@generalhandgrenade Thanks GHG. Useful info for my ongoing game.
Bad luck the Spring Offensive. Had my money on you. Better luck next time.
Raiding Soviet Artic convoy
Can you raid as an axis player the Soviet Artic convoy? There is no numerical value here.
@manincellv No.
You could deny the 2 IPP that Russia receives by placing an Axis Submarine on the Arctic Convoy Line. The American player could also deny the Russians the 2 IPP just by stating it verbally. That’s one of the reasons why I always say in my videos that the Russian player needs to be a dick to win but they can’t be too much of a dick. They have to cooperate with the Allies to certain extent without helping them win. It’s a delicate balance between the players that doesn’t exist in A&A.
But no, you can’t actually raid the Arctic Convoy Line.