• @hbg-gw-enthusiast Thank you for clarifying, I can understand now that this scenario has been put into perspective! I have a few follow up questions:

    1. Does the moving player’s intent need to be consistent throughout their entire movement phase (i.e. The British fleet moves into a sea zone containing Japanese ships, the screening force is required to conduct combat in order to proceed, then the amphibious assault occurs in the next sea zone), or can they move through a Japanese-occupied sea zone peacefully, only to change intent and immediately declare war and conduct combat in the next sea zone all within a single turn?

    2. Does the make up of an amphibious force (deciding whether each ship is screening or bombarding) have to be established by the moving player upon departure, or are they allowed to make changes to their ship’s roles on their next turn if it takes more than one turn to reach their destination? And does a change in intent determine one’s ability to make that decision?

    3. If a player makes any act provoking a declaration of war during their combat movement or conduct combat phase, are that player’s ships automatically forced into combat with enemy ships they share a sea zone with, or are they able to leave the zone without engaging in battle (as was the case in 1940 2nd edition)? Furthermore, if the player does decide to remain in the sea zone and conduct combat, are their ships not allowed to retreat since they started in the same zone that the battle is taking place?

  • @nicbot23 said in The FAQ Thread:
    @hbg-gw-enthusiast Thank you for clarifying, I can understand now that this scenario has been put into perspective! I have a few follow up questions:

    1. Does the moving player’s intent need to be consistent throughout their entire movement phase (i.e. The British fleet moves into a sea zone containing Japanese ships, the screening force is required to conduct combat in order to proceed, then the amphibious assault occurs in the next sea zone), or can they move through a Japanese-occupied sea zone peacefully, only to change intent and immediately declare war and conduct combat in the next sea zone all within a single turn?
      The moving player’s intent need only be declared upon entering a sea zone, sea zone by sea zone. The announcement is something like, “My fleet enters this sea zone and intends to keep moving to this next sea zone. Do you want to declare war before I leave?” Then say the British fleet reaches the final sea zone they want and they announce, “We now declare war on Japan and are going to try to perform an amphibious assault with these ships/units.” [If there are enemy naval units, then add, “These units are my screening force.”] So yes, they can move through a Japanese-occupied sea zone peacefully, only to immediately declare war and conduct combat in the next sea zone all within a single turn.

    2. Does the make up of an amphibious force (deciding whether each ship is screening or bombarding) have to be established by the moving player upon departure, or are they allowed to make changes to their ship’s roles on their next turn if it takes more than one turn to reach their destination? And does a change in intent determine one’s ability to make that decision?
      If you read Page 37, Clarifying Ordering Effects, (a) “The attacking player must always announce his intention first. So when moving into a new zone the attacker announces [his intentions].” The time to announce your intention is upon entering a new zone. You don’t have to declare which ships are part of the screening force and which ships are part of the amphibious assault until you enter the final sea zone.

    3. If a player makes any act provoking a declaration of war during their combat movement or conduct combat phase, are that player’s ships automatically forced into combat with enemy ships they share a sea zone with, or are they able to leave the zone without engaging in battle (as was the case in 1940 2nd edition)? Furthermore, if the player does decide to remain in the sea zone and conduct combat, are their ships not allowed to retreat since they started in the same zone that the battle is taking place?
      Ok, this is more tricky because you can declare war at any time. If war is declared at some phase that is not combat movement, for example, then you may have naval units sharing the same sea zone. Page 3, Sharing Sea Zones, “When naval unis of Major Powers that are not at war suddenly come to be at war…units do not participate in combat until one power makes a new combat move during the combat movement phase against the other units in that zone. Either side can move out of the zone freely without triggering an attack.” But if the declaration of war is occurring when you enter the sea zone during the combat movement phase and declare war [this is “one power makes a new combat move during the combat movement phase against the other units in that zone”], then it will lead to combat in the following combat phase. If you declared war during the combat phase (weird timing, but still legal/possible), then you’d have to wait until the next combat movement phase and the naval units would be allowed to leave without combat.
      Regarding retreats, the attacking player would be allowed to retreat to an adjacent sea zone that at least one attacking ship came from. So if the attacking player started the turn sharing a sea zone with enemy naval units, declared war and attacked the enemy naval units in that sea zone, then they could not retreat (in my opinion).

  • @nicbot23 Let me simplify this for you.

    1. It is my turn and I’m not at war with you.
    2. I can move as many of my units as I want after my production phase is over. I don’t need to say anything to you or anyone else around the table. If you want to declare war on me (or anyone else wants to declare war on any other nation for that matter) you may do so at any time if the rules regarding declarations of war permit.
    3. When I’m done moving I have to tell you if I’m attacking you, what I’m attacking with, where I’m attacking, what kind of attack it is (strategic bombing, carpet bombing, regular combat, screening force, MAP, convoy raiding, amphibious assault, or anything else you can do to your opponent).
    4. All nations that I have attacked can now react to my attacks (scrambling, submerging, interception).
    5. Combat begins in the order that I specify. I don’t have to actually say I’m declaring war on you if I don’t want to. Telling you that I’m attacking you in step 3 here ^^ will suffice as a declaration of war.
    6. After all combat has been resolved, the consequences of everything that has happened can now be resolved (income increases, alignments, basically anything in the rulebook or the reference sheets that specify some type of consequence to these actions that have taken place).
    7. I finish my turn. I am probably doing the last 2 phases as you and the others are resolving the consequences.

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    The moving player’s intent need only be declared upon entering a sea zone, sea zone by sea zone. The announcement is something like, “My fleet enters this sea zone and intends to keep moving to this next sea zone. Do you want to declare war before I leave?” Then say the British fleet reaches the final sea zone they want and they announce, “We now declare war on Japan and are going to try to perform an amphibious assault with these ships/units.” [If there are enemy naval units, then add, “These units are my screening force.”] So yes, they can move through a Japanese-occupied sea zone peacefully, only to immediately declare war and conduct combat in the next sea zone all within a single turn.

    None of this is correct if neither of us has declared war on each other yet. Other than maybe some canals or straits, my naval movements are not restricted while I’m not at war with you. That’s why you have to put some thought into when you decide to declare war on your turn. In some cases, you might want to make some moves, declare war, then finish your moves. The reason is you would move your ships unimpeded, then if you needed to fly your planes over certain territories, you can declare war on those nation(s) and thus complete your moves (you can’t fly over a neutral nation).

  • @generalhandgrenade said in The FAQ Thread:

    @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    The moving player’s intent need only be declared upon entering a sea zone, sea zone by sea zone. The announcement is something like, “My fleet enters this sea zone and intends to keep moving to this next sea zone. Do you want to declare war before I leave?” Then say the British fleet reaches the final sea zone they want and they announce, “We now declare war on Japan and are going to try to perform an amphibious assault with these ships/units.” [If there are enemy naval units, then add, “These units are my screening force.”] So yes, they can move through a Japanese-occupied sea zone peacefully, only to immediately declare war and conduct combat in the next sea zone all within a single turn.

    None of this is correct if neither of us has declared war on each other yet. Other than maybe some canals or straits, my naval movements are not restricted while I’m not at war with you. That’s why you have to put some thought into when you decide to declare war on your turn. In some cases, you might want to make some moves, declare war, then finish your moves. The reason is you would move your ships unimpeded, then if you needed to fly your planes over certain territories, you can declare war on those nation(s) and thus complete your moves (you can’t fly over a neutral nation).

    Why not? That is what happens. You move through the sea zones, and a nation may declare war with you at any time as you are moving though. This is just the slow way of doing it, for instance if you had a really important turn like Japan’s sneak attack or something. There is nothing in that that refers to restricted movement, just giving the other player a chance to DOW. I find it a much more elegant explanation than “you can declare war at anytime, and then figure out what happens”
    (Also, your previous post implied that someone would make their moves while everyone else wasn’t paying attention, or was off doing something different, and then be immune to a preemptive DOW. I find that that just rude and impolite. GW Enthusiast’s interpretation removes that obnoxious loophole.)

  • @trig Thanks for the support, Trig! Means a lot coming from you! 8 )

    I think for most of the gameplay, GHG is right and you don’t have to slow things down by announcing sea zone by sea zone what the intention of your peace-loving naval units are. GHG knows this would be tedious and obnoxious. But if two nations are on the cusp of war and naval forces from two different Major Powers share a sea zone, then the defending player can say, “Hold up. I might declare war here. Now that you are entering this sea zone I’m in, I need you to announce your intentions. Are you moving through to THIS sea zone, or THAT sea zone? It might affect what I decide to do. Are you ending your movement here and moving no further?” This gives a slight advantage to the defender in seeing that the naval units are getting close to entering a worrisome sea zone and they can declare war before they enter it.

  • @trig said in The FAQ Thread:

    @generalhandgrenade said in The FAQ Thread:

    @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    The moving player’s intent need only be declared upon entering a sea zone, sea zone by sea zone. The announcement is something like, “My fleet enters this sea zone and intends to keep moving to this next sea zone. Do you want to declare war before I leave?” Then say the British fleet reaches the final sea zone they want and they announce, “We now declare war on Japan and are going to try to perform an amphibious assault with these ships/units.” [If there are enemy naval units, then add, “These units are my screening force.”] So yes, they can move through a Japanese-occupied sea zone peacefully, only to immediately declare war and conduct combat in the next sea zone all within a single turn.

    None of this is correct if neither of us has declared war on each other yet. Other than maybe some canals or straits, my naval movements are not restricted while I’m not at war with you. That’s why you have to put some thought into when you decide to declare war on your turn. In some cases, you might want to make some moves, declare war, then finish your moves. The reason is you would move your ships unimpeded, then if you needed to fly your planes over certain territories, you can declare war on those nation(s) and thus complete your moves (you can’t fly over a neutral nation).

    Why not? That is what happens. You move through the sea zones, and a nation may declare war with you at any time as you are moving though. This is just the slow way of doing it, for instance if you had a really important turn like Japan’s sneak attack or something. There is nothing in that that refers to restricted movement, just giving the other player a chance to DOW. I find it a much more elegant explanation than “you can declare war at anytime, and then figure out what happens”
    (Also, your previous post implied that someone would make their moves while everyone else wasn’t paying attention, or was off doing something different, and then be immune to a preemptive DOW. I find that that just rude and impolite. GW Enthusiast’s interpretation removes that obnoxious loophole.)

    I was giving a literal interpretation of the rules. I wouldn’t wait for someone to go to the bathroom or out for a smoke to declare war on them. As you point out that would be rude. We don’t play our games that way. That said, I’m not going to tell you what my plan is nor am I under any obligation to do so. We explain this quite clearly in the rulebook on page 25. We even gave an example of what I said;

    Declaration of War.png

    The example that was given in this thread by the OP was a rare occasion that I’m not sure I would put myself in as the British player. If I was making that move chances are I’m doing it just to bait the Japanese player into declaring war on me. You can bet that I’ll be sure and give him every opportunity and latitude to do that. If he doesn’t take the bait I might just change my move before I announce any combat. A more appropriate example that would be common would be moving past the American boats on my way to assault the main part of his navy. I would be doing so before he has the ability to declare war on me so I don’t have to form a screening force. Once there I would declare war on him.

    Declaring war in GW 36 is very easy. So easy it takes up hardly any space in the rulebook as you can see from my screenshot. However, it is the most difficult decision to make in the game with consequences that could decide the fate of the game. I have work to do on GW 14 today and other stuff that needs doing. If I have time I’ll make a video on Declarations of War later. If not then I’ll get to it some time after I get home from the lake this weekend.

  • So… did historical board gaming design Global War 1936-1945?

  • @luftwaffles41 said in The FAQ Thread:

    So… did historical board gaming design Global War 1936-1945?


  • @luftwaffles41 Yes. Global War 1936-1945 is HBG’s biggest game, their magnum opus if you will. They plan on making a series of games or this type spanning the 19th and 20th centuries, from 1804 to 2025.
    The website is here: https://www.historicalboardgaming.com/

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast

    Ahh okay. I’ve just been sticking with Global 1940 A&A but Global War 36 seems engaging

  • @luftwaffles41 Here’s the first in a video series by General Hand Grenade, talking with Morten, the designer of Global War '36 v3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHlrbXLCdwo

  • @luftwaffles41 It is definitely one of the most complex games for WW2 you can get. I personally love the depth of the rules. I think if you enjoy complexity and historical detail, you should get the game. Be warned, you only get the map and player aids. You have to buy the pieces separately.

  • @Trig

    I figured as such since it wasn’t sold in full stock anywhere on the internet or on HBGs website.

    I think it’d be pretty fun though it might be a bit boring taking all the original territories that Germany annexed irl like Austria and Poland until you finally get to world War 2… or maybe this isn’t the case?

  • I am pretty sure about this, but I want to get it proved beyond doubt on the main thread.

    “Planes cannot land on newly placed carriers. Newly placed carriers may not be used to guarantee land spots. Thus, effectively, a carrier must sit naked for a turn after it is built.”

    This is discussed in more detail here:

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    However, if the British move to a sea zone where the Japanese fleet is and do not announce they are performing an amphibious assault, but instead announce they are moving through that sea zone to an adjacent one [where the Japanese player is worried the British will invade], in order to interdict the British fleet before it moves to that next sea zone where it will possibly conduct an amphibious assault, the Japanese would have to declare war on the British to try and stop them before they leave. That would incur the 5D12 penalty. And the delicious thing is, the British player may have just been feinting!

    If the Japanese have to worry about a British invasion force, thay have bigger problems on their hands that the effect of a declaration of war !

  • @trig said in The FAQ Thread:

    I am pretty sure about this, but I want to get it proved beyond doubt on the main thread.

    “Planes cannot land on newly placed carriers. Newly placed carriers may not be used to guarantee land spots. Thus, effectively, a carrier must sit naked for a turn after it is built.”

    This is discussed in more detail here:

    For the purposes of this question, are you playing with optional rule 15.3?

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast Good point. I am not. The optionaly rule would allow aircraft to be placed on carriers when built.

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast said in The FAQ Thread:

    “Planes cannot land on newly placed carriers. Newly placed carriers may not be used to guarantee land spots. Thus, effectively, a carrier must sit naked for a turn after it is built.”

    This is my understanding, Trig, but I agree with you that it would be helpful to have it definitively answered. : )

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast That question was answered over a month ago on the thread that Trig referenced earlier. I didn’t re-answer it because the guy who wrote the rules gave the answer directly. When I have a question I ask him for the answer. His answers are more definite than mine.

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