• @krieghund

    Understood, but in this fighter vs infantry scenario if one side has to roll 3 dice and the opposition has to roll none, it doesn’t really matter if two hits are required because 3 vs 0 is effectively infinite rolls for the fighter? so it is correct infantry units without anti-air or tanks are completely vulnerable to fighters?

  • No. Each battle consists of only one round of combat.

  • @krieghund

    okay thanks, I feel that makes a lot more sense. So the maximum possible combat would be each side throwing 30 dice per stage per side (assuming the force was large enough) = one round of combat

  • On page 16, step c, assign damage:

    Are both stances for a unit type considered as a single row or as two separate rows (e.g.“dice lane” 4 and 5 on the surface battle board)?

    “A damaged Unit must be eliminated before another in the same row can be assigned a hit.”
    In the first case you can only hit one tank at a time while in the latter you could theoretically hit two tanks (with different stances) in parallel.

  • Official Q&A

    @knas Units in different Stances are in different rows.

  • @krieghund

    Thanks! Fast reply as always! :):+1:

  • If you have no remaining land units and only friendly air units that just moved into an embattled territory do your friendly air units need to land elsewhere or can they hold the territory?

  • @stryker7774 From page 19 of the Rulebook:

    A Nation gains control of an Enemy territory if its Alliance is the only force with at least 1 surviving Land Unit. Otherwise, if both sides still have Land Units or neither side has Land Units, control of the territory doesn’t change hands. Air commands by themselves cannot capture or hold a territory.

  • @krieghund
    Can u gain medals from successfully defending a territory or Only from capturing

  • @stryker7774 Only from capturing (or recapturing).

  • @krieghund
    Perfect thanks!

  • Questions on subs and navy stuff. And other miscellaneous stuff.

    1. I’m not clear on how dive works. Can you choose to dive all subs after the first batch of 10 decide is rolled? Or, is it only 1 partially damaged sub per dice batch that can escape? Meaning, I have 2 subs attacking, the attacker rolls their first 10 dice and scores 1 hit, only that damaged sub can escape?

    2. After resolving naval combat, can any subs that dived move out to an adjacent zone?

    3. If you have an amphibious assault order and the naval zone is embattled, can you still launch as long as you have enough navy units to beat the pin? Or does the presence of any boats stop it?

    4. Air units cannot hold territory by themselves, so does that mean an air unit can never land in a friendly territory unless there are also land units present? If so, when buying/deploying, can you only deploy air if there is a land unit there?


  • @dmastri

    1. Only Submarines that have been hit once (Damaged) may dive.
    2. It depends on whether or not you are using the “Take Her Down” nano-expansion rules (see page 32 of the Rulebook). If you are, they can (ignoring pinning). If you aren’t, they cannot (but may move with orders later if not pinned).
    3. They can come ashore if they are not pinned.
    4. Air Units can land and be deployed in in Friendly territories without Land Units.

  • Does the number of dice decrease with each elimination for each batch? For example, the attacking team has 7 dice (3 defensive infantry and 1 offensive armor) to roll and the defending team has 8 dice (1 offensive armor and 2 offensive infantry). The attacker rolls his batch first and hits 1 green and 3 yellow. Thus injuring the tank and eliminating the defending teams infantry. Would the defending team still have 8 dice for his batch? Or would he have 4 dice due to the loss of infantry? Please and thank you!

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