I think there is a statement somewhere that says “If a submarine submerges, it remains as such for the remainder of the player turn”
Advanced Anti-Submarine Warfare
Part of the rules for this tech advancement reads:
“Defending convoys gain +1 to their convoy
escort modifier roll.”Does this mean defending escorts get +1, or convoy lines, themselves, now have an inherent +1?
@captainnapalm The line gets a +1. Basically all your defence rolls are now doing D6 + 1 (plus any other modifiers).
@insanehoshi When you have this tech, from what die D6 or D12 do you get the chance to hit the sub on a roll of “2”?
@manincellv D12.
That’s a regular combat roll. Always a D12 for combat rolls. D6’s are used for money (Raiding, Strategic Bombing, Wartime Income tech roll). -
So, basically when a convoy is raided and you have ASW, for each raiding submarine, you roll:
- one D6+1 compared to the raider’s D6 to see if your convoy loses IPP
- one D12 against each raiding submarine, hitting on a 1 or 2
The D12 is a “free Defense roll”, as it does not depend on surface warships or aircraft on MAP being on escrot duty.
See table 9-8 in the rules for all modifiers, including ASW.