard lend-lease rules for capacity, restriction, and interdiction would apply. Meaning you need a port in you capital to get lend-lease. (Not that that should be hard to find.)

    Can Free France build a port? It is not on their build chart. Same with China. Are facilities a universal option, or just for major powers. For instance, France can build a minor factory, but I don’t believe China can.
    Answered by CaptainNapalm: I do not think Free France may build any facilities, other than the minor factories specifically stated.

    If Free France becomes France, do they now regain all French conditions, in particular surrendering?
    Answered by Trig: I would say that France regains its surrender conditions and other such major power things, but that could be FAQed. I do know that this leads to a problems with the special things such as reforming Vichy and losing the French treasury if it falls again.

    Can the USSR Scorched Earth canals? According to the FAQ, “facilities” are “All man-made structures”. See 1.4: “Land zones may have various man-made structures in them referred to henceforth as facilities.” Canals are man-made structures, ergo rules say they can be destroyed? I don’t think this is intended, after all the USSR shouldn’t be able to take the Suez or Panama Canals and be able to fully destroy them in a couple turns, right? I however find the idea of doing so hilarious.
    Answered by Trig: Canals are mentioned as part of facilities in an earlier section. So I say yes. Let the rioting commence.
    Answered by InsaneHoshi: The FAQ should be updated from “any man-made structures” to “any player made structures” or something like that.

    Does Spain continue to receive recruitment rolls after the conclusion of the Spanish Civil War?
    Answered by CaptainNapalm: No, Spain does not continue to get recruitment rolls after the Civil War is over.

    When you get radar, can you now scramble unlimited from your airbases. Does this apply to your allies as well?
    Answered by InsaneHoshi: They can scramble all of them. Radar affects the air bases, not the fighters (in this capability).

    What, if anything, happens to Vichy France if Paris is liberated?
    Answered by InsaneHoshi: Nothing currently.

    When France and British are aligned, if France declares war on Japan but Britain does not, can the British move a unit into a French land zone in the pacific and prevent Japan from attacking that land zone (French land zone with British unit) unless Japan declares war on the British?
    Answered by Trig: I believe so.

    The rules state that IF the CCP possesses a land zone adjacent to a Soviet-possessed land zone in the production phase it MAY purchase artillery and AA guns. These must be placed in this adjacent land zone.
    Answered by Noneshallpass: “If CCP possesses a land zone adjacent to a Soviet-possessed land zone in the Production Phase it may purchase Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Artillery. These must be placed in this adjacent land zone.” (CCP, v.3.4).
    At first, CCP as a minor power may only purchase Infantry, Militia, Cavalry and Mountain Infantry. “CCP may place infantry-class units and Cavalry in any Chinese Home Country land zone if they Possessed the land zone since the start of the turn. No factory is required. A maximum of 3 units per land zone per turn may be placed.”

    Having a territory adjacent to a Soviet land zone simply adds the option of purchasing AA and Artillery. These are still CCP purchases that must be paid for with the CCP income but with an additional placement restriction (adjacent to the Soviet territory).

    Fortifications are built on the BORDER of a land zone. Again, my common sense indicates the player has to indicate what BORDER that fortification is protecting so if land zone borders 3 adjacent land zones it can ONLY protect ONE of those borders, not all 3. (Exceptions would be those indicated in the rules such as islands, cities and special areas). Is this correct?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: You are correct. You must specify on which border the fortification is built if there are multiple borders.
    “Fortifications are placed on the border of a land zone and protect from attacks across that border.” (Facilities v.3.2)

    It is my assumption that ONCE the SCW is won by either side, the special events table is not used anymore?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: Correct. It’s not explicitly said in the rules, but there is no more purpose to the special events once the SCW is over, as the remaining victorious Spanish forces will be simply be set by the victorious player (Rule 13.1) and will not be moved for the rest of the game (unless a major power attacks neutral Spain).

    Infantry may be upgraded by paying 1 IPP to promote them to motorized infantry. Could the infantry be upgraded to mechanized infantry instead?
    Answered by Noneshallpass: The basic rules allow only the upgrade of Regular Infantry to Motorized Infantry for 1 IPP if they are in as supply path (Rule 12.2). All Mechanized Infantry must be built from a factory. However, the Elite of the Third Reich expansion contains some additional upgrade options.

    Can you move Advanced Artillery or Advanced SP Artillery in the Combat Movement Phase and then conduct an attrition attack?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: To make an attrition attack you cannot move the artillery on the combat movement or non-combat movement phase. You would declare that they are going to make the attrition attack and then roll for it on the first round of combat only. You could move other units into the territory you are attacking and use them as well for regular combat. The key is that your artillery making the attrition roll doesn’t move at all that turn.

    Can a nation contribute a negative victory point total to its alliance?
    Answered by GeneralHandGrenade: A nation cannot go below 0 Victory Points.

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    Sea Zone 25 and Coastal Artillery at Narrow Crossings

    Also if there is coastal artillery on the two crossings in the English channel, can its port (which sits between them) be blockaded?

    If a submarine …

    IMO 0.5 states that when a submarine submerges during a combat movement, it can not participate in a combat until the next combat movement phase. This means it can not block or unsurface in the non-combat phase.

    My questions that have been floating about my mind:

    • Chinese VPS: Since KMT and CCP share home country territories, does either faction holding on to territory subtract VPs from the other? Does this effectively mean that China VPs for either faction if all or nothing and is that intentional.
    • “An Attack on China” in order for the warlords to align, China (Warlord or KMT or CCP) need to be attacked. Does this mean that if the KMT goes to war with Japan, Japan cant counterattack without causing the warlords to align?
    • Can either Chinese faction Lend Lease? When they are a major power?
    • Can a Fighter participate in intercepting a bomber and a battle defending a territory in a single turn
    • When do aircraft count as being “On a carrier” when it comes to auto MAP and the optional Carrier planes retreat rule.
    • Can a fighter scramble to defend: the strategic bombing of a facility with AA, the strategic bombing of a facility without AA (railway), an unescorted convoy line, an escorted convoy line, an AWS convoy line?
    • Can you lend lease to nation yours is at war with (if all other conditions are met)?
    • Can Russia game its income by declaring war on Germany as soon as possible, and then declaring war on every single neutral around its home country to force them to become German owned and get like 8d12 income in July 1939

  • Chinese VPS: Since KMT and CCP share home country territories, does either faction holding on to territory subtract VPs from the other? Does this effectively mean that China VPs for either faction if all or nothing and is that intentional.

    Yes, they are part of different alliances.

    “An Attack on China” in order for the warlords to align, China (Warlord or KMT or CCP) need to be attacked. Does this mean that if the KMT goes to war with Japan, Japan cant counterattack without causing the warlords to align?

    Any Japanese attack against KMT, CCP or Warlords will cause the Warlords to Align (Rule 4.9).

    Can either Chinese faction Lend Lease? When they are a major power?

    Only Major Powers may lend-lease (0.9 Glossary). KMT or CCP becomes a Major Power once its land zone IPP values add up to 13 IPP.

    Can a Fighter participate in intercepting a bomber and a battle defending a territory in a single turn

    No, you have to decide what it does and declare your interceptors (Table 9-9).

    When do aircraft count as being “On a carrier” when it comes to auto MAP and the optional Carrier planes retreat rule.

    Planes in a sea zone with a carrier are on the carrier and may also be considered to be on MAP. Planes in a sea zone with no carrier can only remain there on MAP

    Can a fighter scramble to defend: the strategic bombing of a facility with AA, the strategic bombing of a facility without AA (railway), an unescorted convoy line, an escorted convoy line, an AWS convoy line?

    Scramble to defend all facilites, yes (see Errata). Convoy lines no, only aircraft on MAP may participate (Table 9-7).

    Can you lend lease to nation yours is at war with (if all other conditions are met)?

    Why would you want to do that?

    Can Russia game its income by declaring war on Germany as soon as possible, and then declaring war on every single neutral around its home country to force them to become German owned and get like 8d12 income in July 1939

    No, as the increase you are referring to is peacetime income (USSR NRS v. 3.3). At war before full wartime income, it will only get the Sleeping Bear roll.

  • Good answers all around. However can you provide further detail on:

    @noneshallpass said in The FAQ Thread:

    Only Major Powers may lend-lease (0.9 Glossary). KMT or CCP becomes a Major Power once its land zone IPP values add up to 13 IPP.

    Just because they may lend lease, doesn’t mean they can. Since the CCP and KMT lack an explicit permission to do so (like all other nations) on their sheet, one could say they might not be able to.

    No, you have to decide what it does and declare your interceptors (Table 9-9).

    I see no where in Table 9-9 where it says scrambling to intercept and defending a territory are mutually exclusive.

    Planes in a sea zone with a carrier are on the carrier and may also be considered to be on MAP. Planes in a sea zone with no carrier can only remain there on MAP

    I don’t think this is a sufficient answer. This interpretation means you can combat move a carrier 3 spaces away to a submarine (despite the carrier not being able to attack the sub, combat could occur and thus its combat movement), bring a plane, is that plane now “on a carrier” and thus on maritime air patrol? I don’t think its the intention to have carrier based aircraft be able to move 3-4 spaces on a carrier and attack submarines.

    Why would you want to do that?

    The normal Enemy of my Enemy routine. There are situations where it might be beneficial to give your enemies units to attack the other nation. For example, Germany and the USSR could find themselves at war and stalemated on the eastern front. The USSR could come to an agreement with the Germans to give them a transport so that they might go sealion the UK.

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    Planes in a sea zone with a carrier are on the carrier and may also be considered to be on MAP. Planes in a sea zone with no carrier can only remain there on MAP

    I don’t think this is a sufficient answer. This interpretation means you can combat move a carrier 3 spaces away to a submarine (despite the carrier not being able to attack the sub, combat could occur and thus its combat movement), bring a plane, is that plane now “on a carrier” and thus on maritime air patrol? I don’t think its the intention to have carrier based aircraft be able to move 3-4 spaces on a carrier and attack submarines.

    General Hand Grenade did a video and discussed this situation. He said that if you moved your carrier, then the planes cannot be on MAP. Look at 19:15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AaJxeTalbs
    Your planes can fly off your carrier one space and go onto MAP. Your carrier cannot carry the planes multiple spaces and then launch the planes off the carriers to fly MAP.

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    • Can you lend lease to nation yours is at war with (if all other conditions are met)?

    In my opinion, yes, you could do it. It is something allowed in the rules and there is nothing I have seen that forbids it.

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    Good answers all around. However can you provide further detail on:

    @noneshallpass said in The FAQ Thread:

    Only Major Powers may lend-lease (0.9 Glossary). KMT or CCP becomes a Major Power once its land zone IPP values add up to 13 IPP.

    Just because they may lend lease, doesn’t mean they can. Since the CCP and KMT lack an explicit permission to do so (like all other nations) on their sheet, one could say they might not be able to.

    Interestingly, the Chinese KMT National Reference Sheet lists Lend-Lease in the Production Turn Phase. That might be evidence it is allowed. On Page 26, Order of a Turn, What Players May Do, Production Phase, you can see “Declare lend-lease.” Noneshallpass is correct that in the glossary under lend-lease (Page 6), it says that only major powers may lend-lease. Further, on Page 32, 7.9 Lend-Lease says that major powers may send lend-lease, but InsaneHoshi is correct that it also says, “Each Major Power has its own set of conditions for lend-lease.” Basically, InsaneHoshi wants to see those conditions added to CCP and KMT. I think that’s a reasonable clarification. But until that clarification is issued, I’d side with Noneshallpass’ interpretation that they would be allowed to do it once they became a major power.

    No, you have to decide what it does and declare your interceptors (Table 9-9).

    I see no where in Table 9-9 where it says scrambling to intercept and defending a territory are mutually exclusive.

    Well, I think that’s stretching things beyond reason. : )

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    Just because they may lend lease, doesn’t mean they can. Since the CCP and KMT lack an explicit permission to do so (like all other nations) on their sheet, one could say they might not be able to.

    1. The basic rule is that Major Powers may send lend-lease (Rule 7.9 and Glossary).

    2. The Glossary adds that “Lend-lease specific notes and restrictions are described on each player’s National Reference Sheet”, not that only Major Power with these with these notes may lend-lease.

    3. As @HBG-GW-Enthusiast correctly pointed out Lend-lease in at least mentioned in the KMT NRS under Turn Phases.

    In the end, the odds of either Chinese factions reaching Major Power status AND having spare ressources to lend-lease are pretty low, so this debate is mostly theorical.

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    I see no where in Table 9-9 where it says scrambling to intercept and defending a territory are mutually exclusive.

    You can’t have your planes pulling double duty. The Strategic bombing run and combat in a zone all take place at the same Turn Phase. The Defender has to choose where to send his fighters.

    Furthermore, I think that it has been well established that in this game, just because the rules do not explicitely say that you can’t do something, it does not mean that you can do it.

  • '18 '17 '16

    Sea Zone 25 and Coastal Artillery at Narrow Crossings.
    The seems to be a lot of confusion about Sea Zone 25 and the narrow crossings/coastal artillery adjacent to it.
    Page 56, 12.9 Coastal Artillery
    A) Defends against Amphibious Assaults across the land/sea border it is placed.
    B) May shoot at any enemy surface ship passing through (up to a maximum of 3 shots per turn.
    It has nothing to do with naval battles or blockades taking place in Sea Zone 25. It is all one sea zone.
    Example - Germany is at war with both UK (ships entered in the south but didn’t pass through the narrow crossing) and US (ships entered in the north but didn’t pass through the narrow crossing). Germany enters Sea Zone 25 and conducts combat with both UK and US ships. Again, it is all one sea zone.
    The only time the Coastal Artillery gets shots is if enemy ships pass through the sea zone (enters one side and exits other side of the sea zone, even if that is on a subsequent turn).

    Can you lend lease to nation yours is at war with (if all other conditions are met)?
    The Reference Sheets are very clear on who a nation can lend lease to and under what conditions. There are no restrictions as to whether or not you can lend lease to a nation you are at war with given the other conditions are met. If you are lend leasing to your enemy then you are probably playing the game wrong. Rarely would that be in your best interests.

    The question on submarines blocking movement.
    8.10 Screening Forces on page 37 lays out exactly how this is to be handled on the Combat Movement Phase.
    9.8 Amphibious Assaults on page 40 states that submarines do not hinder amphibious assaults.
    10.1 Non-Combat Movement on page 45. We omitted to state what happens on NCM. Submarines DO NOT block movement on NCM. Whether a sub has submerged or not is irrelevant.

    Chinese Victory Points
    Only territories that are worth IPP’s would prevent the opposite Chinese faction from counting VP’s. The same rule applies as with the other nations with subtracting points for those territories lost. Note-The 2 factions don’t count as foreign countries.

    Attack on China
    This has been added to the Errata. Some words were missing.

    China Lend Lease
    7.9 Lend Lease on page 32 states that Major Powers may lend lease to other Major Powers and Minor Powers. Although it has been omitted from the Chinese Reference Sheets, they do have the ability to lend lease when they evolve to a Major Power. Since it hasn’t been listed, I would say that there is no restriction on who and when they can lend lease. Things like this will be clarified further in V4.

    Can a Fighter participate in 2 different combats in one turn?
    Obviously not. The only way any unit can participate in 2 different battles is when they are blitzing.

    When do aircraft count as being “On a carrier” when it comes to auto MAP and the optional Carrier planes retreat rule.
    **I’ve already done a video to answer this question and it was answered at great length and in the simplest of terms so it can be easily understood.
    When someone asks a question online because they don’t understand a phrase or the wording in the rulebook, it doesn’t do much good to simply quote what it says in the rulebook. A simple explanation and a demonstration is a great way to show someone the correct way to interpret a rule. At times when I do that I get a response like “but that’s not what it says in the rulebook”. No, it isn’t. You asked what it meant and I gave you the correct answer. In this case, quoting the rulebook wouldn’t answer the question.

    1. There is no such thing as auto MAP.
    2. The designers of the game don’t care about the optional rules as they are just suggestions given years ago. We should have deleted them and I can assure you most of them will not be in the next version of the rulebook. The ones only listed at near the end of the book are for all intents and purposes “house rules”. The ones you find in the sections of the book that pertain to the rules are legit and we will continue to interpret them.**

    Here is the video that explains carriers;

    Can a fighter scramble to defend: the strategic bombing of a facility with AA, the strategic bombing of a facility without AA (railway), an unescorted convoy line, an escorted convoy line, an AWS convoy line?
    A Fighter can scramble to defend a facility from strategic bombing. A convoy line is not a facility. Scrambling has nothing to do with convoy raiding.

    Can Russia game its income by declaring war on Germany as soon as possible, and then declaring war on every single neutral around its home country to force them to become German owned and get like 8d12 income in July 1939?
    Noneshallpass answered this question correctly.
    The D12’s you refer to are Peacetime increases.There is no possible way they could be aligned to Germany, Italy, or Japan if you were not also at war with one of those nations. They would only be Controlled by if you were at peace.

    I don’t think this is a sufficient answer. This interpretation means you can combat move a carrier 3 spaces away to a submarine (despite the carrier not being able to attack the sub, combat could occur and thus its combat movement), bring a plane, is that plane now “on a carrier” and thus on maritime air patrol? I don’t think its the intention to have carrier based aircraft be able to move 3-4 spaces on a carrier and attack submarines.
    Please just watch the video. You are referring to regular naval combat. A plane and a carrier can only move 1 total space combined to be considered on MAP.

  • Anyone else think this should be stickied?

  • Good answers! Now for more pedantic questions I thought of:

    • If the U.S.S.R. is attacked by Major Power it goes to full income. Does this refer to originally owned USSR land zones, or any owned land zone with or without USSR Units. In the Operation Frostbite YouTube game, the USSR player took Romania and Slovakia. The Germans counter attacked Slovakia, does the USSR player now have full income? One could say that since the USSR is now at war, they don’t get their peacetime increases, but how is that functionally different from say Germany declaring war first, but not attacking?
    • On a similar note (and this is just me being dumb most likely) where does it say a nation goes to wartime income if attacked/DOW’d (Of course the USA goes to full income if japan declares war, I just cant see that anywhere).
    • USSR’s Ice Free VP is as follows “Score 1 Victory Objective if the U.S.S.R. possess one of the following (a) a Major Naval Base with a sea zone # of 8 or greater or (b) Crimea and Istanbul.” While it is obvious that the intention is that any Black Sea Major Naval Base doesn’t count unless Istanbul is soviet occupied, however rules as written don’t actually seem to restrict this, as the Black Sea has sea zones of 31 and 32 and any naval base there would count (rules as written). Also this means both Leningrad and Vladivostok count towards this VP (despite them not exactly being Ice Free Ports; which is a bit weird in my eyes.).
  • '18 '17 '16

    @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    If the U.S.S.R. is attacked by Major Power it goes to full income. Does this refer to originally owned USSR land zones, or any owned land zone with or without USSR Units. In the Operation Frostbite YouTube game, the USSR player took Romania and Slovakia. The Germans counter attacked Slovakia, does the USSR player now have full income? One could say that since the USSR is now at war, they don’t get their peacetime increases, but how is that functionally different from say Germany declaring war first, but not attacking?
    Germany would have declared war on the USSR if they attacked any land zone owned by the USSR regardless of whether they had units there or not. There is no difference between a German attack on an enemy or Germany declaring war verbally on them.
    On a similar note (and this is just me being dumb most likely) where does it say a nation goes to wartime income if attacked/DOW’d (Of course the USA goes to full income if japan declares war, I just cant see that anywhere).
    You will find them on the National Reference Sheets under the Peacetime Income Increases section. Note that Russia and the Axis don’t have a wartime income. Russia goes to full income and the Axis start the game there at full income.
    USSR’s Ice Free VP is as follows “Score 1 Victory Objective if the U.S.S.R. possess one of the following (a) a Major Naval Base with a sea zone # of 8 or greater or (b) Crimea and Istanbul.” While it is obvious that the intention is that any Black Sea Major Naval Base doesn’t count unless Istanbul is soviet occupied, however rules as written don’t actually seem to restrict this, as the Black Sea has sea zones of 31 and 32 and any naval base there would count (rules as written). Also this means both Leningrad and Vladivostok count towards this VP (despite them not exactly being Ice Free Ports; which is a bit weird in my eyes.).
    The Victory Point is awarded as written. The name of the VP was never changed from V2. There will be a drastic change in the VP’s and how they are awarded in V4. It’s possible we might reveal them at the Spring Offensive this July in Prince George. If not then it will be in the fall on a YouTube game.

  • @insanehoshi in the scenario above Germany possessed both Hungary and Slovakia prior to the Soviet attack therefore the Soviets declared war on Germany first.

  • Some More:

    • Can Fighters/Tactical Bombers land on friendly/aligned aircraft carriers. For example an ANZAC plane landing on an American Carrier? In the US turn if the carrier combat or non-combat moves, does the ANZAC plane come with it? Does it participate in any attacks?
    • Assuming an evolved Chinese power, Does the USSR and CCP (or USA and KMT) share rail movement or no? Can the USSR rail 2 units in the USSR and then can CCP rail 2 units?
    • A German submarine is in a sea zone with a British destroyer and an escort carrier with a fighter on board. On the British turn the fighter goes on MAP and attacks pairing with a destroyer. The submarine is hit and decides to defend, and it rolls a 1 and gets target selection. Can it target select the escort carrier?
    • When are units subject to terrain rules that affect their movement. Lets assume three Land Zones: LZ1: Mountain, LZ2: no terrain, LZ3: no terrain. If a tank starts in LZ1 can it move to 2 and then 3? If a tank starts in LZ3 can it move to 2 and then 1?

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    • A German submarine is in a sea zone with a British destroyer and an escort carrier with a fighter on board. On the British turn the fighter goes on MAP and attacks pairing with a destroyer. The submarine is hit and decides to defend, and it rolls a 1 and gets target selection. Can it target select the escort carrier?
      Yes! And if there is no friendly island, adjacent aligned land zone, or adjacent friendly carrier with extra available capacity, then that plane will also be destroyed.
    • When are units subject to terrain rules that affect their movement. Lets assume three Land Zones: LZ1: Mountain, LZ2: no terrain, LZ3: no terrain. If a tank starts in LZ1 can it move to 2 and then 3? If a tank starts in LZ3 can it move to 2 and then 1?
      If a tank starts in LZ1, its movement is reduced to 1, so it can move to LZ2, and then it stops. If a tank starts in LZ3, it has a movement of 2. It spends 1 point of movement to enter LZ2. It spends a second point of movement to enter LZ3. Further, if a tank starts in LZ2 and then moves into LZ1, its movement is reduced to 1 and it has moved 1, so it can move no further.
      Some games have movement costs and you cannot enter if you do not have sufficient movement. Global War '36 reduces your movement after you have entered the terrain, like quicksand. You can go in, but it’s hard to get out. Starting in the desert? Hard to get out. Starting in clear terrain, moving through a clear terrain and then going into the jungle? Easy to get in.

  • @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    • Can Fighters/Tactical Bombers land on friendly/aligned aircraft carriers. For example an ANZAC plane landing on an American Carrier? In the US turn if the carrier combat or non-combat moves, does the ANZAC plane come with it? Does it participate in any attacks?
      Great question! I am not absolutely sure about this, but I suspect the ANZAC planes can land on the American Carrier, move with the CV, and fight with the Americans.
    • Assuming an evolved Chinese power, Does the USSR and CCP (or USA and KMT) share rail movement or no? Can the USSR rail 2 units in the USSR and then can CCP rail 2 units?
      I imagine the answer will be that the USSR can rail the units on the CCP rail with the permission of the CCP (which is played by the USSR).

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    @insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:

    • When are units subject to terrain rules that affect their movement. Lets assume three Land Zones: LZ1: Mountain, LZ2: no terrain, LZ3: no terrain. If a tank starts in LZ1 can it move to 2 and then 3? If a tank starts in LZ3 can it move to 2 and then 1?
      If a tank starts in LZ1, its movement is reduced to 1, so it can move to LZ2, and then it stops. If a tank starts in LZ3, it has a movement of 2. It spends 1 point of movement to enter LZ2. It spends a second point of movement to enter LZ3. Further, if a tank starts in LZ2 and then moves into LZ1, its movement is reduced to 1 and it has moved 1, so it can move no further.
      Some games have movement costs and you cannot enter if you do not have sufficient movement. Global War '36 reduces your movement after you have entered the terrain, like quicksand. You can go in, but it’s hard to get out. Starting in the desert? Hard to get out. Starting in clear terrain, moving through a clear terrain and then going into the jungle? Easy to get in.

    I disagree. Units are subject to terrain rules when entering a territory, not leaving it. This would also make more sense logistically. It should be harder to attack into mountains and jungles, etc., that you don’t own, than it would be to leave them after you’ve conquered them.

    Thus, a tank could leave a mountain territory, and move through two non-terrain territories, but it would not be able to move through a non-terrain INTO terrain, because moving into terrain makes you subject to terrain rules, and limits the tanks movement to one.

    Unfortunately, the rules only talk about terrain rules during combat. I assume that is an oversight, but if it isn’t, I can see a reasonable argument that moving through terrain you already own would not restrict your movement.

  • @captainnapalm If a unit starts in the desert, it has its movement reduced to 1. Are you saying that when it moves into the clear terrain, you believe it gets its movement increased to 2? I’m trying to understand.

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    @captainnapalm If a unit starts in the desert, it has its movement reduced to 1. Are you saying that when it moves into the clear terrain, you believe it gets its movement increased to 2? I’m trying to understand.

    I’m saying that a unit that starts in the desert DOES NOT have its movement reduced to 1. It only has it’s movement reduced when moving INTO terrain. Just like an attack. You are not subject to mountain rules when attacking OUT of mountains. You are subject to mountain rules when attacking INTO a mountainous territory. You do not suffer a river penalty when the river is in your territory, only when you are attacking INTO a territory that has a river to cross.

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