How to stop the site requesting desktop notifications?? Please explain
Edit Button?
I noticed that recently the Edit button disapeared from the forums.
I perosnally LIKE not having it, especially for games.
But some folks post first, the read then edit, and apparently a few folks have noticed.
Was this a deliberate change? (and if so I am cool with it) Or an accidental change in the site coding when the new Dicey was added?
I believe that I removed it soley for games, but is it missing in other forums? We’re debating this very issue in the mod forums right now. We’re talking about our options in removing it.
For the Games Forum, I like the change :-)
For the other forums, leave the Edit button intact :-)
Some of us need the button… :oops:
BADLY! :wink:
We’re working on it.
Is there any way to have the Edit button EXPIRE after a certain amount of time (maybe an hour?) to allow for clerical changes, but no modifications long after a post has been made?
Might be too complex for the software frame that the boards are anchored on, but just a thought…
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