I read through what you’ve suggested, and made some changes to the rules. Here is the second revised edition.
Cuban Revolution Expansion
Brigade Asalto 2506 Marker (x1)
Fidel Castro Marker (x1)
Che Guevara Marker (x1)
26th of July Movement Marker (x1)
Setup #1:
The minor power Cuba starts the game as Strict Neutral minor power. Cuba’s starting setup remains the same, except the units will be Strict Neutral units. Place the Fidel Castro and Che Guevara Markers in Yucatan, and the 26th of July Movement Marker in Cuba, at the start of the game. These markers will not be used, and cannot be touched, until the third round of play.
On the Warsaw Pact’s Combat phase of the third round of play, move Fidel Castro and Che Guevara into Cuba. This activates the 26th of July Movement. The 26th of July Movement will attack the Strict Neutral army in Cuba on the Combat Phases of the Warsaw Pact, China, and SEATO turn. Combat will last for one round each time. Victory is determined by the amount of damage inflicted by each side. The Strict Neutral army in Cuba cannot attack, only defend against, the 26th of July Movement.
Strict Neutral Cuban Victory: The Strict Neutral army in Cuba wins if they inflict more damage or eliminate the 26th of July Movement. Remove the Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and 26th of July Movement Markers from the game. Cuba will remain a Strict Neutral minor power for the remainder of the game. Replace all Strict Neutral casualties.
26th of July Movement Victory: The 26th of July Movement win if they inflict more damage or eliminate the Strict Neutral army. Remove any remaining Strict Neutral units in Cuba from the game. Cuba will be a Pro-Communist minor power for the rest of the game. Replace the 26th of July Movement Marker with Pro-Communist units in the configuration of Cuba’s original setup.
Setup #2
At the beginning of the 4th round of play, as long as the minor power Cuba is not Pro-Capitalist, under Capitalist control, or Strict Neutral, place the Brigade Asalto 2506 Marker in Yucatan. Increase the IPC value of Southeast America by 2 for the rest of the game.
The Bay of Pigs is the one-time attempt by NATO to gain control of Cuba. During NATO’s Combat Move on the fifth round of play, NATO will move Brigade Asalto 2506 into Cuba from Yucatan. Combat will last one round. Victory is determined by the amount of damage inflicted by each side. Fidel Castro will not be involved in combat. Che Guevara will be involved in combat and can be taken as a casualty.
NATO Victory- NATO wins if the all Pro-Communist units are destroyed or if NATO inflicts more damage. Remove the Fidel Castro and Che Guevara Markers from the game. Brigade Asalto 2506 will become the new standing army of Cuba and may not leave Cuba. Cuba will be a Pro-Capitalist minor power for the rest of the game. Increase NATO’s morale by 10 and add an 5 additional IPC’s to NATO’s income each round of play for the remainder of the game.
Cuba Victory- Cuba wins if Brigade Asalto 2506 is destroyed or if Cuba inflicts more damage. Remove the Brigade Asalto 2506 Marker from the game. Replace all Pro-Communist casualties with fresh units and add +3 infantry, +2 mechanized infantry and +2 rocket artillery to Cuba. Decrease NATO morale by 10 and increase Warsaw Pact morale by 10.
Overview of Units:
Brigade 2506- Brigade 2506 was a CIA sponsored of Cuban exiles. It was formed in 1960 to attempt to overthrow the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro. It consisted of 5 infantry battalions and 1 paratrooper battalion.
Stats- Attack @ 2. Defence @ 2. Move @ 0. Cannot be built/rebuilt. Rolls 6 dice when attacking and defending. Takes 6 hits to destroy.
Fidel Castro- Fidel Castro was a Cuban revolutionary and politician, serving as the Cuban Prime Minister from 1959 to 1976. He also served as First Secretary from of the Communist Party of Cuba from 1961 to 2011. Under Castro’s administration, the Republic of Cuba became a one party communist state.
Stats- Attack @ 0. Defence @ 0. Move @ 0. Cannot be built/rebuilt. Cannot leave Cuba. Is removed from game when Cuba is occupied by an enemy power.
As long as Fidel Castro is in Cuba, Cuba’s IPC value is increased by 3 and NATO’s income cannot exceed 80 for the rest of game.
Che Guevara- An Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist, Che Guevara was a major figure of the Cuban Revolution.
Stats- Attack @ 2. Defence @ 2. Move @ 1. Cannot be built/rebuilt. Can take part in combat.
As long as Che Guevara is in Cuba, all Pro-Communist units in Cuba will gain +1 defence and one Pro-Communist infantry will be added to Cuba per turn for the remainder of the game. On the Combat Move of the Warsaw Pact turn, Che Guevara can move from Cuba into Belgian Congo. When this happens, Belgian Congo will become a Pro-Communist minor power. Place 3 Pro-Communist infantry in Belgian Congo. Che Guevara can move back to Cuba or remain in Belgian Congo.
26th of July Movement- The 26th of July Movement was a Cuban vanguard revolutionary organization and later a political party led by Fidel Castro. The name commemorates the it’s 26th of July 1953 attack on the army barracks on Santiago de Cuba in the attempt to overthrow the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.
Stats- Attack @ 3. Defence @ 0. Move @ 0. Cannot be built/rebuilt. Rolls 4 dice when attacking. Takes 15 hits to destroy.