I’m in Europe, but pretty flexible time-wise.
I prefer live play on TTS over Discord: Nothing beats live dice reactions and friendly s*** talk banter imo ;) .
However I’m also fine for PBF.
I’m quite agnostic when it comes to scenario (41/42) and optional rules.
happy new year first of all!
Are you still looking for a game?
If so, I would recommend to play The Captains Expansion!
It got a lot of new units and game mechanics, that lift global40 to a complete new level!
All the rules may seem overwhelming at the beginning, but all the new units are intuitiv and “self-explaining” (paratroops can land behind enemies lines, German U-boats can form a Wolfspack, Armies and Army Groups can be formed etc.)
If you are interessted, let me know and I will be happy to start a game and guide you through the first steps.